It is my Prayer that One Day we Will Deserve a Better Government | Eastern North Carolina Now

Is this the year that we take back our government, or is it the year that we continue to bow to the special interests in Beaufort County?

    Is this the year that we take back our government, or is it the year that we continue to bow to the special interest in Beaufort County by electing candidates that will serve their master's needs over what is prudent for all the county's citizens - as is their responsibility once elected? The reason I question this: It has been my experience in the last 14 years that I have served the people of Beaufort County, I have noticed that a minority of candidates enter government to serve the betterment of the Republic, their state and their county. Sadly, I have also observed that the balance of those entering public office are serving someone else - generally some special interest group, and on occasion, individuals. In all of these cases, directly or indirectly, campaign contributions, or the prestige that will lead to other income is the payoff.

    Normally the privilege of serving within our citizens' government is enough for some of us; however, there are others who are elected who need more - so much more. They need the security of knowing that they are satisfying the needs of a special interest group, who will in turn give them big campaign dollars, and who, at the very least, will boost their famished self esteem. While some of you will join me in finding this a bit sad, it is the brand of politics that has long been negotiated in Beaufort County for decades. Some of us; however, choose not to participate.

    I, and others like me, understand this arrangement, and while it makes it difficult to elect Beaufort County Conservatives, who actually are principled people, to offices higher than that of county commissioner, we Conservatives endeavor to continue without altering the message. The message is simple, but justifiably not well understood by those special interests hacks who use our government for their personal benefit. Often one needs only to follow the money to discover the special interests of Beaufort County groups, who are more concerned about their piece of that specific action than the position and place of their government as a whole - the government that should represent everyone. Consequently, rarely are campaign contributions given by Beaufort County individuals, who move as a group, to buy better government by electing smarter and more principled people. Actually, the converse is true. They need politicians that they can control, which would stipulate that they buy the political will of less principled office holders.

    Recently the special interest concerns of the Medical Community (aka the Doctors), who operate within the confines of the Beaufort County Medical Center, were expressed at meeting with that Medical facilities board of commissioners. One very curious tenet, within the scope of their many concerns, was that the Beaufort County Commissioners, who will ultimately decide the fate of the hospital, should take an oath that they receive no campaign money from interested parties in the bidding process. And while on the surface that would appear as a principled motive to show that the decision making process will not be compromised, it speaks volumes about the nature of this and many Beaufort County special interest groups. They actually believe, as a matter of practice, that the decision making process can be bought.

    As someone who has served for 4 terms, and could never been bought by special interest groups, I still have a completely clear-eyed optimism as to how government should be, and how government still could be. My honest approach to governing affords me a totally different view of government, completely devoid of those special interest give-away plans. In fact, my reputation precedes me to the extent that I am now never contacted by those special interest groups; however, one only needs to open their eyes to see that it is going on for the elected, and those who wish to be elected.

    Recently in the Candidates' Forum held at Beaufort County Community College, three of the six candidates running for office advocated that the county commissioners abdicate their responsibility as the taxpayers representative, and rush to please the special interests of the Beaufort County medical community. Republican Commissioner Al Klemm gave facts and figures as to how much the hospital was losing, and rather than cut costs to stem the fiscal bleeding, he stated that the county government immediately accept the lower UHS (University Health Systems) bid. Democrat challenger Jerry Evans mentioned that he had spent 60 hours studying the hospital's situation, and that the county commissioners should also accept the UHS bid before we consider the merits of any of the other bids. Unaffiliated Candidate Bertie Arnhols boasted that her solution is that the county commissioners "are not qualified" to represent the taxpayers in this affair, and, furthermore, should let the "medical community" make the decision.

    As a matter of establishing a reference as to the veracity of Candidate Arnhols stated opinions: Just a few months ago, at a Beaufort County Commissioner Public Hearing regarding the county's purchase of waterfront property, at a deep discount, and for the purpose of a public access facility, she stated that this was a unwise use of the public's money. At that same Candidates' Forum held at Beaufort County Community College, she stated, when discussing the county's participation in parks and recreation, she intimated that water access points - like the Cotton Patch Landing site - were good for the public and economic development. I find it odd that Bertie Arnhols's publicly stated opinion can change 180 degrees in a few short months, depending on the crowd she is preaching to. As an elected leader, you do not have that luxury to be all over map on judgment calls when so much is always at stake. One must take responsibility for their judgment when voting the public's will, whether it is purchasing land for public assess to our estuary, or deciding the fate of our county's public hospital. One cannot simply state that she, and all other commissioners, "are not qualified" to make decisions that once elected, you are mandated to make. When elected as a county commissioner, one cannot abdicate that responsibility that Mrs. Arnhols professed she would. Truly, at some point, the adults must wrest their responsibility from others (the special interest wonks), which is their charge when elected.

    In the respect of taking full responsibility for one's position, I pray that in the future there will be more than a minority of elected leaders, who will have the temerity to devise themselves from the financial largess and support of special interest "group think manifestos," and consequently, make decisions that are for the betterment of our taxpaying citizenry. It is my sincere wish that the electorate, who can afford to make a contribution in Beaufort County, will do so because they want better more effective government, rather having the plaintive ear, trained to rush to their special interests' needs. As an incurable optimist, I hold out hope. Otherwise, we will continue to get the government we deserve.

    Publisher's Note: As a matter of policy, we accept all submissions, excepting pornography and slander, from real people, and especially from candidates. These submissions may be in the form of comments or well considered articles. The choice is yours.
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