Taiwan Kicking Itself For Not Bribing The Bidens | Eastern North Carolina Now

Secretary of State Antony Blinken sparked controversy this weekend by voicing opposition to Taiwan independence. In response, Taiwan is kicking itself for not bribing the Bidens as was done by Ukraine and others.

    Publisher's note: This post appears here on BCN with the expressed permission of the Babylon Bee - friends that can find your funny bone in a very dark room.

    TAIPEI     Secretary of State Antony Blinken sparked controversy this weekend by voicing opposition to Taiwan independence. In response, Taiwan is kicking itself for not bribing the Bidens as was done by Ukraine and others.

    By clarifying its stance on Taiwan, the Biden Administration has drawn a hard line against China, forcing the Communist country to keep doing whatever it wants to do without any repercussions.

    "With a going rate of $5 million per Biden, it would have been a steal," said Taiwan's Foreign Minister while downing another shot of Kaoliang. "I'm soooo stupid!"

    The inebriated diplomat continued, "I even called Hunter Biden today and offered incredible sums of money for protection, but the only response I got was a loud snorting noise and some ramblings about getting off with a misdemeanor."

    At publishing time, the U.S. had finally come to the aid of Taiwan's fight for independence with a check for $60 billion after Taiwan elected Volodymyr Zelenskyy honorary President.

Considering that the 2024 Presidential Election has fully begun, and the Biden Administration has consequently fully weaponized the Biden DOJ /FBI to attack all political opponents under the penalty of felonious judgement for many of the same alleged crimes, or worse, committed by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden himself: Are you comfortable with this level of overt corruption within the Executive Branch?
  Yes; if Democratic Socialists are to complete the remaking of this "Democracy," the End will Always Justify the Means.
  No; in a Constitutional Republic, the Rule of Law is paramount, which means the law MUST be administered evenly
  Who cares; I am just so ambivalent to all this grown-up stuff.
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