‘Pick The Crops’ And ‘Clean Our Homes’: Democrats Love Illegal Aliens For Cheap Labor — And Votes | Eastern North Carolina Now

Democrats love having illegal aliens flood the country. No, not because they are children of God, or whatever platitudes the Dems throw around in vain.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Tim Meads.

    Democrats love having illegal aliens flood the country. No, not because they are children of God, or whatever platitudes the Dems throw around in vain. It's because, as the Left sees it, these men and women supply an abundance of cheap labor and votes - though they would never admit the second part.

    Ever since President Joe Biden was inaugurated, the border has been a sieve. Illegal aliens from all over the world have entered the United States course, in reaction to this crisis, Republicans have tried varying legal actions to crack down on the lawlessness. In response, Democrats have let it be known that they think all these individuals are really good for is crop picking, toilet cleaning, and other manual labor. Republicans, in the Democratic Party's mind, are the bad guys for wanting secure borders. They want you to believe that they are the good guys for supporting an economy based on financial exploitation.

    Consider that on Wednesday, disgraced ex-DNC Chair and current Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) grumbled about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' new e-verify law to ensure that employers hire American citizens and legal residents, among other objectives. Wasserman Schultz warned MSNBC viewers that our nation's veggies would soon begin to decay in the Sunshine State because of DeSantis' new law.

    "He's going to devastate our economy. Tourism, construction, agriculture - I mean you're going to have vegetables rotting in the fields, you're going to have construction sites lying dormant ... the tourism and restaurant industry, in particular, rely on these workers," Wasserman Schultz said.

    Wasserman Schultz isn't alone in her concern. A few weeks ago, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) made similar comments.

    "So let's all take a minute to recognize the hypocrisy of every anti-immigrant debate," Jayapal said while arguing for amnesty. "This country needs immigrants to survive. Immigrants pick the food we eat, rebuild our communities after climate disasters, help construct our infrastructure, power our small business economy, clean our homes, and look after the most precious in our families - our children and our elders."

    Did you get that? America won't be able to "survive" without illegal aliens. What sort of nation doesn't even have an abundant supply of cleaning ladies and cheap labor, Jayapal is effectively saying.

    And then we have former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). When DeSantis shipped a crew of 48 illegal aliens from Venezuela to Martha's Vineyard, she too worried about who would be out in the fields picking her Florida oranges if the governor went any further.

    "We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying: 'Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here,'" Pelosi said.

    The other reason that Democrats support illegal immigration is that they hope to turn these individuals into loyal party voters. The rebuttal is that no illegal aliens are voting, so that is a conspiracy. Well, if mass amnesty is granted, then they would be American citizens and could vote.

    Consider that a 2018 leaked memo from an influential progressive claimed that amnesty for many illegal aliens in the Deferred Action Childhood Arrival (DACA) program was a "critical component of the Democratic party's future electoral success."

    Now, party politicians such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are advocating for amnesty for the "11 million or however many" illegal aliens there are in the country.

    Here's the thing: Democrats and Washington Republicans actually agree on this issue. Illegal immigration supplies cheap labor and businesses can keep wages low. In turn, both political establishments push for amnesty. Democrats do it because they hope to gain new voters, and Republicans do it because they are dumb.

    In actually, all illegals should be deported and the border should be sealed off once and for all, as discussed last week.

    Yet until that happens, liberals such as Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz, and Jayapal will be more than happy to allow them be to exploited for inexpensive work.

    The views expressed in this piece are the author's own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

In what may be the most divisive period in modern American History, even more divisive than the turbulent sixties due to today's lack of patriotism, consider what are the major catalysts causing so much of this calamity of conflict, and vote: What most instigates the division of America, on this day September 20, 2022?
  Racism within our society
  Sex realignment to the detriment of our society.
  Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Policy for the Demographic Upheaval of OUR Constitutional Republic
  Rampant Crime in Democratic controlled cities, and the possible contagion elsewhere
  Covid Pandemic, and its mishandling at the political, and bureaucratic levels.
  The unresolved questions /allegation regarding the flawed 2020 General Election
  January 6th Riot or "Armed Insurrection", depending upon patriotic perspective
  Joe Biden as Divisive Leader; Ineffective and Corrupt Executive
  Failed Education Industry, from an overall perspective, regarding all levels of education.
  Propagandistic Media in complete conflict with the First Amendment's guarantee of Freedom of Speech, and the awesome responsibility of a Free Press..
  "Orangeman Bad!"
  Bureaucracy rushing to a behemoth size, its unjustified expense, and far too often overreach.
  The Weaponized Deep State for political purposes
  A secular ambivalence to all that is real.
  Record number of overdose deaths from opioids and now Fentanyl
  Biden Administration's disastrous Foreign Policy
  Bidenflation /supply chain failure inevitably evolving into stagflation and recession.
  "Ultra MAGA Extremists" freely speaking louder AND LOUDER!
927 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

The previous poll on Eastern NC NOW showcased what are many of OUR Constitutional Republic's certain obstacles to remain viable, where the top encumbrance to that continuance as a functioning Republic was the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border. Understanding this overwhelming concern to real America citizens: Do you believe it important to challenge the veracity of those legislated concerns of Democratic Socialists by transporting Illegal Migrants to their Sanctuary cities, counties and states for their direct care?
  Yes; test the depth of their "compassion" by giving Democratic Socialists an opportunity to enact all Sanctuary provisions in their communities to test how much they truly do care.
  No; the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Project is designed to only inundate "Red States" to begin their Demographic Upheaval for the benefit of we Democratic Socialists, our politics.
  I generally do NOT care about politics, but it is fun watching abject hypocrites squirm; maybe I will start getting more involved.
447 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering the current overwhelming obstacles inflicting stress upon America's working class: rampant inflation; energy insecurity; supply chain turmoil; banking failures; foreign policy disasters; government corruption; (DEI) Diversity Equity Inclusion narrative, with WOKE extremes practiced; Climate Change ideology; intractable crime wave in Leftist cities; wide open border by executive design; a permanently discredited Legacy Media; failed or failing education industry, just to name a few of the many: Who should Americans blame?
  Donald J. Trump
  Joseph R. Biden
  Leftist controlled Congress for the last 4 years.
  Bloated, incompetent bureaucracy weaponized and poorly managed
  The electorate, US, for putting these fools in elected office that utterly fail
277 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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