WATCH: Texas Rep Sneaks In Devastating Dig At CNN During Appearance On Far-Left Network | Eastern North Carolina Now

Texas Rep. Troy Nehls sneaked in a blistering burn in an appearance on CNN Thursday, saying it was his “first time on the Clinton News Network.”

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Greg Wilson.

    Texas Rep. Troy Nehls sneaked in a blistering burn in an appearance on CNN Thursday, saying it was his "first time on the Clinton News Network."

    Discussing the House GOP battle over the speakership, the former U.S. Army major and county sheriff smirked as he invoked the derisive moniker conservatives use to describe the far-left cable news channel. He dropped the dig as he explained that he meant no offense when he had earlier referred to Erin Burnett as "young lady."

    "I'll assume when you called me a young lady it was a compliment," Burnett said as she wrapped up the segment.

    "Of course it was," Nehls replied. "This is my first time on the Clinton News Network."

    Burnett shot back that the remark was "in my opinion rude," but graciously thanked him for appearing on the network, which under new President Chris Licht has said it wants to shed its reputation as far-left.

    Nehls is a member of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of about 40 conservative lawmakers, some of whom are seeking to block Rep. Kevin McCarthy from becoming the next speaker of the House. Nehls said he differed with those colleagues and is backing McCarthy.

    "Listen, I don't know if you're aware of young lady, but I am also a member of the House Freedom Caucus," Nehls said. "So I am one of those America First patriots. And I have said to my friends, my colleagues in the Freedom Caucus, that I don't believe that this is the battle we should be waging. I think the real battle starts when we start drafting legislation and policy in the 118th Congress under a Speaker McCarthy."

    The House has held 11 votes since Tuesday in an effort to name a speaker to succeed Nancy Pelosi. Republicans eked out a slim, 222-213 majority in the November midterms, and, barring a rules change, McCarthy needs 218 votes to become speaker. So far, 20 Republicans have refused to vote for him.

    Voting was expected to resume Friday after another night of bargaining between McCarthy and the holdout group.

Since only about 20% of the News Media has any shred of Journalistic Integrity remaining: How does our Constitutional Republic continue without a "Free Press"?
  Demand real information, using real sources, backed up by facts.
  Promote real journalist entities only, and admonish those that prostitute their profession.
  We Democratic Socialists are doing just fine, thank-you, by promoting lies while having very little real knowledge about so much.
260 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In what may be the most divisive period in modern American History, even more divisive than the turbulent sixties due to today's lack of patriotism, consider what are the major catalysts causing so much of this calamity of conflict, and vote: What most instigates the division of America, on this day September 20, 2022?
  Racism within our society
  Sex realignment to the detriment of our society.
  Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Policy for the Demographic Upheaval of OUR Constitutional Republic
  Rampant Crime in Democratic controlled cities, and the possible contagion elsewhere
  Covid Pandemic, and its mishandling at the political, and bureaucratic levels.
  The unresolved questions /allegation regarding the flawed 2020 General Election
  January 6th Riot or "Armed Insurrection", depending upon patriotic perspective
  Joe Biden as Divisive Leader; Ineffective and Corrupt Executive
  Failed Education Industry, from an overall perspective, regarding all levels of education.
  Propagandistic Media in complete conflict with the First Amendment's guarantee of Freedom of Speech, and the awesome responsibility of a Free Press..
  "Orangeman Bad!"
  Bureaucracy rushing to a behemoth size, its unjustified expense, and far too often overreach.
  The Weaponized Deep State for political purposes
  A secular ambivalence to all that is real.
  Record number of overdose deaths from opioids and now Fentanyl
  Biden Administration's disastrous Foreign Policy
  Bidenflation /supply chain failure inevitably evolving into stagflation and recession.
  "Ultra MAGA Extremists" freely speaking louder AND LOUDER!
927 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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