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When NBC news host, Lester Holt said there had been 68 mass shootings in 2023, my mouth dropped. That’s more mass shootings than days so far in 2023.

Lib Campbell: Above
    When NBC news host, Lester Holt said there had been 68 mass shootings in 2023, my mouth dropped. That's more mass shootings than days so far in 2023. We had not hit 50 days yet. Michigan State University, Memphis, Indiana, Georgia are locations of mass shootings over recent days. Blood is on all our hands.

    One young student interviewed said this was her second survival of mass shooting. She was a Sandy Hook survivor. She has grown into adulthood hoping the shooting would stop. It hasn't and likely won't until some mountain of gun control is climbed. The money is too good in guns.

    Apparently human beings are expendable in the pursuit of the almighty dollar, the coveted elected office, the self-righteous elevation of the second amendment. Who are we kidding? Where there is no will for gun control, there will continue to be the wrong guns in the wrong hands. And only in America will we be mown down like grass.

    Recent legislation has only broadened gun carry laws. Now in North Carolina, parishioners whose churches meet in schools are permitted to open carry their guns into worship. Come ye faithful people come. As children are killed, as marginalized people are targeted, as weapons of war flood our streets, with whom are we keeping faith?

    Courts have rolled back laws that could help keep weapons out of the wrong hands. The Supreme Court's Bruen decision has clouded the issue, casting gun regulation laws into disarray. WRAL's story on the Bruen turmoil said,

    "The Bruen decision opened the door to a wave of legal challenges from gun-rights activists who saw an opportunity to undo laws on everything from age limits to AR-15 style semi-automatic weapons. For gun rights supporters, the Bruen decision is a welcome development that removes what they see as unconstitutional restraints on Second Amendment rights."

    Herein lies the problem. People of good faith can see that something is amiss in the way the Second Amendment gun rights argument is interpreted. Mass killings are the sign of the misinterpretation. Too many high-powered guns are in too many angry and deranged hands. The problem is not that complex. The will to fix it is simply not there. The gun issue is so politicized and polarized, there is little hope that a reasonable solution to curbing mass shooting will come to be.

    Nobody is coming for your guns. Guns for hunting, target shooting, skeet shooting are not the problem. It's the semi-automatic handguns, rifles and high-capacity magazines that any yahoo can buy without much identification or background checks that is. Surely people cannot defend weapons of war being handed out like peanuts.

    Interesting to me that strident support exists for both First Amendment free speech rights and Second Amendment gun rights. At the same time, some of those same voices are less ardent for Fourteenth Amendment civil rights, Fifteenth Amendment voting rights and Nineteenth Amendment women's rights, which they are trying to roll back. Cherry-picking the Constitution does not serve the common good.

    Here's an idea: we could collect all the military style weapons and send them to Ukraine for the war effort there. That's what these weapons are designed for. That's what they should be limited to. Seems like common sense to me.

    So many of us are fearful of being caught up in gun violence that we have started looking around in every place we go. Where is the next shooter among us? In the mall, in our churches, in our schools? Who looks suspicious? Where can I hide? Where are the exits? I am not going to be the good person shooting back at a bad person. I do not want to live like that.

    I have decided that it is a good time to be old. The will of a people to make the world a better place, a safer place for all God's creatures seems to be taking a back seat to what people see as their personal rights to say anything they want to say, shoot anything and anybody they want, and roll back anything that has moved us forward for the past 60 years. Way to go people. Maybe we just need a little talk with Jesus.

    Lib Campbell is a retired Methodist pastor, retreat leader and hosts the website: She welcomes comments at
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( March 9th, 2023 @ 7:28 am )
Big Bob fits right in with Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and lots of other dictators who took away guns for people control. It is a necessity to establish a dictatorship. The New York Times published an article in the mid 1930s about how one German state had to take the guns away from the Jewish people because the Jewish people were shooting Nazis, and they reported that nonsense with a straight face. Then in 1938, Hitler's Reich gun law took guns away from everybody. I'll bet those Jewish folks wished they still had their guns when the Gestapo came to send them to the camps. While criminals should not have guns, only totalitarians want to take them from law abiding citizens.
Big Bob said:
( March 8th, 2023 @ 9:21 pm )
You are right Bubba, in that we are on the path of more and more guns. That will continue for a while. Since more guns = more killing and less safety, in time, the pendulum will swing the other way. For now enjoy your guns and safety. What little there is.
Bubba said:
( March 8th, 2023 @ 1:58 pm )
Gun controlled Democrat cities and states are where criminals are killing people. Most mass shootings happen in "gun free zones" where the crazies expect no one will have a gun to shoot back. Leftwing policies are what cause these problems. And where there is strict gun control, the criminals start killing with other methods like the rampant knife crime in the UK. Toktalitarians push gun control for political control.
Big Bob said:
( March 8th, 2023 @ 9:43 am )
Time will tell. At the current and increasing rate of slaughter on American streets I predict things will change as the public tires of being shot at in the grocery store, parking lot or at school.
( March 8th, 2023 @ 1:30 am )
"Big Bob," there is no "We," there is no "middle ground" in the 2nd Amendment.
Big Bob said:
( March 7th, 2023 @ 5:04 pm )
I think there is lots of middle ground. For now we are going with more guns equal more safety. Since there is no basis in reality for this statement there will come a turning point. Things will swing the other way. Shame so many will die but nobody is willing to do anything. For now.
( March 6th, 2023 @ 7:00 pm )
"Big Bob," I suppose you are speaking to either the Convention of States, or an Amendment dissolving the 2nd Amendment?

Both would be close to never possible, so there effectively is no "middle ground" on the Second Amendment.
Big Bob said:
( March 6th, 2023 @ 5:18 pm )
I'll Bite. I am a gun toting Leftie. The 2nd amendment is in the constitution. Although there is a mechanism to remove it, it's not going to happen in my life time. So what to do?
On the one extreme, there are those that want zero gun restrictions. None. On the other extreme there are those that want to ban all guns. Neither is going to happen. So, where is the middle ground? That's what this fight is about. Both sides need to do a better job because clearly, we are failing.
( March 6th, 2023 @ 12:49 pm )
CV: You are correct about that; first they take our guns, then the rest of our God given freedoms protected by the US Constitution.

Therefore, it is good to know thine enemy.
( March 6th, 2023 @ 12:02 pm )
"Lib" is probably not an accurate enoughr description for how far left this wingnut flake woman whose position on private ownership of guns seems to be identical to that of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, and to the left of even Lenin, is.
( March 6th, 2023 @ 9:23 am )
Because, now we have two, and it creates a dichotomy of expression, one that can be easily countered.

Furthermore, it gives me a developed perspective into how these people think; because, I am faced with this failed logic in my everyday life, which goes well beyond publishing ENC NOW.

You know, I have never heard a concise, respectable argument for ridding ourselves of the 2nd Amendment. Maybe it will show up one day on ENC NOW.
( March 6th, 2023 @ 9:15 am )
Stan, the lefties don't publish conservative articles on their sites. This woman's husband has been your token leftist for some time. Why add this far left fruitcake?
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