Misguided Environmentalism Blamed For Canadian Wildfires Engulfing U.S. In Dangerous Smoky Haze | Eastern North Carolina Now

Smoke from the massive Canadian wildfires rampaging through its provinces and territories has engulfed the East Coast of the United States, and environmentalists who have opposed sound forest management are being blamed by many for it.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Hank Berrien.

    Smoke from the massive Canadian wildfires rampaging through its provinces and territories has engulfed the East Coast of the United States, and environmentalists who have opposed sound forest management are being blamed by many for it.

    Over a dozen states in the U.S. have been affected, with more than 100 million people living in areas where air quality alerts have been issued. Some opinions stated that breathing in the smoke in New York City for 24 hours equated to smoking 22 cigarettes. Tuesday's Major League Baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox was postponed due to the haze hanging over The Bronx.

    More than 400 wildfires are reportedly burning in Canada, where critics say bad forest management driven by misguided environmentalism has wreaked havoc.

    "The situation in Canada is similar to that in Australia, where green ideology and chronic government underfunding mean that the forests currently ablaze have not been managed properly for years," Miranda Devine noted in The New York Post. "Instead of dead wood and undergrowth being removed regularly using low-intensity controlled or "prescribed" burns, forests have become overgrown tinderboxes."

    "High-intensity wildfires can be mitigated with PROACTIVE FOREST MANAGEMENT. People need to ask, are policies inhibiting this in Canada? What measures are in effect? " Gabriella Hoffman of Townhall tweeted.

    Jim Steele, an ecologist who served as director of San Francisco State University's Sierra Nevada field campus, warned against those attributing the fires to climate change.

    "I do not feel the media is educating us about the science that affects fires," he said. They're just trying to push a catastrophe narrative that's been going on way too long."

    "Canada's forests have not been in a natural state for a long time. Fire suppression has led to forests full of deadfall, which is basically kindling," The Globe and Mail editorial board warned in July 2021. "Widespread wildfires have become too common, as a result of decades of decisions around fire suppression, logging and replanting, made worse by the punch of climate heating. Forest fires cannot be prevented. But tools are available to mitigate and contain the damage."

    As far back as 2016, Mark Heathcott, who coordinated controlled burns for Parks Canada for 23 years, warned, "A lot of lip service is paid to it but very few agencies do it. People don't understand the benefit of fire."

    Heathcott supervised controlled burns at Banff National Park, where his team would take months to assess a site. They would consult the local town, wait for prime moisture and wind conditions, then light a match or fuse or coordinate with a pilot for ignition capsules to be dropped, making the perimeter of an area burn inward. "These things aren't slapdash plans," Heathcott said. "Nobody ever wants to relinquish control of fire and have it burning willy-nilly on the landscape."

Considering the current overwhelming obstacles inflicting stress upon America's working class: rampant inflation; energy insecurity; supply chain turmoil; banking failures; foreign policy disasters; government corruption; (DEI) Diversity Equity Inclusion narrative, with WOKE extremes practiced; Climate Change ideology; intractable crime wave in Leftist cities; wide open border by executive design; a permanently discredited Legacy Media; failed or failing education industry, just to name a few of the many: Who should Americans blame?
  Donald J. Trump
  Joseph R. Biden
  Leftist controlled Congress for the last 4 years.
  Bloated, incompetent bureaucracy weaponized and poorly managed
  The electorate, US, for putting these fools in elected office that utterly fail
278 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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Big Bob said:
( June 13th, 2023 @ 9:03 pm )
If you dont know what a forest manager is, just say so.
( June 13th, 2023 @ 4:05 pm )
I agree CT on all you said, but deforestation is not forest management.

Deforestation is another issue that has a whole other set of regulations, which, in the United States, is quite extensive.

Once the forest is planned to be gone forestry management ends, and a massive permitting process begins.
( June 13th, 2023 @ 3:42 pm )
Deforestation is a huge problem that the "Green Energy" morons are causing, and even leftwing film maker Michael Moore has figured that one out with his documentary "Planet of the Humans". One of the big things that deforestation causes is flooding. Deforestation to build wind and solar farms caused catastrophic flooding in northern Germany last year, but the greenies were in denial and falsely blamed it on "climate change" when it was actually their climate alarmism that caused it.

As to wild fires, the problem is not doing controlled burns to eliminate the underbrush that causes fires to spread so rapidly before it gets out of hand. That is what is not being done these days and that is the big problem with causing wild fires to be more extensive. And, yes, Stan, it is bad forest management that causes that problem.
( June 13th, 2023 @ 3:07 pm )
Big Bob: You really are a Leftist.

So you believe that Forest Managers are government bureaucrats, ergo, I was completely right with my first sentence on this thread. Like I said, "none of this is rocket science."
Big Bob said:
( June 13th, 2023 @ 2:48 pm )
Land owners put there own interests first. Putting your own interests first isn't managing anything, except your bank account.
( June 13th, 2023 @ 2:44 pm )
Land owners are forest managers. You did not know that?
Big Bob said:
( June 13th, 2023 @ 9:13 am )
Not land owners Stan, forest managers.
( June 12th, 2023 @ 8:54 pm )
Forest managers are anybody that owns over 20 acres of woodland.

Why is everything so institutionalized for you Leftists?

Big Bob: Do you own 20 acres or more of woodland forest?
Big Bob said:
( June 12th, 2023 @ 6:51 pm )
I call BS Stan, Bet you can't get an actual "forest manager" to post a piece in the BO regarding how "simple" his/her job is, Id be shocked.
( June 12th, 2023 @ 4:01 pm )
Some of the worst destroyers of forests in today's world are the green energy grifters. They do this multiple ways. They clear cut old growth forests in Canada and the US, including North Carolina to make wood pellets to fire "biomass" electric plants in Europe. These are often retired coal plants, and burning wood pellets generates more CO2 than burning coal for the same amount of electricity produced, but they call it "green energy" because it is "renewable". We have some "biomass" electric plants in the US, but most are in Europe. It is just American and Canadian trees that are firing those plants in Europe.

Then there is the clear cutting of forests to actually build the "solar farms" and "wind farms". To look at just one example here. A request under the UK's equivalent of the Freedom of Information Act to Foresty Scotland produced not only documents but an official calculaton by that government agency of how many trees had been cut down in Scotland for wind farms on public land. This did not include pribate land deforestation or any of the solar farms. They calculated that 13.1 million trees had been cut down just of public land to build wind farms in Scotland. Wind and solar are very land intensive and forest loss to build these facilities worldwide is huge.

Then there is the blades for the wind turbines. The core of these is balsa wood which is light and strong, which is covered with resins. The source of the balsa wood is the Amazon rain forests, called "the lungs of the planet" which is being clear cut for balsa wood to make wind turbine blades.

It is rare that a new wind or solar farm is built in Germany without local environmentalists suing to stop it, arguing that it will lead to deforestation, loss of wildlife habitat, slaughter of birds and bats, and other environmental harm. Many of those lawsuits are succesful in stopping wind and solar farms. Last year, the German courts, for example, ruled with local enviornmentalists to prohibt a wind energy company from clear cutting the ancient forest that was the setting for the Grimm Fairy Tales.

Wind energy companies are also bad about water pollution. A wind project in Scotland was fined 5 million euros for a massive fish kill that their water pollution was responsible for, and in Ontanio Canada, four wind energy companies have been indicted for multiple criminal felonies for polluting the ground water. As a result of their pollution, water in one district in Ontario was so toxic people were told not only not to drink it or cook with it but not to even bathe in it.
( June 12th, 2023 @ 3:50 pm )
Since I actually do know smart people that manage forests, all of these "smart" people will impart that it is not a complex issue.

It is kind of like serving as a county commissioner, it ain't "rocket science," but oddly it does appear to be so for most of the other tens of commissioners that I have served with.
Big Bob said:
( June 12th, 2023 @ 1:19 pm )
Simplicity does appeal, but I don't know anyone who would agree forest management is "simple". That's just politics.
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