Vive in libertate aut morere. Live free or die. | Eastern North Carolina Now

This article ranks among the most important we have ever posted on the Beaufort Observer. We urge you to not only read it in its entirety but to reflect upon what it presents.

    Publisher's Note: This article originally appeared in the Beaufort Observer.

    We believe this is the most important article we have ever posted

    What will you do when they come for your guns? It is time to decide.

    This article ranks among the most important we have ever posted on the Beaufort Observer. We urge you to not only read it in its entirety but to reflect upon what it presents, do your own research to decide how valid you think the information presented here is and above all, we urge you to pray about it and then we urge you to decide in your own mind and heart where you will stand on this issue.

    What is "the issue"? We would suggest it extremely complex but that it can be simply stated: Will we preserve the Republic which we were given by our forefathers and will we insure that the blessings of freedom and liberty will be preserved for our children and their children?

    Our nation is facing a crisis like none other we have ever faced. We have weathered threats from foreign enemies. We have bounced back from natural and economic disasters. But today the threat we face is that our Founding Principles, as embodied in the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as those embodied in our state constitutions, are being abolished. Yes, abolished. Slowly and bit by bit, but abolished, nonetheless.

    To support that contention we would simply ask you to take 21 minutes and watch the following two video clips:

    Part II is simply a continuation of Part I:

    Next we would urge you to do your own research. If you Google "Obama's violations of the constitution" you will find over 27 million entries. We would suggest you simply read some of the top Google entries on your search screen. These are the most read entries, having been opened by millions of people. Click here to read the one at the top of the list (as this article is being written).

    Then decide whether you believe there is a real and present danger to our liberties and freedoms and more importantly, whether you believe those liberties and freedoms are being protected, to be inherited by our children and grandchildren.

    If you conclude that there is no danger of the loss of individual liberties to an omnipotent Federal Government, led by a lame-duck President and a totally ineffective Congress, then you may as well stop reading this and go on about your business and let others deal with the issue.

    But if you conclude that there is a real and present danger to our Republic then we ask you to consider one particular threat that we consider to be, under the circumstances we are faced with, the most important...protecting our right to keep and bear arms as expressed in the Second Amendment.

    This is a critical time and a critical issue for our nation, whether or not you own guns. Millions of Americans value their right to protect themselves and their families and many of them are very frustrated with a government that they believe does not respect their rights as guaranteed by the Second Amendment. At the same time they are frustrated, they also feel so strongly about their rights that they are willing to fight to protect them. It is essential that they have, and feel they have, an effective way of protecting those rights without having to resort to violence to defend them.

    The reason the right to keep and bear arms is not those reasons President Obama, Vice-President Biden and others are contending. It is not the right to use weapons to hunt game. Simply stated the right to keep and bear arms protects our right to defend ourselves...from someone who would break into our home or attack our person or a family member, and including our right to protect ourselves from an illegal government action. Note that we said "illegal." By illegal we mean a government action not conforming to the constitutions under which we live. That brings us back to the list of violations as outlined in the videos above.

    Therefore, we would submit to you that the First Duty of every American is to stand up now and defend the Second Amendment. We will leave it to you to decide what you should do and how you can most effectively protect our Constitution. But for us we think all of us should, as a minimum, do the following:

    • Educate yourself, particularly on the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of North Carolina. Both include a protection of the right to keep and bear arms. But no right is absolute. You need to know how to exercise these constitutional rights and you need to know what the legal restrictions on government infringement on those rights are.

    • Join with others in mapping out a Plan of Action for yourself. We would suggest that you seek to identify other groups and organizations within your local community who share your common values and concerns about our state and nation. For us it is the TEA Party.

    • Decide where you are going to stand, and metaphorically where you are going to "draw your line in the sand" that says: "Not one more inch!" For example, if Obama imposes a gun registration system are you going to register the guns you now own? (Knowing that if you buy a weapon today that weapon will most likely be automatically registered). If there is a gun ban imposed, will you comply? Will you turn in your weapons if required to do so by government officials? And most importantly, what will you do if government officials come to your home to seize your guns?

    • If you decide to resist, determine what your options are for doing so and decide in advance where you will draw the Line of Resistance personally for yourself and your family. We would strongly suggest you decide NOW under what circumstances you are willing to be arrested and detained for not complying with an unconstitutional requirement. We are not suggesting armed resistance, at least not at this point, but we do suggest that you should consider retaining the ability to do so if necessary in the future.

    • Become active in restoring constitutional principles to our county, city, state and nation. DO SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We would urge you to commit personally to use some of your time on a regular basis (daily, weekly or monthly) to involve yourself with others who are seeking to make a difference.

    • Talk to your pastor about what you think your church can and should do about this issue. Pray for guidance for yourself, your family, your pastor and the group(s) with whom you affiliate. We sincerely believe the fundamental reason we are facing a constitutional crisis in our nation is the fact that as a nation we have turned away from Almighty God. And we believe too many churches have become too politically correct. But we believe that ultimately it will be the churches that will save this nation. We urge you to pray about that and seek God's guidance in what you can and should do about it.

    • Our's is a republic. That is, we elect officials to make the decisions of government. Carefully consider who you vote for and support. Elections have consequences. Then hold those officials accountable to honor their oath to protect and defend the constitution, regardless of whether or not you voted for them.

    • Pray daily for our nation and its leaders and pray that God will preserve the Blessings of Liberty for our children. And teach your children and grandchildren, by word and example, what those Blessings mean.

    • And finally, if you are a member of our armed forces, we suggest you decide where you will draw the line in following orders and what you will do if issued unlawful orders that violate the Constitution that you took an oath to defend as a member of the armed forces. The same is true for law enforcement officials.

    From these suggestions you can see that we are seriously concerned about the future of our country. Our fear is that our God-given rights have been and are being chipped away, one chip at the time and by the time a critical mass of Americans realizes what has been eroded it will be too late to effectively do anything about it. We believe the "chip we cannot afford to allow to be taken" is our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Thus, we believe it is incumbent on each and every American to determine now where they will stand and then act on that position.

    It is now time to not only take a position, but to act on it.

    Vive in libertate aut morere. Live free or die.
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