Kidwell running for Speaker of NC House | Eastern North Carolina Now

conservative running against two Tim Moore establishment types


State Rep. Keith Kidwell (R-Beaufort) was on Henry Hinton's show of WTIB this morning speaking about his running for Speaker of the NC House.  Kidwell apparently announced yesterday.  Hinton, who has major establishment ties, was rather lukewarm to Kidwell's candidacy.

The race seems to be shaping up as a three way contest, between the conservative Kidwell, who is chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, and two of outgoing establishment Speaker Tim Moore's key insiders, Rep. John Bell (RINO-Wayne) and Rep. Destin Hall (RINO-Caldwell).  Bell is currently Majority Leader and Hall, chairman of the Rules Committee.  Bell is a notorious special interest suck-up, who is even one of the top promoters of the anti-fishing left wing environmentalist group Coastal Conservation Association in the General Assembly.  Hall is largely the same but not quite to the same level of being a patsy for the special interests as Bell.  Bell and Hall have been right there with Moore surrendering to the far left on a whole host of issues in the last few sessions and pushing for other Republican legislators to do the same.

Kidwell has scored 100% conservative on the Civitas legislative scorecard every session he has been in the House, and is the only legislator ever to achieve that score five times.

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( July 27th, 2023 @ 6:16 pm )
Think about this. This year NC anglers will be allowed one (1) flounder per day for a whole 2 weeks. Va anglers can have 10 per day year around. SC 15 per day yr around. Does not something $Mell fi$hy?

Having been around for a while I can remember when, why, where, and by who the CCA found themselve in NC. Some of the who's were fishing buddys of mine. A gubernatorial candidate was handed a $izeable contribution to appoint a practicing attorney not only to the Marine Fishery Commission but to the MFC Chairmanship. The candidate won as did the CCA. Shortly after that Robbing Haze cosponsored a gillnet ban in NC waters. It failed, thanks to Mark Basnight, but 3 decades later the CCA has been very successful in $grooming$ additional Governors. ANY member of the NCGA who has been groomed by the CCA $tink$ whether they realize it or not. Rep Bell told me during theGovernor McCroy days that he was thru with fishing matters. Mu$t have changed hi$ mind.
( July 27th, 2023 @ 3:35 pm )
Think about this. This year NC anglers will be allowed one (1) flounder per day for a whole 2 weeks. Va anglers can have 10 per day year around. SC 15 per day yr around. Does not something $Mell fi$hy?

Having been around for a while I can remember when, why, where, and by who the CCA found themselve in NC. Some of the who's were fishing buddys of mine. A gubernatorial candidate was handed a $izeable contribution to appoint a practicing attorney not only to the Marine Fishery Commission but to the MFC Chairmanship. The candidate won as did the CCA. Shortly after that Robbing Haze cosponsored a gillnet ban in NC waters. It failed, thanks to Mark Basnight, but 3 decades later the CCA has been very successful in $grooming$ additional Governors. ANY member of the NCGA who has been groomed by the CCA $tink$ whether they realize it or not. Rep Bell told me during theGovernor McCroy days that he was thru with fishing matters. Mu$t have changed hi$ mind.
( July 27th, 2023 @ 12:53 pm )
John Steed is absolutely correct with regards to the Coastal CON$ervation A$$ociation and its detrimental political influence on more electeded officials than John Bell, but, HE IS the recipient of multiple CCA plaques awards etc. Those electeds that have, for over 30 yrs now, fallen in line with the CCA agenda have failed to realize that a nation that cannot feed itself cannot defend itself.

Robbing Haze for over 30 yrs blended the GA members with the CCA. His last efforts to taint the NC Wildlife Federation is an embarrassment to it's founding members.

There is no difference in the way NC's Division of Marine Fisheries is manipulated (fake $cience) than what we $ee going on in DC. Control of our food sources, esp farming AND fishing, is something that the voters of NC need to take control of.
( July 27th, 2023 @ 8:46 am )
Bell and Hall led the effort to citcle the wagons around Moore in his scandal. They helped give us the Obamacare Medicaid expansion, gambling, the Green New Deal, and boys in the girls bathroom. North Carolina can do better than that pair of closet Democrat clowns.
( July 26th, 2023 @ 9:19 pm )
Tim Moore as Speaker has been a continuation of his predecessor. Moore is Tillis 2.0. If we stay with the same crowd, Bell or Hall would be Tillis 3.0 It is time to break the chain and Kidwell is the only horse in the race who can do that. You can't beat his voting record in the General Assembly.

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