Watch out for Fake Grant Scams | Eastern North Carolina Now

Our office has been notified of a scam involving people impersonating state government employees on social media. These scammers will claim to be with a state agency and inform you that you are being awarded a large sum of grant money.

Press Release:

    Our office has been notified of a scam involving people impersonating state government employees on social media. These scammers will claim to be with a state agency and inform you that you are being awarded a large sum of grant money. To get the money, however, they will say you have to pay a fee up front. Remember, state government officials will never ask you for money or personal information on social media in exchange for payment.

    To avoid falling victim to these scammers, follow these tips:

  • Don't rely on a messenger's username or profile to determine if they are trustworthy. The online profile might even show the government agency's symbol or company's name to make it look real. Scammers can easily make fake profiles to disguise themselves.
  • Look for red flags on online profiles. Verify any addresses or phone numbers listed by checking directly on the agency's website. If an address or phone number is listed as out of state, it is likely a fake account.
  • Do not send money or divulge personal information to unknown online users, even if they say that they represent the government. If you're unsure if someone is a legitimate government official, reach out to the government agency directly using a phone number listed on their website.
  • Be skeptical of online accounts claiming you've been awarded money or could win something. If you don't remember entering for a grant award, it's probably a scam.

    If you think you or somebody you know has been the victim of a scam, contact our office's Consumer Protection Division at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM or file a complaint online.

   Contact: Attorney General's Office
   9001 Mail Service Center
   Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
   Telephone: (919) 716-6400
   Fax: (919) 716-6750
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Latest Bloodless Warfare: Politics

Viral clips showing President Joe Biden in situations in which he looks to be frail or confused are being dismissed as “cheap fakes” by the White House.
As the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump nears, the Biden campaign is ratcheting up its attacks on the presumptive Republican nominee’s 34 felony convictions.
Democrat strategist James Carville raged against the legacy media this week, demanding that they take an even more biased approach when reporting on former President Donald Trump.
Republican congressman Byron Donalds said it would be a “great honor” if former President Donald Trump were to ask him to be his running-mate for 2024, saying the ultimate goal is for Trump to win and he’ll do whatever he’s asked to help him do that.
Voters in Arizona will have the opportunity to enact broad border security measures in November as the state faces a flood of illegal immigration after the Republican-led state legislature passed a resolution that will put the measures on the general election ballot.
The former White House physician for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump says that a new report this week about how President Joe Biden is struggling to function behind closed doors represents a serious threat to the U.S.
President Joe Biden challenged former president Donald Trump to debates last week because Biden needs to swivel the political spotlight away from his record ahead of the election, according to Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro.
Senate Democrats plan to gin up the abortion issue as the nation nears the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in an effort to win voters in potentially crucial swing states.
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and former President Donald Trump ripped NBC as “weak” and “an absolute disgrace” after the network dropped former Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel four days after announcing her hiring as a contributor.


Liberal comedian Bill Maher praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis this week for taking the fight to Disney over their sexualization of children.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre became agitated during an interview on Monday and hung up the phone after she was asked a couple of fair questions about President Joe Biden.
Only two of the so-called “three Johns” will be competing to replace Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as leader of the Senate GOP.
Democrat Mo Green is handily besting Republican Michele Morrow in total fundraising to date in the state’s race for superintendent of public instruction, according to recent campaign disclosures.
Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, along with hosts Matt Walsh, Andrew Klavan, and company co-founder Jeremy Boreing discussed the state of the 2024 presidential election before President Joe Biden gave his State of the Union address on Thursday.
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said this week that the criminal trials against former President Donald Trump should happen before the upcoming elections.
It’s “Bo time” again, this time in North Carolina’s Sixth Congressional District.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced on Tuesday that he has selected Nicole Shanahan to be his vice presidential running mate as he continues to run as an Independent after dropping out of the Democratic Party’s presidential primary late last year.
On Tuesday, another Republican announced that he plans to retire early from the House, a decision that would further diminish a narrow GOP majority in the lower chamber.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced a bill Wednesday that would shave 8 hours off the standard 40-hour work week that has been around for several decades.
Glenn Beck: 'When the United States government can come after individuals, that's when you know our republic is crumbling.'
Washington, D.C. — Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. issued the following statement on the latest continuing resolution:
WASHINGTON – Today, as Joe Biden continues his Bankrupting America Tour in North Carolina, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement:
Former President Donald Trump dominated the North Dakota Republican Caucus on Monday as he continues to inch closer to officially securing the party’s presidential nomination.
RALEIGH: Today, Governor Cooper visited a bus facility in Durham to highlight the recent significant federal funding for electric school buses in North Carolina.
The White House unveiled a new term on Thursday for the millions of illegal aliens who have flooded into the U.S. under President Joe Biden, which came just shortly before Biden took a trip to the border for a photo op at a spot that has had few illegal aliens cross.
Washington, D.C. — Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. issued the following statement after voting in favor of S.J. Res. 38, to overturn the Federal Highway Administration’s rule relating to ‘Waiver of Buy America Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers.’
House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green (R-TN) announced this week that he is reversing his decision to retire after receiving calls from former President Donald Trump and others.


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