Leftists Demand Clarence Thomas Be Impeached Over His Wife’s Texts | Eastern North Carolina Now

The Women’s March wants Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas impeached… for texts his wife sent.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Ashe Schow.

    The Women's March wants Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas impeached... for texts his wife sent.

    The latest attempt by Leftists to bring down Thomas involve texts his wife, Ginni, sent to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows following the 2020 presidential election. The 29 text messages were obtained by The Washington Post and CBS News last week and show that Ginni implored Meadows to continue investigating the results of the presidential election.

    "Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!" Ginni reportedly said in one text. "You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History."

    "This is a fight of good versus evil," Meadows reportedly wrote to Thomas on November 24. "Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it."

    In January 2022, the Supreme Court blocked an attempt by former President Donald Trump to keep records from the House January 6 committee, which is investigating the riot that took place on that date in 2021 at the U.S. Capitol. Thomas was the only Justice to side with Trump on the issue, and the Women's March is now using that to claim he needs to be impeached for his wife's advocacy.

    "The revelations that Ginni Thomas advocated for the overthrow of our democracy are disqualifying - not just for her as a human being of any decency, but for her husband Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas," Women's March executive director Rachel O' Leary Carmona said in a statement posted to Twitter.

    "From the day he was nominated to the Court, Thomas has always acted less like a reasonable jurist and more like his wife - that is to say a professional conservative activist," she added. "He is hopelessly compromised, conflicted, and corrupt, and he must be impeached IMMEDIATELY."

    This is simply the latest attack on Justice Thomas over his wife's political advocacy. Earlier this month, The Daily Wire reported on another attack against the Supreme Court Justice, this time involving a misreported article claiming Ginni was "agitating" on a listserv and had to issue an apology after members complained.

    The truth, according to Mark Paoletta at The Federalist, is far from what the media outlets claimed and is yet another attack on Ginni because of her husband. Paoletta, a member of the listserv in question, wrote that it is a collection of current and former clerks of Justice Thomas and was created by Ginni after a former clerk died. It was intended as a way for the "extended Thomas family" to keep in touch and update each other on their lives.

    But Mayer, whose work often includes accusations with little support or that strain credulity (she is one of the authors behind the dubious Deborah Ramirez allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh), created a story in which Ginni complained to the private listserv about former President Donald Trump's 2020 election loss. Her complaints, according to Mayer and the Times, disgruntled some other members of the listserv and Ginni eventually apologized.

    As Paoletta tells it, what Ginni actually did was "exemplary," but the media "distorts it beyond all recognition into something nefarious and unethical."

    Here's what actually happened in the distorted conversation, according to Paoletta:

    First, it is completely false that Ginni Thomas was "agitating about Trump's loss." In fact, Ginni sent an email on Dec. 19 to the listserv with a general update on life, and added, "Since early November, I have been on sabbatical from my politics and meetings, postings and all - which is new and super challenging for me, but makes sense until our national election is more resolved."

    After one clerk sent an email on Jan. 17 providing an article critical of the Jan. 6 events, Ginni Thomas sent a separate email on Jan. 18 that began with a heartfelt apology to the clerk family: "I owe you all an apology. I have likely imposed on you my lifetime passions. My passions and beliefs are likely shared with the bulk of you, but certainly not all. And sometimes the smallest matters can divide loved ones for too long. Let's pledge to not let politics divide THIS family... what we have together supersedes any one of your politics, including mine." Aside from this email, Ginni Thomas did not send any other emails on this listserv about Trump's loss.

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( March 29th, 2022 @ 6:16 pm )
There are two monumental take-aways from the story of this post:

1. One more reason to have an incredible appreciation for the wisdom of Judge Clarence Thomas; he had a fine knowledge of the qualities of this woman who became his wife.

2. Give non patriot Democratic Socialists enough rope, and they will hang themselves above a hill built of pathetic stupidity, and then they will hang themselves there until they drop down onto it, and, immediately, one cannot discern their lifeless corpses from the stinking soil.

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