Libyan Slavery 101: Hillary Clinton To Teach Foreign Policy Decision-Making Course Next Fall At Columbia | Eastern North Carolina Now

Have you ever wanted to learn how to dismantle an Arab nation, thereby ushering in an era of slavery and unending anarchy in the 21st century?

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Tim Meads.

    Have you ever wanted to learn how to dismantle an Arab nation, thereby ushering in an era of slavery and unending anarchy in the 21st century?

    Then boy has Columbia University got a class for you. Next fall, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with an even worse track record as Secretary of State, will be teaching a class on foreign policy at the elite (consider that term used loosely) college.

    Columbia released a skit this week hyping up the new course, replete with the "authenticity" that Americans have come to expect from Clinton. In short, it is pretty corny:

    The class is titled "Inside the Situation Room," and one can only speculate what that will entail.

    Perhaps she will start by describing what she was really doing for those 13 hours as Americans were under attack and killed in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2013, at the U.S. embassy.

    Before she gets to that topic, she maybe will explain what went into her thinking when the U.S.-supported revolution overthrew Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

    During former President Barack Obama's first term, the U.S., alongside other NATO allies, decided that Gaddafi had to be removed from power. Clinton, as explained by University of Tennessee Professor Glenn Reynolds, was the one who really strong-armed that foreign policy decision and made it happen. Gaddafi wound up being killed by Libyan rebels, and his body was dragged through the streets and mutilated.

    Clinton was quite gleeful over this fact, despite the U.S. having told Gaddafi that it would not depose him if he peacefully surrender his "weapons of mass destruction" in 2003. For nearly a decade, he was a bit of an ally to the U.S. Here's how Clinton reacted to the news:

    "We came, we saw, he died," she said, sounding tickled-pink.

    What happened next? Libya descended to chaos. Since 2011, the nation has been destroyed by civil war as competing armed groups grapple for power.

    Perhaps even worse, open slave markets returned to the country. As pointed out by Reynolds in 2017, none of that was common in Libya before Clinton "got involved."

    In 2023, Libya is still in a state of disarray while Clinton is riding off to a cushy gig as a part-time professor.

    The views expressed in this piece are the author's own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Considering what has happened to our Representative Republic since the corruptive orthodoxy that led to the tolerated abomination - The Russia Hoax - where felonies were perpetrated upon the American People by the creation of the Two Tiered Justice System, in the misnomer of "Social Justice:" Where do you stand on sustaining our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in a society where injustice is chronically sanctioned by one political orthodoxy?
  I believe in a perfected society by employing a higher governmental authority to train the behavior of the public.
  The United States Constitution does not allow just a few freedoms, it guarantees ALL freedoms promised to Humankind by God.
  Just don't take away my Social Media.
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