Is McConnell a Trojan Horse? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Trying to overthrow midterms


If you want to insert a lightning rod into the middle of the midterms, do what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell just did. Dipping his toes into the third rail of politics, McConnell suggested that national abortion legislation is possible if the Supreme Court follows through on its draft opinion and strikes down Roe v. Wade, the New York Post reports.

“It would depend on where the votes were,” McConnell told USA Today in an exclusive interview last Thursday.

Democrats are of course seizing on the draft ruling and the usual gaggle of unhinged radical leftists are out doing what they do best…causing riots and destroying things. Will abortion really become an issue in the midterms? Who knows?

That said, McConnell’s statement is either ignorantly stupid or stupidly ignorant. Why would the Senate Minority Leader give Democrats any red meat for the midterms?

What McConnell says runs completely contrary to points made by Republicans over the past 50 years—that Roe should never have been mandated at the federal level and that consistent with the Constitution was an issue that should be decided by legislation in individual states. So that must make one wonder…does McConnell actually want to take back the majority in November? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

Let’s face facts. McConnell has a lot of good reasons to throw the midterms for the Republicans and they all have dollar signs in front of them.

Follow the money.  McConnell has always been a RINO just like Tillis, Burr and many many others.

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( May 10th, 2022 @ 12:50 pm )
McConnell has always been an insufferable RINO, carrying water on policy all too often for both Obama and Biden. Unfortunately, Kevin McCarthy in the House is almost as bad. With McConnell, he also carries water for the Chinese communists who set his wife's family up in a very profitable business. Both McConnell and McCarthy are total swamp creatures. The GOP could do a lot better than either of them.

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