Illegal Immigration is Just a Kinder Term for Border Invasion Enacted by a Lawless American President | Eastern North Carolina Now

And in this sordid mix: Do you know where your Beaufort County Commissioners stand on this crucial issue?


    Publisher's Note: This was originally sent as an email to all Republicans (Paid for by the Committee to Elect Stan Deatherage) within the structure of the campaign to re-elect Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, and now appears here as news and information on Eastern NC NOW.

Commissioner Stan Deatherage

The Strong Voice for the Taxpayer

Dear Fellow Republican,

    Illegal immigration and the problems it brings is a challenge to government at all levels - federal, state, and local.

    It is an issue that also must be dealt with at all levels. We have seen some innovative ways that some states like Florida and Texas are fighting back, as well as some local governments like the city of El Paso.

    Here in Beaufort County, illegal immigration is a big drain on our tax money for things like education, welfare, and health care. The influx of illegal aliens from policies like Biden's open borders costs county /state taxpayers in excess of $12,000,000.00 each year in Beaufort County.

    Illegal immigration also creates a crime threat. Biden's DHS has recently confirmed that Venezuela is emptying its prisons and sending their criminals to our southern border. The extremely violent Salvadorian crime gang MS-13 is also sending its thugs into our country as "unaccompanied minors."

    As your commissioner, I have taken the position that it is time to fight back. Our county commission has adopted a resolution I proposed to demand our federal government fulfill its responsibility to secure our borders. To obtain more data to deal with the federal government, I also proposed that the county compile all costs imposed on our taxpayers by illegal immigration.

    One would think that all of our commissioners would stand up for our citizens and taxpayers against illegal immigration, but unfortunately that is not the case. Two of my opponents this year, Ed Booth and Frankie Waters, opposed both resolutions on this issue. Waters and Booth seem to have no problem with illegal immigration into this country. We need to do a lot more but they will not even do that much.

    Beaufort County citizens are concerned about illegal immigration and its cost to our community. With over 600 voting, the poll on Beaufort County Now shows over 98% of residents concerned about the financial burden of illegal aliens on our county. The poll is still open for voting if you want to add your opinion .

    I humbly ask for your support and your vote in the November election for re-election as your county commissioner, so I can keep fighting for our taxpayers against illegal immigration.

    Please visit my website at, or email me at to discuss any issue. If you would like to offer support, especially by volunteering or placement of a yard sign, please contact me as well.


The previous poll on Eastern NC NOW showcased what are many of OUR Constitutional Republic's certain obstacles to remain viable, where the top encumbrance to that continuance as a functioning Republic was the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border. Understanding this overwhelming concern to real America citizens: Do you believe it important to challenge the veracity of those legislated concerns of Democratic Socialists by transporting Illegal Migrants to their Sanctuary cities, counties and states for their direct care?
  Yes; test the depth of their "compassion" by giving Democratic Socialists an opportunity to enact all Sanctuary provisions in their communities to test how much they truly do care.
  No; the Biden /Harris Wide Open Southern Border Project is designed to only inundate "Red States" to begin their Demographic Upheaval for the benefit of we Democratic Socialists, our politics.
  I generally do NOT care about politics, but it is fun watching abject hypocrites squirm; maybe I will start getting more involved.
447 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Should Beaufort County's Commissioners fund more projects, while adding to the county government work force, or, should these servants to the People work to cut wasteful spending, and give the taxpayers of Beaufort County a break on taxes, possibly starting a new purpose for their existence?
  Yes, please spend more; so much needs to be done in Beaufort County, and we need more government employees doing it.
  No, please work to be frugal; more mindful that this is the public's money, and return to taxpayers what is not absolutely needed.
  Why should I pay attention to stuff?
697 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Inarguably, the policies of the Democrats in congress and Joe Biden as the Executive is plunging the United States into a recession, if we are not already there; a recession that was completely avoidable. Will abrupt changes in policies occur in time?
  Yes, the Democrats have a bold plan, yet to be revealed, to save us.
  No, there will have to be a complete undoing of the damage done by these Democrats.
  I can't do simple math, so how am I to understand the concept of basic economics.
1,216 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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