MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Goes After North Carolina's Republican Majority | Eastern North Carolina Now

Here is a good example of liberal media spin. Ms. Maddow is wrong.

    Publisher's note: This post below is from Bill Cook regarding an editorial by Rachel Maddow, about him and fellow Republican North Carolina senators on the effects of a North Carolina Republican majority.

    Ms. Maddow should realize that this kind of "Republican" behavior is just what you will get when the adults (Republicans in this case) regained control of the NC General Assembly.

    Please check out the video below. Here is a good example of liberal media spin. Ms. Maddow is wrong. There is no tax increase in my bill, only the provision that if a student votes at school instead of home, his parents can not take a dependency deduction for their student. This is the same tax treatment that other young non-student people and their parents comply with.

    If a student wants to vote at home, his parents can continue to claim their student as a dependent. Again this is the same treatment as other young non-student people and their parents comply with. There is no tax increase. I am sure the parents will want to continue their deduction and their student will vote at home which can be easily accomplished with an absentee ballot.

    College student voting in local elections skew the election results in their college area where they do not pay property tax or have a permanent address, then go home. This is not fair to those that live permanently in that local school area.

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