More Republican Embarrassment | Eastern North Carolina Now

They just make up the rules as they go



By:  Observer Editorial Team

The leadership of the Beaufort County Republican Party seems to be on an irresponsible trip to nowhere.  Included in the leadership is the Chairman, Carolyn Garris, the Executive Committee and several elected officials.  These people are stepping from one cow pile to the next. We guess the warm fuzzy feeling of manure is what keeps them going.

The latest embarrassment came on September 26 when Republican Executive Committee member and deputy sheriff, Kelly Cox, posted about 800 words on Face Book supporting Democrat Corey Rogerson for sheriff and complaining about Candidate Hammonds.  Cox had the audacity to title the post “My support for Corey Rogerson for Beaufort County Sheriff”. 

Normally Cox could support whomever he pleases just like anyone else, regardless of party affiliation. It is a free country and we have free speech.


Exhibit A - Kelly Cox: Above.


But Cox violated a loyalty oath.  He was elected by the Beaufort County Republican Party in convention to be a member of the Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee.  That Committee runs the Republican Party’s affairs in the absence of the Convention.  “Convention” in this case means the interests of all Republicans in Beaufort County.  He violated this important trust.

Cox had a way out if he wanted to support Rogerson.  He could have resigned from the executive committee before he endorsed Rogerson.  He could have remained a Republican when he endorsed Rogerson.  Cox failed to understand his pledge of loyalty and his special responsibility to every Republican in the County.

Why would any deputy so eagerly, enthusiastically, and publicly endorse any particular person for sheriff.  The answer is money, position, a job.  We believe Cox has made a deal with Rogerson for Cox to have a job should Roberson get elected.  Could Cox be the new Chief Deputy?  Beaufort County politics as usual.

We have pointed out in a previous article that there is workplace stress within the sheriff’s office as deputies and employees try to be on the right side of the new sheriff.  Deals are being cut with Rogerson in an attempt to defeat Hammonds.

Let us look at common sense.  A Republican is in office as sheriff.  Everyone now employed by the sheriff’s office is there because they are loyal to the present Republican sheriff.  One would expect these same people to be loyal to the new Republican sheriff.  With this scenario, why should anyone in the sheriff’s department be stressed about anything other than if Republican Hammonds should lose?

Past elections in Beaufort County lead us to believe Republicans will continue to win the Sheriffs race.  That is unless Democrat Rogerson can cause division by promising cushy jobs to the present employees so they will campaign against Hammonds.  It is probable, the stress in the sheriff’s office is caused by some employees cutting deals with Rogerson.  That means to us that if Rogerson gets elected there could be wholesale discharges of those Republicans now employed by Sheriff Coleman.  The stress is caused by the disloyalty of those Republicans cutting deals with Democrat Rogerson.  The employees are thinking:  “Who do I want to share a fox hole with?”

We continue to believe a hired police force is better for the public good than a political police force.  This is but one example of why that is better for Beaufort County.  We need to get politics out of law enforcement.



Exhibit B - Frankie Waters: Above.

If the above is not enough to gag your political maggot, this is what happened next.  Republican County Commissioner, and Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee member Frankie Waters joined Kelly Cox on Face Book and said “You are one of our best” with a thumbs up and at least one heart.  Frankie Waters has more loyalty responsibilities than Kelly Cox   He is a Republican elected official and a member of the Executive Committee.  Waters is supporting disunity and disloyalty within the Sheriff’s Department in addition to a Democrat candidate.  Fake Frankie Waters was a Democrat within a few months running as a Republican for County Commissioner.  Being a Registered Republican has never slowed Fake Frankie Waters down in his Democrat votes as a County Commissioner.  Check the record.  He votes with the Democrats on nearly every significant issue.  How can an honest man say he is a Republican and vote as a Democrat?

Double gag a political maggot.  Beaufort County Commissioner and member of the Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee, John Rebholz, signed on to Face Book and gave a thumbs up.  The same criticisms of Fake Frankie Waters and Kelly Cox apply to Commissioner Rebholz.

We get a triple gagged political maggot.  Paul Varcoe, a member of the Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee signed on to the Kelly Cox Face Book post and gave a thumbs up. The same comments about the above named maggots apply to Varcoe.


Exhibit C - John Rebholz, Paul Varcoe: Above.


This is about nothing more than some (not all) employees in the Sheriff’s Department not wanting change and wanting to cut deals with the Democrat Candidate Rogerson to better themselves at the expense of both the Republican Party and the Beaufort County citizens.  It is about Rogerson promising no change in the Sheriff’s Department. 

No changes means the continued use of Beaufort County property for the personal use of employees, No change means the use of cars for personal use.  No change means a glut of overtime for the Select.  No change means no accountability for several cash funds, within the Department.  No change means continuing investigations like the totally incompetent investigation of the death of Brenda Hamilton.  No change means a continued “secret police” sheriff.  No change means continuing to spend taxpayer resources to bust street-level drug punks rather than bring the Mr. Big’s down.  No change means more deaths of jail inmates without accountability of those who have a custodial duty to all inmates.  No change means a lot of things we do not know about will be continuing.

Republican rules on the State and County levels say the same thing about disloyalty.  Disloyalty is supporting a candidate of any other party when a Republican is running in that race.

Frankie Waters refused to answer a questionnaire sent by the Beaufort County Republican Party to all candidates the first time he ran for office.  One of the questions was about party loyalty and supporting the Republican platform.   Fake Frankie Waters was a Democrat just a few months before he received the questionnaire. Since then Fake Frankie Waters has allied himself with Democrats on the Board of Commissioners and has supported a preponderance of Democrat issues.  These include the 4 million dollar telephone give away, a new jail, and illegal immigration.

Under the rules of the Republican Party, Paul Varcoe, Frankie Waters, Kelly Cox, and John Rebholz have committed acts of disloyalty.  The Chairman, Carolyn Garris, is using her position to seek to obtain a cushy political job in an unethical way.

All of those named in this article believe they can change the rules or make them up to suit themselves.  All of these people were elected and not anointed.

We continue to support the Republican candidate, Scott Hammonds. There are no charges of disloyalty or any other blemishes on his character.  Vote for Scott Hammonds for Sheriff.

Frankie Waters is running for commissioner.  Do you still want him? Vote for Tandy Dunn or Stan Deatherage for commissioner.

The real choice comes down to this:  Do you want a political operation providing law enforcement or do you want a professional organization doing it.  Rogerson represents “more of the same.”  Hammonds means change.

It’s your choice.

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( October 9th, 2022 @ 12:21 pm )
So, Frankie Waters gave an excuse and ducked the GOP sheriff fundraiser, but is posting support on Facebook for the Democrat and also had time to attend a function for the Democrat. This fits right in with Waters longstanding collusion with Jerry Langley. Republican voters should give Frankie Waters the old heave-ho on Nov. 8. He is not, and never has been, one of us.
Somebody said:
( October 8th, 2022 @ 11:46 pm )
I was there. The people that I saw were good Beaufort County Citizens. Some years ago I was on the Executive Committee and supported an Independent Candidate with 13 years of experience for Clerk of the Court. The proposed Republican Candidate had 0 experience. I was asked to leave the committee. I made it easy for them. I resigned. Now it appears that we are becoming democrats in Republican clothing. What happened to this cry from the Republicans of "Equal Justice Under the Law"? It appears that we could lump all of these in question in the "Yellow Sheet Group". Washington DC is not the only swamp we need to drain. Just watch us once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
( October 8th, 2022 @ 9:18 pm )
Having attended the Scott Hammonds fundraiser today, I can attest that none of those mentioned above who posted on Facebook were in attendance for Scott. I cannot myself say why they were not there, but am told they were at other events elsewhere. One or more of them may have made contributions to the event.

Party leaders who were in attendance and present for almost all of the event were county GOP chairwoman Carolyn Garris and county GOP 2nd vice chairwoman Patricia Garrison. So was headquarters manager Jody Forrest.

County commission candidates who were there were Stan Deatherage and Tandy Dunn. School Board candidates who were there were Charles Hickman, Gary Carlton, and Donald Shreve. One county commissioner present who is not running this year attended and that was Hood Richardson, and one School Board member not running this year, Carolyn Walker.

The fundraiser was successful, and sold out of barbeque.
( October 8th, 2022 @ 6:32 pm )
It looks like Scott Hammonds had a fund raiser today. Did any of those possible defectors identified above show up at it? If so, which ones? Those who are cozying up to Rogerson and shun Hammonds are RINOs who do not belong in party positions.
( October 7th, 2022 @ 1:38 pm )
I understand that there is a fund raising pig pickin' for Scott Hammonds tomorrow around lunch time. Anyone have the details on exact time and place? UPDATE: it is at county Republican headquarters on 15th Street across from Food Lion, starting at 2PM.
( October 7th, 2022 @ 11:19 am )
Cutting off one's nose to spite one's own face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive overreaction. To do someone that is meant to harm someone else but also harms the person who does it. Don't cut off your nose to spite your own face" is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.

There are some Republicans seeking to cast a revenge vote and now going to vote on the democrat ticket because their candidate lost in the primary. Now casting a vote for a candidate of the party of Biden, Pelosi , Schumer, Roy Cooper and our local democrat leaders out of revenge. You know no matter who loses as those in the primary, whether it be Rogerson or Hammonds their lives will continue on as ours will. To cast a revenge vote is “cutting off your nose to spite your own face”.

Revenge is sweet they say for only a short time while the consequences will effect us for years.
Bubba said:
( October 5th, 2022 @ 8:11 pm )
Scott Hammonds is far and away the best candidate I have ever seen for sheriff of Beaufort County. He has the law enforcement experience and the vision to make our sheriff's department great again! I have met them all at campaign time - Jordan, Coleman, Hammonds, and Rogerson. Hammonds was head and shoulder above the rest. Hammonds is the only true conservative in the race, and he is endorsed by a state level conservative group.

Why would any true Republican, much less a party official support Gaskins-backed Rogerson? Rogerson is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. The explanation is that it is sore loser Ernie Coleman and his clique makes sense.

The other explanation I have heard is that Cox may have been promised a promotion, perhaps even Chief Deputy. Is that why Cox betrayed the county GOP committee he was serving on? Shame on him!

Can Cox tell us why Ernie Coleman fired Corey Rogerson as a deputy?
( October 5th, 2022 @ 6:22 pm )
The resignation of Kelly Cox arrived this afternoon, dated today, by email, short and to the point. He should have done this BEFORE endorsing Rogerson, but he has belatedly done the right thing.
( October 5th, 2022 @ 1:27 pm )
There is a whole herd of RINOs here supporting liberal Democrat Corey Rogerson, and that includes Kelly Cox, Frankie Waters, Paul Varcoe, and John Rebholz. There may be others in party positions doing the same. It is the Ernie Coleman sour grapes gang. Coleman lost his primary because he was not a good sheriff. Now his inner circle is supporting a man Coleman himself fired, Corey Rogerson.

Allen Jordan was NOT a Constitutional sheriff. Ernie Coleman only half way kenw what one was. Scott Hammonds understands and is committed to those principles. Corey Rogerson has to be talking out of both sides of his mouth, as he would not have gotten that $5,000 our of liberal Democrat kingpin Herman Gaskins if he told Gaskins he would be a Constitutional sheriff.

So Kelly Cox is an Allen Jordan holdover. That explains a lot. The Jordan gang after Coleman took over were just pretending to be Republicans and pulled the wool over Coleman's eyes.

Also, Kelly Cox, Paul Varcoe, Frankie Waters, and John Rebholz were all part of the "yellow sheet gang"
( October 5th, 2022 @ 11:21 am )
If one believes that this is just part and parcel of party politics, and this is just the nature of what it means to be a local Republican, you are dead wrong; and dead wrong at one of the most perilous times in our Constitutional Republic's history at all levels where the most of us really live and do the real work.

I have been involved in politics /governing, at a very serious level, for about the last 31 years, and I am here to explain it all as simply as possible: Much of what is expressed, and managed by the local Beaufort County GOP is complete FUBAR, where a majority of that group is oblivious to what it means to be a real Republican fighting the good fight, a fight that must be fought with no time to waste.

Just a word from the wise here: Playing bipartisan footsie, while disparaging those who are the very best of YOU; then mix in this chamber of commerce approach, where the self-presumed Elitists present what they pretend is "best for everyone's progress" never works in a Republic, not one that continues where the truth and good sense is paramount.

That is just the real of it ... and that reality is all what so many us have to live with.
( October 5th, 2022 @ 11:18 am )
What do you expect of Frankie Waters? He is what the Democrats call their "secret sleepers", the Democrats they have slipped in as "Republicans". Frankie Waters was an active lifelong Democrat until just a few months before he filed for commissioner. It would be interesting to know which local Democrat operatives organized that. Frankie Waters has functioned as a Democrat in Republican clothing ever since he has been on the county commission.
( October 5th, 2022 @ 8:18 am )
This is an issue as to several individuals, not as much as to the party since the ExCom has not met since this matter came up. It is my understanding that the resignation of Cox was demanded by Garris a week or so ago and he agreed to resign. I have not heard if the resignation has actually been received yet. Cox totally lacked integrity as to what he did. The issue as to the others has developed more recently.

The second worst offender is the party's first vice chairman, Paul Varcoe, who in that position certainly should have known better than to post what he did. Even if it were argued that he was just supporting Cox's act of party disloyalty, rather than Rogerson's campaign, that is NOT what we expect the county party's second highest officer to be doing. He should be condemning acts of party disloyalty by executive committee members and joining Garris in a demand for resignation of Cox.

As to a hired county police force, that is a bad idea. These "professional" police forces "follow orders" and can be politicized much easier than an elected sheriff. The sad state of the current FBI is a good example. So is the Ottawa police who cracked down on the Canadian truckers. Their original chief was very vocal on rhetoric against the truckers but was reluctant to bust heads, so they just replaced him with a new chief who was all into police state tactics. The pandemic lockdowns are another good example. Elected sheriffs in many states, including ours just said NO to the overreach of governor's executive orders and refused to enforce them. With hired police, the only places that happened were where they followed the lead of the local elected sheriff. The same is true of elected sheriff's coming out and proclaiming they would not enforce unconstitutional gun control laws, something no hired police chief has ever done.

Having a hired county police chief instead of having a sheriff directly responsible to the voters is a very, very bad idea.
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