Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About the Economy: Part I | Eastern North Carolina Now

Good old-fashioned (John Maynard) Keynesian economic stimulus is not necessarily a bad thing; not if you spend the public’s money wisely.

     (The twin disasters of the Socialists' Stimulus Package and the President's response to the Gulf Oil Spill)

    Or maybe he just continuously takes is eye of the ball. Then again, I rather like the Kanye West approach to summing up complex issues, as he did in his evaluation of George W. Bush’s response to the Hurricane Katrina natural disaster. In fact, maybe Kanye could write this piece himself about Barack Obama’s apathy towards the economy; however, considering Kanye’s education level and his incessant infatuation with racism and projecting racist innuendo … maybe not.

    So in the words of a more astute, but remaining an enthusiast for racism, Kanye West: Barack Obama “doesn’t care about” the economy. It started with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or better known as the Stimulus Package, aka: “Slush Fund for Democrats.” Good old-fashioned (John Maynard) Keynesian economic stimulus is not necessary a bad thing; not if you spend the public’s money wisely.

    The problem with the Stimulus Package, aka: “Slush Fund for Democrats,” is that within the bill’s nearly one trillion dollars of proposed stimulus, there is very little stimulus. I learned long ago, there is never any economic stimulus in slush funds for Democrats. It’s just too bad for the United States; its rich history, and its productive citizens, that we are all being driven down this very long road into a very dark period. The Socialists / Democrats, who took control of the White House in 2008 and the Capitol in 2006, figured that they could buy your vote with our money, and therefore the “Slush Fund for Democrats” was hatched.

    In his presidential campaign in 2007 / 2008, Barack Obama promised, by word and deed, that if he were elected, he would redistribute the wealth from the productive to the nonproductive. President Obama is just doing as he promised, and in some small way that pinch of honesty is mildly refreshing. This attribute; however, does not prepare him to manage an economy that must be revived, or allow it (the economy) to revive itself. These were President Barack Obama’s only choices, and he punted.

    To whom did the community organizer elected president punt? He punted to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Read and the Democrat / Socialists under their managed control, and they thoroughly have made a mess of things.

    Why would Keynesian stimulus have worked? When the economy "drops off a cliff" as it began doing in the summer of 2008, the federal government is the only liquidity left. The government’s injection of stimulus into the economy, and paying for it later, actually works when you spend the public’s money for public projects that make our economy and our workforce more efficient. Public works projects such as: refurbishing the ailing interstate roadways / bridges, expanding broadband into the rural communities, and most importantly; the overhaul of our electrical grid to stop the unending loss of private sector produced energy that will be needed to fulfill a more electrified energy supply.

    Alternatively, the Socialist / Democrat controlled congress, with our first Entitlement President, Barack Obama, cheering and signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law, created exactly the wrong action to steer and stimulate our economy away from another Great Depression. They flooded the public’s money into programs that benefit their most ardent supporters, hoping that this action would insure their respective re-election bids for time immemorial. This Socialist/ Democrat union controlling two of the United State’s three branches of government paid only token credence toward these efficiencies. Rather than spending less money that would have created real jobs that would be designed to make our economy more efficient, which would have created more opportunities to make the United States more competitive in a global economy, and more efficient in the allocation of our valuable resources, the Socialists / Democrats gave our money to their supporters.

    As the United States economy continues to lose jobs at a foreboding rate, the federal government is hiring more people to the administer regulatory authority while the private sector is asked to pay the freight. Does the federal government need more of these people? No, but the Socialists / Democrats do need more people to vote Democrat.

    Consequently, and in conjunction with the irresponsible direction of the Obama Administration’s mismanagement; the British Petroleum Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster has become far more than this unprepared, unsophisticated administration could handle. Their ill-considered response has cost tens of thousands of jobs just in the Gulf region alone.

    First, it was the President's inability to act to forestall the environmental disaster in the fragile wetlands, which act as a nursery to the many species that eventually thrive in the deep warm waters of the Gulf. Rather than act as the commander-in-chief, and go on a war footing posture to effect the response that is necessary in tragedies such as this, the Entitlement President bragged about how he, and his thug-like Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, had their boot on the throat of BP. Then the Community-Organizer-turned-Entitlement-President discussed how he wanted to discover “whose ass to kick.” Rather than bring the full power of his presidency to give BP the political mugging that President Obama has promised he is capable of, he should have commanded the EPA to back-off, so he could save the environment from their collective bureaucratic idiocy.

    Rather than being decisive and allowing the states to build the sand-berms to protect the estuary, he played golf. Rather than putting the EPA on notice that they would stand-down so that he could do his part to save the oyster industry; by using all manner of dispersants, burning oil on top of the water and accepting the help from any foreign entity, to the exclusion of the Big Union Vote, he went on vacation. The President did well to get in plenty of leisure time with friends and family, and he kept the aforementioned Big Union vote, the Big Regulatory Bureaucracy Vote, and the Big Save Planet by Destroying the Gulf Fishing Vote, but, I do believe he convinced all real thinking folks that Barack Obama doesn’t care about the environment. He also proved he did not care about the folks that make their living on the water. His indecisiveness cost many of these folks a way of life as well as their jobs harvesting the Gulf’s aquatic bounty.

    Secondly, our impressionable Entitlement President did as he was bade by representatives from the "Big Save Planet by Destroying the Gulf Fishing Vote through Big Regulatory Bureaucracy Vote" to enforce a 6 month moratorium on deepwater (500’) offshore drilling. This has cost tens of thousands of jobs in the primary drilling sector, as well as secondary and tertiary support jobs. Obviously, this is the wrong time for the President to play “Captain Planet,” egged on by folks, whose primary directive is; to keep their government jobs and create jobs for their friends, rather than act in an assertive manner to save the estuary of the Gulf of Mexico. With the unemployment rate at 9.5%, and the real unemployment rate from 16.6% to numbers approaching 21.5% depending on the metrics of those parties disseminating these statistics, it is a bad time to put so many out of work to appease the Big Regulatory / Save the Planet Vote.

     Many of these deep water oil drilling rigs are currently departing the Gulf of Mexico for better prospects far away, and they are not coming back until the muddle-headed Socialists are out of power in Washington, DC. Considering the fact that around 36% of the United States' oil supply comes from the rich reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, one "does not need to be a rocket scientist" to realize that the Entitlement President is planning for possible future shortages in our oil supply. Let's see if I have this right, Mr. Entitlement President: People out of work, looking for work, and their potential employers now have to consider a likely national energy shortage, and higher fuel prices in their immediate future, so you can keep the "Big Save Planet by Destroying the Gulf Fishing Vote through Big Regulatory Bureaucracy Vote."

    Do you feel a bit queasy yet, or just plain disgusted that our nation appears to be run by those who do not have our nation’s best interest at heart? Well it just so happens that these sophistic Socialists / Democrats did not count on the Tea Party movement. In the historical pantheon of American Politics, there are always wiser men to step into he place of the unwise in government; but only if the electorate desires it. It does appear the electorate may be waking up, and the unwise may get a one-way ticket back to their district as the unelected representative. The Entitlement President himself does appear to be the classic one term president, so very similar to the Jimmy Carter experiment. True Americans can only hope that Barack Obama follows Jimmy Carter into the dustbin of history. The problem for the rest of us, who are not on the government dole, is that the Entitlement President leaves office before he completely wrecks the economy for good.
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