Why Do Democrats Not Care About Their Nation's Fiscal Health? | Eastern North Carolina Now

It is a very important question since the Democrats are driving the fiscal bus, and have been for the last four years. The obvious question is: Will they drive the nation over the fiscal cliff on Monday?

    At some point even Democrats must consider "The Math."

    It is a very important question since the Democrats are driving the fiscal bus, and have been for the last four years. The obvious question is: Will they drive the nation over the fiscal cliff on Monday, December 31st, 2012?

    I think they will, simply because for the vast majority of all Democrats, the math, which inexorably communicates that the United States of America has a bender of a spending problem, is akin to Celtic runes or Egyptian hieroglyphics. Furthermore, Candidate Obama recently ran his entire re-election campaign on the "Two Americas" / class warfare strategy of "if you vote for me, I will take from them (the rich), and give you more free stuff." This is proven to be understood by the Democrat electorate. The Math ... not so much.
If "a picture is worth a thousand words," this 2012 presidential election maps speaks volumes about the Democrat electorate, the buying of votes with the Democrat promised "free stuff," paid for by those of us who produce stuff.
If you, like me, understand the intent of our Forefathers, you have to ask: Is this what our forefather's intended? To give the power to that component of the electorate, who do not produce the effort to provide the freedom of free markets to the benefit of all. This is the textbook process, begun by Democrats and this "Candidate," to destroy our Republic, and remake it into something unfamiliar, and wholly unremarkable.

    The basic premise of this terrible scenario of how an Obama republic should function was that this president, who had presided over a shambles of an economy for all four of his years in office, with record unemployment, was re-elected by cajoling, and transporting his fellow Americans, who, the vast majority of which were from densely populated inner cities, mainly just struck their vote for the free stuff: the "ObamaPhone, the ObamaCare, the Obama-hyped-food-stamps program, the Obama executive ordered open welfare - no questions asked - and to top it off - his stimulus slush fund (green jobs, green energy, more better paid teachers) for his more well to do supporters. Still, even though the Democrats were well provisioned, from the sweat of we working slumps over the last four years, they were promise more, much more from a needful Candidate to remain elected; however, eventually one still must consider "The Math."

    "The Math" well communicates that one cannot confiscate all of the property from the top 2% of America's top producers, and pay for all the "free stuff" for all of Candidate Obama's supporters. "The Math" also communicates that Obama's Democrats cannot confiscate the property of the next 10% of America's top producers, and pay for all of the free stuff for Obama's supporters, while satisfying the debt, and get this Democrats (if you are actually reading this fine piece of truth), you can't do it even if you abolish the military (and I know that is a priority for the most rabid of Liberals). It simply will not balance the books.

    Furthermore, everyone, with a full working brain, understands that our nation's fiscal mess cannot be corrected unless we have a thriving economy, where we put people back to work, and grow tax receipts to the federal government, rather than the outrageous process of paying people not to work, which is enjoyed by many right now. In fact, Art Laffer, famous for the Laffer Curve, effectively made the argument that by lowering the tax rate, tax receipts will increase, which did occur during the latter years of Clinton Administration and the initial years of the Bush administration.

    Alternatively, the elected Democrats, their Democrat minions, and their enabling electorate believe that the American economy works best with a series of economic roadblocks, such as, but not limited to: ObamaCare, and the ObamaCare tax (2,500.00 per annum) to everyone, restrictive regulations enhanced to appease the environmental zealots of the Democrat Party, stop oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico for six months ... no make that a year, stop the Keystone Pipeline to again appease the environment zealots, begin back "welfare as they knew it" to win more indigent vote, continue jobless benefits for perpetuity to stymie folks from really looking for a job, kept subservient, and continuing to vote "Democratic", and so on and so forth, etc., etc. ... there is so much more.

   Consequently, in August, 2011, the Obama Administration suffered the only debt downgrade in the history of the United States because of their part in the infamous debt ceiling discussion in August, 2011. Since then the Republican majority in the United States House of Representatives have passed legislation to suggest a budget that will, in part, seek remedy to America's fiscal crisis, but the Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate, led by Hapless Harry Reid, will not discuss it, or offer an alternative as a point of negotiation.

    So I ask again: Why do Democrats not care about their nation's fiscal health?

    If they did, they would not elect representatives like Hapless Harry Reid, who as the Democrat Senators' choice as Majority Leader in the United States Senate, has not passed an annual budget in 3 years.
What measure do you speak of Madame Minority Leader? Nancy Pelosi speaking to the National Association of Counties in March, 2012.     photo by Stan Deatherage

    If Democrats truly cared about the nation's fiscal health, why would they elect politicians who would elect the inarguably simple Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and then Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives. Who could ever forget Nancy Pelosi's wildly simple comment, regarding ObamaCare, to the National Association of Counties Conference in March 2010 (I was there), "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy." Just a word of well researched advice to San Francisco Nancy: The whole "fog of controversy" thing is actually called debate. It is a political machination that we practice as a well governed republic.

    Candidate Obama wins the aforementioned election, like no one else since FDR (President Franklin Roosevelt), and analyzes how to fix the ongoing fiscal / debt crisis by going back on the political road, re-revving up support for his "Two Americas" ideology for weeks, rather than working with a more supplicant U.S. House majority, led by Speaker John Boehner." Is this true governing is a true republic?

    Candidate Barack Obama: "'It's my way, or the highway' Mr. Speaker. I won the election and I am in charge. Elections have consequences."

    Agreed Candidate Obama, from the fiscally bankrupt, and ethically challenged state of Illinois: You won the election and you are in charge. So is your political party. From 2009 through 2010, you were president, you had a Democrat super majority in the U.S. Senate, and a Democrat super majority in the U.S. House. From 2010 through 2012, your were president, and you had a Democrat majority in the Senate. From 2012 to 2014, you will be president, you have a larger majority in the U.S. Senate, and stronger minority in the U.S. House. Regardless, you will blame all of this "Fiscal Cliff" nonsense on the Republicans in a dwindling majority in the United States house of Representative.

    Understand this: While also understanding that you possess, nay, you own the "hearts and minds" of a sycophantic national mainstream media, you may possibly believe that your Democrat electorate, and your like-minded Democrat elected leaders in Congress may follow you, "Mr. President," wherever you and your media stooges lead them, and your would be right; understand this: The rest of us, who have worked hard, and have long paid the freight for this nation, in taxes and blood, will not be fooled by your dictatorial sophistry. We will stand up to you, and your Democrat electorate, until we patriots can right this ship, our nation, our land.

    And understand this: You, your fellow Democrat politicians, and your hapless electorate will own this fiscal wreck that is nigh upon us. You want to play the "Two Americas" ideology to the threshold of this crumbling cliff, know this: You will keep your sorry majority that elected you until you can not provide for them any longer, and that will be up until, "The Math" kicks in, and you will be unable to provide for them, their votes, with our money, no longer.

    Candidate Obama, Hapless Harry Reid, Simple Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat congressmen that enable them, and their electorate that just gots to have all that free stuff; this is the way it all comes down - it is all about "The Math."

    And while Candidate Obama, and his Democrat enablers have owned "The Math" for the last four years, eventually "The Math" will own them, and in that, they (the Democrats) will own this "Fiscal Cliff," and its associated economic "train wreck" that lies just ahead on these troublesome tracks that lead to a fiscal oblivion if this rudderless, listing steamship of a nation is not righted. It does lead the more thoughtful among us to inquisitively query ...

    Why do Democrats not care about their nation's fiscal health?

As the American economy, bolstered by a dysfunctional federal government, barrels off the "Fiscal Cliff," who is more at fault?
83.02%   The Democrats
11.32%   The Republicans
5.66%   I'm on welfare and I don't care
106 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( December 31st, 2012 @ 8:29 am )
At that same NACo conference in 2010, where then Speaker Pelosi made her now infamous comment of passing the unread ObamaCare, I spoke with a group of "African America" and Democrat county commissioners (some from north Carolina) about the illogical healthcare legislation, and, moreover, the poorly crafted Stimulus that had recently passed, asking: Just what kind of world are we leaving our grandchildren?

The entire group of like-minded aforementioned county commissioners answered me: "I don't care about the grandchildren, I care about providing for my people now, and President Obama is going to make that happen now."

Obviously, "The Math' did not matter with these elected leaders of like-minded ambitions. so I ask: Why do Democrats not care about their nation's fiscal health?

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