NC county concedes First Amendment protects sidewalk prayer | Eastern North Carolina Now

ADF attorneys favorably settle lawsuit with Mecklenburg County on behalf of two pro-life organizations

Press Release:

    CHARLOTTE, N.C.     In settlement of a lawsuit that Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed on behalf of David Benham and members of two pro-life organizations who were arrested or cited for engaging in peaceful prayer and sidewalk counseling outside an abortion facility, Mecklenburg County officials have conceded that the First Amendment protects the pro-life citizens' public advocacy.

    As part of the settlement agreement, county officials acknowledged that "peaceful advocacy on public sidewalks and public streets is governed generally by First Amendment law regarding free speech in a traditional public forum." Further, county officials stated that any future emergency order related to the COVID-19 pandemic will expressly allow outdoor religious gatherings and "activities of sidewalk prayer and related peaceful pro-life advocacy" that Benham, president of the nonprofit pro-life charity Cities4Life, and the other pro-life citizens, associated with the Christian ministry Love Life, were engaged in.

    Full news release, quotes, and related media resources available at the following link:

    Case Name: Benham v. City of Charlotte

    Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.

   Phone: (480) 444-0020
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NC House Votes to Re-Evaluate College Degree Requirements for State Jobs Op-Ed & Politics, Bloodless Warfare: Politics A ‘clear national security risk’ at the Port of Wilmington


Latest Bloodless Warfare: Politics

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