U. S. Supreme Court takes a right turn | Eastern North Carolina Now

Queers, racists and socialists come up short


As the U. S. Supreme Court winds down its 2023 term, the important decisions are coming at a faster rate.  This week, as Amy Howe reports on scotusblog.com, the newly minted conservative majority is beginning to make its weight felt.   The Court:

  • In a 6-3 decision, the justices rejected the race-conscious admissions policies used by Harvard College and the University of North Carolina, finding that the programs violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented. The cases: Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina.
  • In a 6-3 opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts the court ruled that the Biden administration’s student-debt forgiveness plan does not comply with federal law. Roberts invoked the “major questions doctrine” to say that Congress did not specifically give the secretary the authority to give borrowers such significant relief. The case is:  Biden v. Nebraska.
  • The court handed a major victory to business owners who oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons on Friday. A six-justice majority agreed that Colorado cannot enforce a state anti-discrimination law against a Christian website designer who does not want to create wedding websites for same-sex couples because doing so would violate her First Amendment right to free speech. The case is:  303 Creative LLC v. Elenis

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( July 4th, 2023 @ 10:30 am )
Yes, it is Big Bob, but it is the Ignorant Left, of which you are a member, who are somehow inured by using labels, even reworking words in phrases that make no sense, but somehow do as a call to action for the corrupt, Non Patriot Left.

My labels, almost exclusively, deal with: Are your Smart, or Ignorant? Are you a Patriot, or Non Patriot? Are you Honest, or Dishonest? Are you Kind, or are you Malevolent? Are you Good, or Evil? Are you Real, or are you Fake?

I keep it basic, and I use these precepts to measure the world around me ... and, it took me a long time to get to this point of understanding, and I will NOT ever change, and you never will.

One thing I know for sure. You Leftists DO NOT measure well under these basic precepts.
Big Bob said:
( July 4th, 2023 @ 9:59 am )
Ok, so your not claiming anyone of those groups. Its unfortunate that Neo-Nazi ideology is associated on to the word "Patriot".
( July 4th, 2023 @ 7:39 am )
The so-called "Patriot Front" has been outted as a false flag FBI front, Little Bobbie.

I imagine you would likely be dressed in black and participated in ANTIFA and BLM activities.
( July 4th, 2023 @ 6:01 am )
Patriot Class vs Non Patriot Class. One qualifies by the content of one's character; service to one's community, one's nation.

Barack Hussein Obama did not qualify then, and would not qualify now. Most, of the zombie politicians you vote for would not qualify.

The cliched list of Democratic Socialists' political prisoners are not the point. This is a substantive issue, and Big Bob, you don't do substantive.
Big Bob said:
( July 4th, 2023 @ 12:32 am )
I’ll bite. This patriot group you’re fond of being a part of; would they be the Patriot Front? The Patriot Storm Front? Proud Boys? Oath keepers?
Btw, you like apples? Barack Hussein Obama was a winner who won twice and would win a third term if law allowed How do you like them apples?
( July 3rd, 2023 @ 1:10 pm )
Big Bob, I sometimes forget that you Leftists still consider Russia, Russia, Russia real, while YOUR babbling idiot president, and all his associative fools diligently destroy this Republic by literally selling US out, pretty much on a daily basis.

In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was elected the first Non Patriot /Socialist President, and inspired the impetus NOW for nearly your entire corrupt Democratic Socialist party, their corrupt non journalist media, of which they are well proven, to lie, cheat, steal to hold just enough power to "reshape America" into your preferred Marxist Hellhole.
Big Bob said:
( July 3rd, 2023 @ 10:29 am )
No, I said I voted for JB. Trump has the corruption thing locked up. But I could accept that. The one thing I cant accept is that he lost and cant admit it. That my friend is the one unforgivable sin in American politics. Big bob would never support such a man-child.
( July 3rd, 2023 @ 12:59 am )
Exactly my well defined point Big Bob. Thank-you for your admission.
Big Bob said:
( July 2nd, 2023 @ 6:04 pm )
I’m not really a Trump supporter. I voted for JB
( July 2nd, 2023 @ 2:05 pm )
For there to be a conflict of interest of a judge, there has to be a quid pro quo from a party or hearing a case where a former client is a party. A judge can avoid that conflict of interest by recusing himself from the case. The far left is firing blanks at the SCOTUS conservatives. They have shown no quid pro quo and no conflict of interest. It is nothing but a smear campaign.
( July 2nd, 2023 @ 1:05 pm )
And yet Big Bob, as an ardent Leftist, you support the most corrupt politicians and protected bureaucrats in this Constitutional Republic's history.

Big Bob: Now aren't you a fine study in the grandeur of hyperbolic hypocrisy?
Big Bob said:
( July 2nd, 2023 @ 10:21 am )
This isn't about ideology, the system should not allow any due to be on the take.
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