MOSQUE UPDATE -- The Situation Goes from Bad to Worse | Eastern North Carolina Now

It's becoming a Ground Zero for a heated exchange between those who respect the events of 9/11 and the Muslim community (represented by Imam Rauf) who doesn't seem to.

    Well, the mosque situation just keeps going from bad to worse. It's becoming a Ground Zero for a heated exchange between those who respect the events of 9/11 and the Muslim community (represented by Imam Rauf) who doesn't seem to. The mosque location was supposedly chosen to serve a local Muslim community, yet no such community exists in the area around Ground Zero. Iman Rauf and the mosque's developers promised that the site has no special significance, and yet they refuse to relocate even when offered compensation two times over. The mosque was supposed to stand for tolerance yet now it stands for intolerance. Is the mosque about religious freedom or ideological victory. Is it about "westernized" Islam or it about Islamized America ? Is it a Memorial War site or a site to memorialize and glorify their spoils?

    Last week Americans were tied to the news for several reasons: The mosque situation was heating up, Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida and his congregation planned to burn the Koran in protest, and the nation was gearing up for the ninth anniversary of the events of 9/11.

    In the midst of the controversy over the mosque and the growing unrest in NYC, we learned that Donald Trump offered up some of his fortune to buy out the interests in the property. On September 9, he supposedly offered cash to buy out one or more of the project's investors ($6 million. The builders bought it for only $3.5 million. The offer was refused. And not only was the offer refused, but now Imam Rauf threatens that if the mosque is built, there will be violence by the Muslim community. He threatens that new terrorist violence will be initiated and there will be an outburst of violence all over the Muslim world. Funny how that should happen if a mosque at Ground Zero is supposed to have NO particular significance to the Muslim world ? Funny how a mosque that is promoted as building "tolerance" is now going to be used to incite Muslim violence. Where is the tolerance by the Muslim community? Tolerance is always a one-way street with Americans.

    Let's talk about tolerance from the Muslim community. On the day of our greatest tragedy, the Muslim world celebrated. In fact, as the anniversary of 9/11 drew closer and we prepared to reflect on the tragic loss of loved ones, the Muslim world prepared to celebrate that anniversary. That's Muslim tolerance. After 9/11, American journalist and devoted husband Daniel Pearl was beheaded alive on camera for one reason.... He was Jewish. Daniel Pearl became the symbol of what radical Islamists were prepared to do to those they don't like. Another act of tolerance. In August of this year, 8 foreign medical workers were ambushed and murdered in Afghanistan by the Taliban for the simple reason that they were Christians who spoke openly of their faith. Again, another act of tolerance. Muslims who convert to Christianity have a very high chance of being killed. More tolerance. So please forgive us naïve Americans when we fail to understand any sincerity in the promise of tolerance by Imams who visit the Middle East and associate with known supporters of terrorism.

    In the days after September 11, 2001, Imam Rauf chose not to condemn the attacks on us, but rather to explain them. "I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened, but the United States' policies were an accessory to the crime that happened." In other words, he was saying that America brought the attacks on herself. Imam Rauf was an example of the Muslim population in general in the US who would not stand up and condemn the attacks. As Bernie Goldberg wrote of this ridiculous posture: "Can you imagine any decent person 70 years ago saying, 'I don't condone lynching or any other violence against Negroes. That certainly is wrong. But I understand why those white folks do it.' Federal government policies drive people to do bad things and therefore those policies are an accessory to the crime.'"

    Instead of remaining neutral on the issue, as he does when it comes to national prayer, President Obama spent the week promoting the virtues of Islam and reassuring the Muslim world that the US respects its Muslim contributions and loves its Muslim citizens. "We are not at war with Islam." In his press conference of September 10, 2010 stated in no uncertain terms that Muslims have the right to build a mosque at Ground Zero but Americans in Florida do NOT have the right to burn the Qur'an.

    On September 2, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, offered a Constitutional solution to the Ground Zero mosque situation that would not discriminate against one single religion. In a radio interview with (the center devoted to the First Amendment right to Freedom of Religion - the right to keep the government OUT of religion but NOT the right to keep religion out of government), Gingrich stated the following: "We need to speak out about the truth of Islamic threats... whether it is about their right to impose Sharia law in NJ (remember the man who was exonerated after punishing and raping his wife for hours and claiming it was not only appropriate but his right to do so under Sharia law), or the Arkansas killing of Americans at a recruiting center by someone who described himself as a 'jihadist' (most Americans weren't made aware of this incident), or the act of terrorism at Fort Hood where 13 members of our military were killed by someone who was overlooked because of political correctness and who carried a card in his wallet which said he was an 'Islamic warrior.' We have to have the courage to tell the truth. We have to have the courage to say to the secular socialist system that dominates us about the truth of these threats, no matter what the consequences are.

    Imagine the arrogance of Imam Rauf and his builders saying that right next to the place where 3000 Americans were killed let's put up a mosque. What a statement of Triumphalism to the Muslim world. They are counting on us to be ignorant or cowardly in tolerating this. And it's important that we be educated and courageous.

    Congress has the ability to declare the area a National Battlefield Memorial. We should think of the World Trade Center site as a battlefield site. This is a war. We are still engaged in a war on terror which was initiated by the attacks on 9/11. The Attorney General of NY, Andrew Cuomo, can intervene in the matter. He has the ability to slow down plans to build the mosque. He can stall it for decades if he wants to. And I'm surprised at Mayor Michael Bloomberg. I'm surprised he said it's OK to build. I think he should re-consider, and if he did, under the current situation with tensions rising, I think he would. There is simply no reason this project has to move forward."

    Interestingly, a Greek Orthodox Church which existed at Ground Zero since 1854 - St. Nicholas Orthodox Church - was denied permission to rebuild after it was destroyed on 9/11. But a mosque is allowed. Why is it that that the US can't say no to any religion except for Christianity?

    On September 8, Imam Rauf was interviewed on CNN's Larry King Show. For months people were suspicious of the soft-spoken Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. No one really bought his "tolerance" argument. No one really bought his promises that funding for the mosque is completely legitimate and terrorist-free. And why should they? He refuses to disclose his funding and NYC Mayor Bloomberg refuses to authorize any type of inquiry.

    Well, on Sept. 8th, American audiences realized their fears were in fact well-founded. In his interview with guest host Soledad O'Brien, the Imam laid out his latest argument for the American people and his words can have only one meaning: Build this mosque or face the wrath of radical Islamists.
    When asked by Ms. O'Brien why he doesn't build the mosque somewhere else, this is what he answered: "When we first decided to build the mosque, no one objected. Now politicians are using this for political purposes. This is dangerous for two reasons: First, it goes against the very fundamental American principle of Separation of Church and State." O'Brien interrupted briefly to remind him that while Americans understand this principle, 71% of Americans feel that even though there is a right to build at Ground Zero, it is not the right thing to do, and they are concerned that proper sensitivity isn't being shown. Iman Rauf answered this way: "If we move from that location, then the story will be that the radicals (American radicals) have taken over the discourse. The message will be that Islam is under attack in America. I'm less concerned about the radicals in the US than I am about the radicals in the Muslim world. The radicals who oppose Islam in this country will threaten our national security. They will pose a danger to our troops in Afghanistan and in Iraq. They will pose a danger to people here who go to work and who travel. It will increase our ability for Islamic extremists to recruit."

    He continued with this threat: "If this is not handled correctly, this crisis could become much bigger than the Danish cartoon crisis, which resulted in attacks on Danish embassies in various parts of the Muslim world.... If we don't handle this crisis correctly it could become something which could really become very, very, very dangerous indeed."

    The man who continues to talk about healing and building bridges has done exactly what ideologues have predicted. They predicted that Muslims would come to this country and use our own freedoms against us and for their own personal gain. And once they did that, they would strengthen their position through terror and the threat of violence (as they have done in the Middle East to shut out all other religions and factions). In fact, London's radical Imam Omar Bakri Mohammed told the country of England: "We will use your Democracy to destroy your democracy." Iman Rauf used his plea for religious tolerance to sway many Americans to his side, urging that the site at Park Ave. is not hallowed ground and a mosque at that site should not offend the families of fallen heroes. Now that opposition and division has been created over the mosque, and now that Rauf has gotten the sympathies of Americans, he tells an international audience that if his plans don't go forward, America's national security will be at risk. Iman Rauf played exactly by the ideological play book.

    Hopefully, it will be the Imam's very threats, delivered in calm even tones, that will end up doing more for the case against his mosque than any rally in the streets could ever do. And given Mr. Rauf's knowledge of the irrational and violent nature of the most radical practitioners of his faith, one has to even ask why he would have proposed this project at Ground Zero in the first place. Was he intentionally trying to provoke a confrontation on this issue? As President Bush once said: "We cannot defend America by hoping for the best."

    Michelle Malkin, Fox News contributor had this to say about Imam Rauf's outbursts. "It's not unbelievable. It's completely expected..... . In so many of these cases over the years, predating and postdating September 11, we've seen the practice of many of these members of the religion of perpetual outrage. And they'll use any excuse to explode, whether it's the drawing of some cartoons of Mohammed or in the Middle East, everything from holding beauty pageants to building KFCs in their neighborhoods. It's always an excuse to explode. And this is the point -- this is the point of the opponents of the Ground Zero mosque. It's not just about the mosque. It's about this threat that hangs over Western civilization like a Damoclean sword at all times for all reasons."

    I think Michelle has hit the nail on the head. Again, it all goes back to trusting such Muslim religious leaders and believing they can be sincere. It's not worth the risk, given what they are capable of. I think now more than ever, we need to prevent the mosque from being built at that site.

    As Michael Coren, a Canadian talk show host, profoundly stated: ""The fact that they are allowed to build this mosque says a lot about the U.S. The fact that Muslims will build it says a lot about them."

REFERENCES: (Newt Gingrich proposes strategy) (Breitbart Report; Imam Rauf issues threat) (Imam Rauf issues threat) (Donald Trump) Tolerance: Sura 9:5 of the Qur'an says: "Slay the unbeliever wherever you find him."

QUESTION: How has al queda justified the killing of 3000 Americans on 9/11 and countless others through other terrorist attacks, beheadings, and other horrific acts ?

    Apparently, al queda deemed those Americans working at the World Trade Center as "legitimate" targets since they indirectly supported the military and economic strength of the US. Al queda also blamed the US to be indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions of Muslims. (How? I don't know)

    When asked how the US can put an end the terror attacks after 9/11, a top al queda leader answered that Americans must convert to Islam or face death. These same types of justifications are being used to justify the killing of civilian non-Muslims in a worldwide Jihad. The end goal is the spread of Islam through violence and coercion. The ultimate goal of course is to have the whole world in submission to Islam. Building a Mosque at Ground Zero becomes a symbol of the success of those fighting to spread Islam through any means.

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