Rep Chip Roy: If GOP Leaders Hand Dems ‘Blank Check’ In $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill, McConnell And GOP Will Own Border Crisis | Eastern North Carolina Now

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said Republicans would take ownership of President Joe Biden’s border crisis if GOP leaders hand Democrats a “blank check” and back an omnibus spending bill.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is John Rigolizzo .

    Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said Republicans would take ownership of President Joe Biden's border crisis if GOP leaders hand Democrats a "blank check" and back an omnibus spending bill.

    Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Roy blasted the prospect that Republicans would pass a $1.7 trillion proposal to fund the government through September 2023. Roy said that the bill would actually make the flood of unlawful crossings worse, claiming the funding would be used to process more migrants instead of securing the border. He specifically called out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

    "We've been running on this being the Biden border crisis," Roy told host Shannon Bream. "This the McConnell-Republican border crisis if we give them more money this week without demanding that they secure the border, and do more bloated spending and giving DHS money with a blank check."

    "Secretary [of Defense Lloyd Austin] is correct that we should have an appropriations process where we fund our men and women in uniform without it being a continuing resolution," Roy said.

    "However, that can't be an excuse for us to just give a blank check to the Democrats- $50 billion in non-defense discretionary, money that's gonna go fund an FBI that labeled parents as domestic terrorists, money that's going to a DHS that doesn't secure the Homeland... money that's gonna go to all of the woke policies at the Department of Defense," he continued.

    "Republicans are about to literally give the Biden administration a blank check. So their opening shots, after having their rear ends handed to them in November, [are] to redefine marriage and stomp on religious liberty, pass a $1.7 trillion bloated spending bill that won't allow us to secure the border. And they wonder why Republicans across the country are mad at them."

    Earlier this week, Republican leaders in both chambers announced that they had agreed on a framework for a long-term spending bill to fund the government through September 2023. It is estimated to cost approximately $1.65 trillion. McConnell said the bill would be "broadly appealing," but instead, it had drawn broad criticism from Republican members of Congress, who blasted McConnell for caving to Democrats' priorities even before the bill had passed.

    The criticisms have come from all corners in the House, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA); in the upper chamber, GOP Sens. Rick Scott of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, and Rand Paul of Kentucky are just a few of the Republicans that have blasted the spending bill.
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