‘Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

WHO appoints Gates Foundation-linked WEF Young Global Leader, CFR member


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Thursday the appointment of Dr. Vanessa Kerry as the organization’s first-ever Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health.

Dr. Kerry is a “global health expert,” medical doctor, and CEO of Seed Global Health, according to a WHO press release, and will “play a pivotal role in amplifying WHO’s climate and health messaging and undertake high-level advocacy.”

Kerry is a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leader and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (herehere), two of the most powerful organizations promoting and installing globalism into businesses and governments around the world.

She spoke about “putting health at the heart of climate action” at the WEF’s Davos meeting in January.

During her time in medical school, Kerry conducted a study on immunization in Ghana as an intern at the Vaccine Fund of the Global Alliance for Vaccines (GAVI), founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

She was one of 24 inaugural fellows of WomenLift Health, awarded by the Gates Foundation.

In September 2021, Kerry told her Twitter followers to “embrace” governments’ forcing citizens to take vaccines under threat of losing their “civil liberties.”


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( June 23rd, 2023 @ 11:46 am )
CT you are so right.
Media outlets covering a recently-published study claiming to show the harmful effects of gas stoves this past week failed to note that the study was primarily funded by a China-linked climate group. dailycaller.com
( June 23rd, 2023 @ 11:04 am )
This is no big surprise. The WHO is controlled by the ChiComs, who have also (like the Russians) been funding radical environmentalist groups in the west because they want us to commit energy suicide. The ChiCom leaders have also in the past few years become favorites of the globalist / fascist WEF leadership, so that connection also fits. The US needs to get back out of the corrupt Chinese controlled WHO.

Dr. Vaclav Klaus, former President and Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, said it best when he called climate alarmism "a budding totalitarian ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today."

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