John Durham Fires Back At Dem Questioning His Reputation | Eastern North Carolina Now

Special counsel John Durham received a round of applause with his response to a House Democrat who scolded him during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daniel Chaitin.

    Special counsel John Durham received a round of applause with his response to a House Democrat who scolded him during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

    Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) warned Durham that his association with former President Donald Trump and former Attorney General William Barr threatened to damage his "good" image. "You will end up on the bottom of a pyre," Cohen said.

    Given a chance to offer a reply, Durham explained why he was not worried about it.

    "My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect and my family and my Lord, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir," Durham said.

    "Well said, God bless you," Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) said, after which a round of applause could be heard. Another lawmaker was then called upon to address the witness.

    Durham appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to talk about his report criticizing the FBI for how it conducted its investigation into alleged links between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

    Leading up to the back-and-forth about Durham's reputation, Cohen and Durham talked about how Trump appointed Durham to be U.S. attorney in Connecticut and Barr later appointed Durham to be special counsel.

    Cohen pressed Durham on whether he believes Trump is a good judge of character. The congressman got into how Barr has fallen out of favor with the former president. Cohen listed examples of how Trump has denigrated Barr, calling him a "gutless pig," a "coward," and a "RINO" - which is a derogatory term that stands for "Republican in name only."

    Though Durham refused to opine on Trump's character, he did comment on Trump's insults against Barr. "In my experience, none of those are correct," he said.

    "So Mr. Trump isn't that good of an expert on character and judging people?" Cohen asked. After Durham shrugged and declined to respond, Cohen surmised that Durham's opinion is that Trump is a bad judge of character based on his defense of Barr.

    "That's outside the scope of my report," Durham quipped with a smile. More laughter followed.

Understanding that this fragile Republic of the self-governed is in a precarious space in our nation's vast history: What is your honor bound patriotic duty in helping to sustain the continuance of these United States of America?
  I will depend on my Democratic Socialist politicians to continue to march hard toward the Left to provide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for all who think and do as they are told.
  I will defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and support all elected leaders who pledge to protect and insure the continued sovereignty of this Representative Republic.
  I am very concerned about maintaining my current life style without working. I was told that as long as I vote Democrat, I had nothing to worry about ... but now I worry.
296 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering how abjectly corrupt and civilly abusive the Left has become regarding the corrosive effect of their elected leaders; their entrenched and ruling bureaucracy; employing their failed Education Industry as Indoctrinators; their collusive private sector operators, such as the terminally discredited Legacy Media and Big Tech censorship of Free Speech: What will be the best course forward for hardworking Middle Americans, including the Patriot Class?
  Withdraw from society, go underground and plan for a resurgence when it is feasible to do so.
  Work within the confines of better policy by the People's government, once good sense and sanity is restored in the electorate at large, to achieve such.
  Are you a crazy, nut-job Insurrectionist? Everything is perfect within our plan to achieve our intended goals for the Socialist Left.
  Secession to form a true Constitutional Republic.
437 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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