Biden Bureaucrats vs. Gas-Fired Stoves | Eastern North Carolina Now

Environmental extremists want to regulate gas-fired stoves, heaters, water heaters, and other appliances out of existence

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the John Locke Foundation. The author of this post is Jon Sanders.

    Last month people were outraged when a rogue commissioner on the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission began speaking openly of banning gas stoves. In response, the Biden administration and their sympathetic media sought to dispel the worries and even downplay it as right-wing fearmongering.

    It reached a point of absurdity the when U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Sec. Jennifer Granholm called it all "so ridiculous" - just a few days before the DOE proposed sweeping regulations on stoves (gas and electric) that would "eliminate most current models" of gas stoves, effectively banning an estimated 95 percent of them.

    But as my Daily Caller column this week points out, it's not just Biden bureaucrats who want this foolishness. Many cities, counties, and even some states do, too. If Gov. Roy Cooper were to get his way, they would include North Carolina:

    Bloomberg reported, "Nearly 100 cities and counties," including New York City, are already moving in the direction of regulating gas stoves into oblivion.

    States, too. In 2022, California's Air Resources Board made it illegal to sell gas-fired stoves and water heaters could by 2030. That same year, New York passed a law to would use building code regulations "to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," and regulators are already talking about banning gas-fired stoves, water heaters and space heaters. Minnesota lawmakers are now seeking to replicate that law.

    Meanwhile, the governor of North Carolina released a "Deep Decarbonization" report that included "Building Decarbonization," which would require all new homes, apartments and businesses to be 100% electric (appliances, heating, water heaters) and explore retrofitting the rest.

    Shoddy study

    Suddenly, new research appeared that purports to link gas stoves with asthma in children. Just in time! Media dove right in without question. Washington Post: "Gas stove pollution causes 12.7 percent of childhood asthma, study finds." U.S. News & World Report: "About 12 percent of childhood asthma cases can be linked to gas stove use, according to a recent study." Even Yahoo News: "Gas stoves have given 650,000 US children asthma, study finds."

    As I explained for the American Institute for Economic Research, however, this research filled the role of a study since the Covid era, which is "just provide a modicum of 'New Study Finds' justification for predetermined government intervention, and let state-awed media do the rest." It doesn't have to be a good, well-designed study. It just has to support the conclusion for expanding government control.

    I noted, "Pandemic policies showed that lack of rigor notwithstanding, few are those who will say 'to hell with your study, this isn't government's business in the first place.'"

    The study itself was shoddy, as I explained in detail. Among other things, the authors (who included researchers from RMI, a think tank seeking a "clean energy revolution") excluded the most comprehensive study in the research literature on the subject: a 2013 study for phase three of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, which involved "512,707 primary and secondary school children from 108 centers in 47 countries." That study found "no evidence of an association between the use of gas as a cooking fuel and either asthma symptoms or asthma diagnosis."

    What did they do instead? This:

    The authors instead used combined estimates of gas stove effects on the risk of developing childhood asthma in North America (three studies) and Europe (seven studies), and then estimated the proportion of children in the US in households with gas stoves using data from the American Housing Survey. There's no measure of the exposure level of any child to a household gas stove. But by a string of inferences and associations they churned out a statistic that "12.7 percent of current childhood asthma nationwide is attributed to gas stove use, which is similar to the childhood asthma burden attributed to secondhand smoke exposure."

    The authors then moved to "mitigation," which would be "removing the source by replacing gas cooking with cleaner alternatives (e.g., electric)" and "reducing exposure through source ventilation (e.g., range hoods)."

    As I wrote in summation:

    To recap: the authors chose a handful of studies, discarded 35 times as many as they chose (including one that involved over a half a million children across four dozen countries), aggregated the gas stove risks estimated by the few they kept, used the Housing Survey to project how many kids are in homes with gas stoves, and determined that about one in eight cases of childhood asthma can be attributed to something that in is two of every five homes. That's "causation" in the same way that a guess in the game of "Clue" is forensic science.

    Rather than the magnitude of their findings giving them pause, let alone the fact that they never measured the exposure level of any child to gas stove usage, they immediately proposed "mitigation strategies," leading with "replacing gas cooking."

    Guilty behavior

    The best hope for consumers and appliance makers is how quickly - and guiltily - Biden officials acted when people found out their plans for the stoves. For most families it would be no small matter to switch out gas stoves for electric. It's not simply placing an electric stove in vacancy left by the gas stove and plugging it into the nearest, standard 110-volt outlet.

    Like other large, electrical appliances, they need special, 220-volt outlets. Installing one of those is an expensive service call to an electrician for most people just to have a new appliance that fits some environmentalist bureaucrat's fancy, not their home's design.

    As I put it in the Daily Caller, "if the people turn up the heat, maybe Biden's bureaucrats will stay out of the kitchen."

In what may be the most divisive period in modern American History, even more divisive than the turbulent sixties due to today's lack of patriotism, consider what are the major catalysts causing so much of this calamity of conflict, and vote: What most instigates the division of America, on this day September 20, 2022?
  Racism within our society
  Sex realignment to the detriment of our society.
  Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Policy for the Demographic Upheaval of OUR Constitutional Republic
  Rampant Crime in Democratic controlled cities, and the possible contagion elsewhere
  Covid Pandemic, and its mishandling at the political, and bureaucratic levels.
  The unresolved questions /allegation regarding the flawed 2020 General Election
  January 6th Riot or "Armed Insurrection", depending upon patriotic perspective
  Joe Biden as Divisive Leader; Ineffective and Corrupt Executive
  Failed Education Industry, from an overall perspective, regarding all levels of education.
  Propagandistic Media in complete conflict with the First Amendment's guarantee of Freedom of Speech, and the awesome responsibility of a Free Press..
  "Orangeman Bad!"
  Bureaucracy rushing to a behemoth size, its unjustified expense, and far too often overreach.
  The Weaponized Deep State for political purposes
  A secular ambivalence to all that is real.
  Record number of overdose deaths from opioids and now Fentanyl
  Biden Administration's disastrous Foreign Policy
  Bidenflation /supply chain failure inevitably evolving into stagflation and recession.
  "Ultra MAGA Extremists" freely speaking louder AND LOUDER!
927 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

After one full year of the Biden /Harris Administration: Does Joe Biden have the intellectual capacity, and, or the energy to lead the United States of America through the mess that he predominately created ... in just one year?
1,222 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering the renewed and unequalled dishonesty in elected politicians, at all levels of governing, and their associative nefarious bureaucrats doing their corrupt bidding: What is your opinion of YOUR government, and what do you intend to do about it?
  Today's overall government is just fine, and I will continue to vote for politicians that make promises to suit my individual needs.
  Today's overall government is poor, but I will continue to endeavor to learn what is true from the the most honest of media, and pick those representatives that best represent what is good and decent.
  I spend quite a bit of time on Eastern NC NOW; so ... I am having a far easier time separating the proverbial "wheat from the chaff" in finding honorable citizens to support.
151 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

It has been far too many years since the Woke theology interlaced its canons within the fabric of the Indoctrination Realm, so it is nigh time to ask: Does this Representative Republic continue, as a functioning society of a self-governed people, by contending with the unusual, self absorbed dictates of the Woke, and their vast array of Victimhood scenarios?
  Yes, the Religion of Woke must continue; there are so many groups of underprivileged, underserved, a direct result of unrelenting Inequity; they deserve everything.
  No; the Woke fools must be toppled from their self-anointed pedestal; a functioning society of a good Constitutional people cannot withstand this level of "existential" favoritism as it exists now.
  I just observe; with this thoughtful observation: What will happen "when the Vikings are breeching our walls;" how do the Woke react?
845 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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