Biden Gives ‘Black American Of Courage’ Award To Robert Downey Jr. For Role In 'Tropic Thunder' | Eastern North Carolina Now

During a prestigious ceremony held at the White House, President Biden bestowed the "Black American of Courage" award to actor Robert Downey Jr. for his pivotal role as a black man in the 2008 movie Tropic Thunder.

    Publisher's note: This post appears here on BCN with the expressed permission of the Babylon Bee - friends that can find your funny bone in a very dark room.

    WASHINGTON, D.C.     During a prestigious ceremony held at the White House, President Biden bestowed the "Black American of Courage" award to actor Robert Downey Jr. for his pivotal role as a black man in the 2008 movie Tropic Thunder.

    Awarding the white actor a black award equitably follows in the footsteps of First Lady Jill Biden, who recently gave the International Woman of Courage Award to a fat guy from Argentina squashed into a dress and caked with makeup to show young women around the world to never give up on their dreams of being crushed into oblivion and wiped from the history books.

    "If you're not as black as Robert Downey, Jr., then you ain't black," said the President while standing next to Mr. Jr. who had insisted the award go to someone else while glancing nervously at all of the black people in the room.

    Biden added that choosing a recipient had been difficult, as contenders for the prestigious award included Jimmy Kimmel, Justin Trudeau, Corn Pop, and Dr. Rachel Levine who had qualified by getting a spray tan that one time.

    At publishing time, President Biden had replaced Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin with Robert Downey Jr. on the grounds that Austin was just not black enough for his diverse cabinet.

It has been far too many years since the Woke theology interlaced its canons within the fabric of the Indoctrination Realm, so it is nigh time to ask: Does this Representative Republic continue, as a functioning society of a self-governed people, by contending with the unusual, self absorbed dictates of the Woke, and their vast array of Victimhood scenarios?
  Yes, the Religion of Woke must continue; there are so many groups of underprivileged, underserved, a direct result of unrelenting Inequity; they deserve everything.
  No; the Woke fools must be toppled from their self-anointed pedestal; a functioning society of a good Constitutional people cannot withstand this level of "existential" favoritism as it exists now.
  I just observe; with this thoughtful observation: What will happen "when the Vikings are breeching our walls;" how do the Woke react?
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( March 15th, 2023 @ 9:38 am )
Robert Downey Jr. was brilliant in his multi-"appropriation" role, which did win him the Fake Oscar that year -

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