Comer Plans To Bring In ‘Key Witnesses’ In Biden Family Probe | Eastern North Carolina Now

Congressional investigators will have “key figures” appear for depositions in an investigation into allegations of influence peddling levied against President Joe Biden and his family, according to a top Republican lawmaker.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daniel Chaitin.

    Congressional investigators will have "key figures" appear for depositions in an investigation into allegations of influence peddling levied against President Joe Biden and his family, according to a top Republican lawmaker.

    During an interview with Fox News, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) shared insight into what steps his panel will take as it ramps up its inquiry into what he has described as a pattern of millions of dollars flowing to Biden and his relatives from foreign nationals under suspicious circumstances.

    "We're going to start bringing in key figures in the Biden family influence-peddling schemes for depositions," Comer said, "and I think we're on the right track, even though we're having to fight the FBI, fight the DOJ [Department of Justice], fight the Democrats in Congress and fight the mainstream media."

    The GOP-led House Oversight Committee has been ramping up their inquiry into the Biden family in recent months, saying the investigation may inform legislative reforms to strengthen disclosure requirements. Democrats in Congress dismiss the probe as a politically motivated endeavor to tar Biden ahead of the 2024 election, and Biden himself has called the corruption allegations "a bunch of malarkey."

    All the while, Biden's son, Hunter, is facing an investigation by a U.S. attorney in Delaware looking into his financial affairs. The younger Biden has said he expects to be cleared of wrongdoing.

    House Oversight Republicans paid a visit to the Treasury Department in April for an examination of Biden-related suspicious activity reports (SARs), used by financial institutions to flag possible criminal behavior, and Comer has issued subpoenas for bank records.

    "I think we've done as much as we could do with the obstacles we've had to overcome. No one thought I would get bank records," Comer said. "No one thought we would get access to the Treasury, Cabinet's suspicious activity reports, but we would not take 'no' for an answer," Comer said about his committee's efforts.

    He added: "We kept fighting and we prevailed. When we got access to the suspicious activity reports, the mainstream media said there was nothing there."

    At least 20 "sham" companies and complicated financial transactions have been used to hide money funneled to members of the Biden family, Comer said in a recent tweet. The chairman predicted in an interview last week with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that he expects bank records to show Biden family members accepting anywhere from $10 million up to $30 million from foreign nationals. Countries such as Ukraine, China, and Romania have become a focus of the inquiry.

    On Monday, Comer subpoenaed Devon Archer, who is believed to have played a role in Biden family deals abroad, demanding a deposition. And Comer has been pressing the FBI for documents related to a confidential human source who claimed there was a Ukraine-centered $5 million scheme involving a foreign national paying six figures to secure favorable actions from Joe Biden at a time when he was vice president.


    Questioning what federal investigators have done to look into possible money laundering, Comer told Fox News "there's a pattern here where the federal government, the deep state bureaucracies, have turned a blind eye to Joe Biden."

    He added: "Our job in the House Oversight Committee is to follow the money, and we have more bank records coming in."

Now that the public is allowed to know the truth regarding the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal, after more that 2 1/2 years of deception by the corrupt Corporate Media Kabal, propropagandidats all, and the discredited Deep State, we have NOW learned that the infamous laptop is far less about the Biden Boy's fetish for pornography, narcotics and Russian whores, and far more about Hunter's pivotal role in the Biden Crime Syndicate's selling of deep access to our foreign adversaries, and to what extent it has compromised our national security: What is your opinion about this possible coordinated Treason?
  It is imperative that we know the truth of what may be the greatest scandal in our Republic's history, and all aforementioned parties prosecuted for their crimes against the People.
  Currently, our Two Tiered Justice System is constructed to protect all Democratic Socialists, their corrupt "Journalist" spokes-sheople, and their Deep State enablers ... so why bother.
  It is Donald Trump's fault.
  How can we be assured that the "Laptop" is real? Would NOT our standard journalists have investigated this issue thoroughly nearly 3 years ago if it was real?
535 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In light of continued developments, primarily since 2008, there exists in these United States a Legal System which operates on a proved Two Tiered approach to justice rendered, which primarily benefits Democratic Elites and Woke Ideological Virtue Signalers, representing their co-dependent wards, to the expressed exclusion of normal hardworking American citizens: What is your suggestion in remedying this widespread injustice and, if not corrected, its existential outcome for our Constitutional Republic?
  Complete overhaul of the Department of Justice and their enforcers - the FBI - to reflect a far more honest justice system to keep patriots remaining calm.
  Disband the FBI, and request that congress investigate all unethical and non patriotic practices to partially right the wrongs of a distrusted and politically weaponized "Department of Justice."
  Continue with the current system since the two tiered justice system has been so remarkably beneficial to Democratic Socialist political hegemony; chronic distrust in institutions notwithstanding.
674 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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