‘We Will Not Rest’: Comer Vows Hunter’s Plea Deal Won’t Stop Biden Corruption Probe | Eastern North Carolina Now

Hunter Biden’s plea deal to federal tax and gun charges will have no impact on a House probe into the alleged international bribery schemes of him and his father, President Joe Biden, a key lawmaker cowed Tuesday.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Hank Berrien.

    Hunter Biden's plea deal to federal tax and gun charges will have no impact on a House probe into the alleged international bribery schemes of him and his father, President Joe Biden, a key lawmaker cowed Tuesday.

    Shortly after news of the no-jail plea deal with the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) made it clear his investigation of the Biden family will continue apace.

    "Let's be clear: the Department of Justice's charges against President Biden's son Hunter reveals a two-tiered system of justice," Comer said. "Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery. These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal have no impact on the Oversight Committee's investigation. We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden's involvement in the family's schemes are revealed."

    According to The Washington Post, Hunter Biden will plead guilty to failing to pay about $100,000 in taxes for 2017 and for failing to pay a similar amount for 2018. He will also admit the facts of a gun charge in a deal negotiated with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

    "The defendant has agreed to enter a Pretrial Diversion Agreement with respect to the firearm Information," federal prosecutors wrote, which would permit Biden to avoid pleading guilty.

    "I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life," one of Biden's attorneys, Chris Clark, stated, adding, "He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward" and calling the investigation into his client "resolved."

    Comer over the weekend described the next steps he plans to take in the House Oversight Committee's investigation. That committee has uncovered numerous banking records allegedly showing the Biden family set up more than 20 shell companies to move millions of dollars from foreign sources. Comer and Sen. Charles Grassley, (R-IA), have also pressed a reluctant FBI to admit that it has a form detailing a confidential informant's highly detailed description of how as much as $10 million was paid to the Biden by a Ukraine oligarch while Joe Biden was vice president.

    "We're going to start bringing in key figures in the Biden family influence-peddling schemes for depositions and I think we're on the right track, even though we're having to fight the FBI, fight the DOJ [Department of Justice], fight the Democrats in Congress and fight the mainstream media."


    "I think we've done as much as we could do with the obstacles we've had to overcome. No one thought I would get bank records," Comer, who has issued subpoenas for bank records, said. "No one thought we would get access to the Treasury, Cabinet's suspicious activity reports, but we would not take 'no' for an answer. ... We kept fighting and we prevailed. When we got access to the suspicious activity reports, the mainstream media said there was nothing there."

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