Cruz Blasts Buttigieg Over Debacle: ‘What In The Hell Does Pete Buttigieg Have To Do To Get Fired?’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg during the most recent episode of “Verdict” this week over his handling of the train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daily Wire News.

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg during the most recent episode of "Verdict" this week over his handling of the train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio.

    Cruz's remarks come as Buttigieg finally visited the town, weeks after a train derailed there spilling a large amount of toxic chemicals that were set on fire, sparking fears over what the health impacts could be for the surrounding community.

    "Look, it is ridiculous that Joe Biden has not been to East Palestine yet," Cruz said. "You literally have an American city with a major derailment that was on fire, where the water is being poisoned, where the air is being poisoned, where it's ongoing for multiple days, and this administration does not give a damn."

    Cruz said that the Biden administration does not care about the community because it voted overwhelmingly for former President Donald Trump.

    "And it's clear their attitude. Look, it's all politics all the time. It's all communications and PR all the time," he said. "And so going there is a bad message. And it really is striking."

    Cruz then turned his focus to Buttigieg, who has faced intense criticism for his lackluster performance in responding to multiple crises that fall under his purview.

    "What in the hell does Pete Buttigieg have to do to get fired?" Cruz said. "Like in the history of this country, has there ever been a transportation secretary who has screwed more things up? From in his first year in office, a supply chain crisis that impacted the entire country that made it hard to get basics and essentials?"



    SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Look, it is ridiculous that Joe Biden has not been to East Palestine yet. You literally have an American city with a major derailment that was on fire, where the water is being poisoned, where the air is being poisoned, where it's ongoing for multiple days, and this administration does not give a damn. Why? Because that part of the state voted 70% for Donald Trump. And it's clear their attitude. Look, it's all politics all the time. It's all communications and PR all the time. And so going there is a bad message. And it really is striking. So, Donald Trump publicly said he was gonna go to East Palestine. And promptly the Biden administration said, "Ooh, we'll go too now yeah." ... And let me ask you a question. What in the hell does Pete Buttigieg have to do to get fired? Like in the history of this country, has there ever been a transportation secretary who has screwed more things up? From in his first year in office, a supply chain crisis that impacted the entire country that made it hard to get basics and essentials?

Considering the renewed and unequalled dishonesty in elected politicians, at all levels of governing, and their associative nefarious bureaucrats doing their corrupt bidding: What is your opinion of YOUR government, and what do you intend to do about it?
  Today's overall government is just fine, and I will continue to vote for politicians that make promises to suit my individual needs.
  Today's overall government is poor, but I will continue to endeavor to learn what is true from the the most honest of media, and pick those representatives that best represent what is good and decent.
  I spend quite a bit of time on Eastern NC NOW; so ... I am having a far easier time separating the proverbial "wheat from the chaff" in finding honorable citizens to support.
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