Conservative NC Lawmakers Endorse Ted Budd | Never-Trumper Hosts McCrory! | Eastern North Carolina Now

50 Conservative Lawmakers from Across the State Believe Ted Budd is the Best Choice for North Carolina

Press Release:

    (Advance, NC)     Republicans in North Carolina continue to coalesce around Ted Budd for US Senate this week as absentee voting continues for the May 17 Primary. 17 additional legislators from across North Carolina today endorsed Ted Budd for US Senate, joining the 33 legislators who already endorsed Ted Budd in 2021.

    Advisors for Ted Budd and former Governor Pat McCrory don't agree on much these days, but they do agree legislative endorsements are a key part of winning primary contests. During this primary cycle, McCrory's top advisor, Jordan Shaw, noted that legislative endorsements "carry with them a network of grassroots and financial supporters that can be mobilized in primary contests." Ted Budd advisor Jonathan Felts offered an unusually short statement, "Yeah, the McCrory advisor is correct that legislative endorsements are a critically important part of winning a primary."

    "Joe Biden might try to steal it, but we know our North Carolina Republican Legislators deserve the credit for North Carolina landing an automobile manufacturer last week and I congratulate and thank them for a job well done," said Ted Budd. "Even in the face of continued pandemic recovery and Joe Biden's record-setting inflation, North Carolina's economy grows stronger due to policies put forth by our Republican legislators. Amy Kate and I are honored to have earned the support of so many great Conservatives across North Carolina."

    Ted Budd has been endorsed by President Donald Trump, US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 1 US Senator, 14 Members of Congress, 14 NC Sheriffs, and more to come. Despite being in the fourth decade of his political career, Governor Pat McCrory has been endorsed by nobody for US Senate. Though, to be fair, McCrory has secured the support of prominent Never-Trumper Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (exclusive Hogan/McCrory Fundraising Invitation available upon request).

    Please see the list of legislative endorsers (alphabetical order) and their quotes below.

    NC Representative Jay Adams (R, District 96)

    The people of North Carolina deserve a US Senator who respects the US Constitution, and Ted Budd is the right man for the job. Our party is building around Ted Budd because of his Conservative ideals. Ted Budd will be a Conservative fighter for the people of Catawba County and he has earned my complete support.

    NC Representative Mike Clampitt (R, District 119)

    I am endorsing Ted Budd for US Senate because I believe Ted Budd is the most qualified person to represent the principles of North Carolina's grassroots Conservatives in the US Senate. Ted Budd is a dedicated public servant who work hard for all the citizens of our great state.

    NC Representative Jimmy Dixon (R, District 4)

    Ted Budd grew up on a family farm and got to see, and experience, first-hand from an early age how hard farmers have to work. I've learned it first-hand as well, in my work as a poultry and vegetable farmer. But, as the Senior Chairman of the NC House Committee on Agriculture, I see the bigger picture too and know how important agriculture is to our state's economy. I'm supporting Ted Budd for US Senate because Ted Budd has been a solid advocate for NC farmers in the US House and I have no doubt he will continue to do so in the US Senate.

    NC Representative Jeffery Elmore (R, District 94)

    I'm a teacher, not a bureaucrat. I know that our students are best served when parents have a strong voice in their children's education. Ted Budd understands that as well and, long before he was ever running for office, Ted did invest in his children's education with Ted and his wife, Amy Kate, choosing to home school their children. Ted Budd has been and will be a strong advocate for positive education reforms that have our students and communities as the top priority instead of bureaucrats in Washington, DC. Ted Budd is the best choice for North Carolina's students and families and I'm proud to support Ted Budd for US Senate.

    NC Representative Karl Gillespie (R, District 120)

    As the representative for the western most part of North Carolina we are very appreciative when a statewide candidates take the time to travel to the west. Ted Budd has made several trips out to my district because he knows that, as US Senator, he's going to represent all of North Carolina, not just the big cities.

    I've had several visits with him, and I firmly believe Ted Budd is a man who loves this country and will work hard for everyone in our great state. I am especially pleased with Ted's support of North Carolina agriculture and his business experience. We need a US Senator who doesn't need any on the job training when it comes to the challenges facing our country, and I am glad to endorse Ted Budd for US Senate because Ted Budd is the true Conservative that North Carolina needs.

    NC Representative Bobby Hanig, NC House Deputy Majority Whip (R, District 6)

    Eastern North Carolina faces different challenges than Western North Carolina. I want my constituents to know that Ted Budd understands the challenges facing Easter North Carolina because he's invested the time here to get to know our part of the state. Ted Budd will be a strong advocate for Eastern North Carolina, and I endorse Ted Budd for US Senate.

    Senator Kathy Harrington (R, District 43), NC Senate Majority Leader

    Ted Budd is a conservative fighter who listens to others first. As a businessman he understands that small government at every level is the key to economic growth. North Carolina needs a leader like Ted, who doesn't crave the spotlight or need the credit. He's someone who wants to help North Carolina families prosper.

    NC Representative Brenden Jones, NC House Deputy Majority Leader (R, District 46)

    Constituents in my district know that I'm a plain-spoken guy who likes to get things done. We know work horses in public office, not show horses. Ted Budd is a work horse. He speaks his mind, gets things done, and never wavers from a fight. I fully support Ted Budd for US Senate. Ted Budd will make North Carolina proud and help put our nation back on track.

    NC Representative Ben Moss Jr. (R, District 66)

    I support Ted Budd for his race for US Senate, he is the best candidate to win in November and bring sanity back to the Washington.

    NC Representative Mark Pless (R, District 118)

    Ted Budd is a hard worker and is the right man for the US Senate. I fully support Ted Budd for US Senate and know he will take the Conservative fight to the US Senate.

    NC Representative Donny Lambeth (R, District 75)

    I know Ted Budd to be a man of exceptional character and his family to be good people. Ted's north star is doing what's right and what's best for his constituents. Ted Budd is exactly the kind of person we should want serving us in the US Senate. I'm proud to endorse next-county-over neighbor Ted Budd for US Senate.

    NC Representative Charlie Miller (R, District 19)

    I spent 34 years in law enforcement, and I know what we need in a US Senator. Ted Budd is someone who will stand strong and not bend whenever the woke left-wing goes crazy. Ted is a Conservative fighter who never wavers from doing what's right. Ted Budd is my choice for US Senator, and I hope you will consider voting for him too. I'm proud to support Ted Budd.

    NC Senator Bill Rabon (R, District 8), NC Senate Rules Chairman

    Like me, and a lot of our constituents, Ted Budd is an avid hunter and fisherman and I like that about him. But what I really appreciate about Ted Budd is that he's a Conservative fighter who never wavers. Serving in public office, a lot of the time, it's as much about stopping bad policies as it is about creating good policies. You get pushed to just go along to get along and let a bad bill become law. Ted Budd doesn't do that. Ted Budd stands strong on Conservative principles and that's why I'm endorsing Ted Budd for US Senate.

    NC Representative David Rogers (R, District 112)

    North Carolina deserves leadership that stands on conservative principle and will not waver. Ted Budd is that sort of leader. Ted Budd's devotion to his faith and his family is something we need in Washington, DC and I am proud to endorse Ted Budd for United States Senate.

    NC Representative Wayne Sasser (R, District 67)

    Ted Budd has been a leader who genuinely cares for his constituents. As a pharmacist, I'm well aware of how bad the opioid problem is in our country. When yet another constituent told Ted about her own family's tragic story, he took action with legislation that had a positive impact fighting this problem. And as a cattle farmer, I know that Ted Budd is a friend of NC Agriculture. Ted Budd cares and works hard for his constituents and that's why I'm endorsing Ted Budd for US Senate.

    NC Representative John Sauls (R, District 51)

    I've been privileged to serve as a pastor for the last 21 years in Lee County. My faith is important to me. I know Ted Budd is a man of faith, someone whose faith is his true north for him and his wife Amy Kate. I appreciate that about Ted Budd and his family. I've also worked hard on economic development challenges facing my community. Ted Budd is a small businessman who grew up in a small town. He knows first-hand about the challenges facing job creators as well as the unique economic growth challenges facing our different communities across North Carolina and he's going to work hard so that all North Carolinians will have more and better opportunities, not just the folks in big cities. I am proud to support Ted Budd in his run for US Senate and I hope you will do the same.

    NC Representative Sarah Stevens (R, NC-90), Speaker Pro Tempore

    Ted Budd is a good man and I know he cares about children and families. He knows we are in a better place as a community and a state when there are policies in place that work to grow more and better opportunities for everyone. Whether it be education choice or economic growth, Ted Budd is a leader and a workhorse who wants to get good things accomplished for North Carolina. Ted Budd is my choice for US Senate.

    NC Representative Matt Winslow (R, District 7)

    My first paid job was cleaning out hog houses. I know Ted is not a farmer, but he grew up on a family farm and he's cleaned out his share of chicken coops along the way because we were both raised to respect and appreciate the value of hard work and to do the job that needs to be done. Ted Budd never wavers from conservative principles, and he's never shy about hard work either. He's been a great friend to farmers and NC Agriculture since he's been in office and, as a small businessman, he understands how hard government overregulation can be on job creators in our communities. Ted Budd is the right choice for NC voters for the US Senate seat.

   Contact: Jonathan Felts
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