Mexico’s Former Top Law Enforcement Official Convicted Of Working For Notorious Sinaloa Drug Cartel | Eastern North Carolina Now

Genaro Garcia Luna, Mexico’s former top law enforcement official in charge of waging war against the country’s notorious narco terrorist organizations, was convicted in U.S. federal court on Tuesday of working with the very organizations that he was supposed to be fighting.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Ryan Saavedra.

    Genaro Garcia Luna, Mexico's former top law enforcement official in charge of waging war against the country's notorious narco terrorist organizations, was convicted in U.S. federal court on Tuesday of working with the very organizations that he was supposed to be fighting.

    Garcia Luna, who, as Secretary of Public Security, had direct control over Mexico's Federal Police Force, was convicted in a federal courtroom in Brooklyn on all counts of a superseding indictment that charged him with engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise that includes six drug-related violations, international cocaine distribution conspiracy, conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, conspiracy to import cocaine, and making false statements, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement. Garcia Luna faces 20 years to life in prison.

    Prosecutors proved at trial that Garcia Luna used his official position to assist the country's most prolific and notorious drug cartel: the Sinaloa cartel. Garcia Luna sold out his country for millions of dollars in cash payments from the cartel. His actions assisting the cartel included facilitating safe passage for the Cartel's drug shipments, providing sensitive law enforcement information about investigations into the Cartel, and helping the Cartel attack rival drug cartels, thereby facilitating the importation of multi-ton quantities of cocaine and other drugs into the United States, the DOJ said.

    Convicted narco-traffickers testified against Garcia Luna during trial, revealing that he worked for them for nearly the entire time that he was in charge of what The New York Times described as Mexico's equivalent of the FBI. The narco-traffickers confirmed that they paid Garcia Luna sums of cash as large as $14 million in exchange for his services.

    "Garcia Luna, who once stood at the pinnacle of law enforcement in Mexico, will now live the rest of his days having been revealed as a traitor to his country and to the honest members of law enforcement who risked their lives to dismantle drug cartels," stated Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. "It is unconscionable that the defendant betrayed his duty as Secretary of Public Security by greedily accepting millions of dollars in bribe money that was stained by the blood of Cartel wars and drug-related battles in the streets of the United States and Mexico, in exchange for protecting those murderers and traffickers he was solemnly sworn to investigate."

    The report noted that one topic rarely was mentioned during trial: What U.S. officials knew about Garcia Luna's criminal activities while he worked closely with U.S. officials, including top Obama administration officials like former Attorney General Eric Holder and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    Former Democrat President Bill Clinton's administration struck a deal with the Sinaloa cartel in 2000 that allowed the cartel to smuggle billions of dollars into the U.S. in exchange for selling out rival cartels.

In what may be the most divisive period in modern American History, even more divisive than the turbulent sixties due to today's lack of patriotism, consider what are the major catalysts causing so much of this calamity of conflict, and vote: What most instigates the division of America, on this day September 20, 2022?
  Racism within our society
  Sex realignment to the detriment of our society.
  Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Policy for the Demographic Upheaval of OUR Constitutional Republic
  Rampant Crime in Democratic controlled cities, and the possible contagion elsewhere
  Covid Pandemic, and its mishandling at the political, and bureaucratic levels.
  The unresolved questions /allegation regarding the flawed 2020 General Election
  January 6th Riot or "Armed Insurrection", depending upon patriotic perspective
  Joe Biden as Divisive Leader; Ineffective and Corrupt Executive
  Failed Education Industry, from an overall perspective, regarding all levels of education.
  Propagandistic Media in complete conflict with the First Amendment's guarantee of Freedom of Speech, and the awesome responsibility of a Free Press..
  "Orangeman Bad!"
  Bureaucracy rushing to a behemoth size, its unjustified expense, and far too often overreach.
  The Weaponized Deep State for political purposes
  A secular ambivalence to all that is real.
  Record number of overdose deaths from opioids and now Fentanyl
  Biden Administration's disastrous Foreign Policy
  Bidenflation /supply chain failure inevitably evolving into stagflation and recession.
  "Ultra MAGA Extremists" freely speaking louder AND LOUDER!
927 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

The previous poll on Eastern NC NOW showcased what are many of OUR Constitutional Republic's certain obstacles to remain viable, where the top encumbrance to that continuance as a functioning Republic was the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border. Understanding this overwhelming concern to real America citizens: Do you believe it important to challenge the veracity of those legislated concerns of Democratic Socialists by transporting Illegal Migrants to their Sanctuary cities, counties and states for their direct care?
  Yes; test the depth of their "compassion" by giving Democratic Socialists an opportunity to enact all Sanctuary provisions in their communities to test how much they truly do care.
  No; the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Project is designed to only inundate "Red States" to begin their Demographic Upheaval for the benefit of we Democratic Socialists, our politics.
  I generally do NOT care about politics, but it is fun watching abject hypocrites squirm; maybe I will start getting more involved.
447 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

With the Midterm Elections less than one week away: What do you consider the top issues that you will be voting on to be corrected by your better representation?
  Big Government getting Bigger
  Biden /Democrat controlled Spike in Energy Cost
  Inflation created by Legislation of Majority in Power
  Gender Reassignment
  Corrupted Bureaucratic /Service (DOJ, FBI, etc.) Institutions
  Discredited Legacy Media
  Ending the Corruption of Dishonest Politicians
  Corruptive Influence of Social Media
  Wide Open Southern Border
439 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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