First Presidential Debate is Over: Obama Trounced | Eastern North Carolina Now

Governor Mitt Romney embraced his first presidential debate, with vigor, and an enthusiastic optimism to project the truth, unfiltered and unencumbered, and thus intellectually bloodied Candidate Obama, and his office of new socialistic ideals for his odd vision of an Obama shaped America.

It is true that Governor Romney did win the first debate, held at Denver University in Denver, Colorado, but there is a growing narrative as to why: It was Moderator Jim Lehrer's fault.

    Governor Mitt Romney
Governor Mitt Romney wins the First Presidential Debate, Ocetber 3, 2012: Above.
embraced his first presidential debate, with vigor, and an enthusiastic optimism to project the truth, unfiltered and unencumbered, and thus intellectually bloodied Candidate Obama, and his office of new socialistic ideals for his odd vision of an Obama shaped America.

   The challenger for the highest office in the land, Mitt Romney, saw clearly that this would be his one chance to regain momentum for his campaign, after that campaign was, and is now, the victim of one of the nastiest campaigns ever launched by a challenger for the office of the presidency, and this by the President himself - Chicago style. And with no filters, on this occasion Governor Romney fought back - quite effectively.

    Moments after the first instance that Candidate Obama characteristically took the opportunity to play "fast and loose" with the facts, Governor Romney took the opportunity to state, "I have 5 sons, and when they were young, they would sometimes tell me things that were not right, and just because they repeated over and over, it did not make any more true."

   It was just 15 minutes into the debate, and Mitt had very nicely called Candidate Obama a liar, and this, in part, helped to initiate a flurry of debating jabs that put the former governor of Massachusetts firmly ahead on points, and solidly ahead in the win column.

    The first presidential debate of the 2012 "Silly Season" reminded me of the classic Rocky Balbao versus Apollo Creed, from the Rocky II film; except, instead of Mitt, as Rocky, taking punishing blows from onset, and coming back with a flurry of blows at the end to knock out the reigning heavy weight champ (the president) to win the bout, Mitt came out of his corner at the start - landing blow after blow, stayed on top till the end, and won decisively on points. And this is not only my opinion, but that of the heavily Democrat influenced mainstream media (but with a bit of help - see Rick Santelli's comments below).

    In the snap polls offered by CNN, Mitt scored 67%, of the points on their bout's scorecard as the winner, while the reigning champ (Candidate Obama), scored just 22%. CNN is the same news network that spent a copious amount of their network time chastising Governor Romney, September 12, after the Benghazi attack for criticizing Candidate Obama for apologizing, to anyone who would stop long enough to listen, for the "slanderous video" that they say caused the attack. We all know how that turned out.

   Governor Romney was right to condemn that surreal apology by our current Apologist-in-Chief, and he was on point in this first debate tonight. The man was studied, prepared, and on a mission to prove his metal to serve in the highest office of the land. The debate spoke volumes as to who should be at the helm to guide America through the uncertain waters of the tremulous times that lay ahead.

    The most telling
Pollster Frank Luntz speaks to his focus group during the first Presidential Debate, 2012: Above.
guide post to this political "sea change" was the Frank Luntz focus group held during the debate and broadcast on the FOX news network. The focus group, of about 30 likely Colorado voters, are sequestered into a room still on campus at Denver University, and in real time are shown the debate, where they are encouraged to press electronic sensors to relay their instant opinion of the key segments of the debate. The focus group, conducted by pollster Frank Luntz, also answers questions at the end of the debate, which naturally are the most telling.

    This focus group, made up of about 55% Democrats and the balance, mostly Republican, were extremely impressed, by virtue of the data offered by the electronic sensors - it was nearly off the charts. When asked questions by Pollster Luntz regarding their impressions of the two candidates, they were listed more along the lines that Governor Romney appeared "engaged," and Candidate Obama "did not."

   When the majority Democrat focus group was asked who they would vote for "if asked to vote today:" Well over 68% of the group said they would vote for Governor Romney, and genuinely seemed eager to do so. The true test, as to whether this sampling of voters will stick with their intentions to lean hard Romney, will be how they still feel after the next debate on foreign policy held October 16, 2012 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.

   Obviously, there is no silver bullet to slay the media giant made large, Barack Obama; however, the debates, where the message is unfiltered, and unencumbered by media interference, will be the best way for the few uncommitted voters to gain a better insight into who should lead this nation forward. Accordingly, Governor Romney will need to continue to be on point in the debates, and not lose either of the next two debates to pull this election off. We unequivacably know that both Candidate Obama and the mainstream "media stooges" (NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, etc., etc, etc.) serve to keep their idol, Candidate Obama, walled off from the reality of the real world and the many dangers that befall us all. Understanding this sad fact of their complete loss of any semblance of journalist integrity, the future debates will be crucial.

    Maybe CNBC's Rick Santelli said it best in how important the unfiltered debates will be to steer the true message away from the influential mainstream media's influence - Santelli: "It is conceivable that the mainstream media, who obviously favors President Obama, would have called the debate for the president if it were not for the social media, Twitter and Facebook, where people overwhelming showed that Governor Romney won the debate. It is remarkable how this new social media was the arbiter to keep the older, established media honest."

Who won the first Presidential Debate - 2012?
20%   Barack Obama
71.11%   Mitt Romney
8.89%   Jim Lehrer
45 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( October 5th, 2012 @ 8:40 pm )
Yeah, the whole lie thing is the ultimate lie. I watched our Liar-in-Chief work that angle hard since he had his ass intellectually kicked Wednesday night.

The polls are turning and this is never good for the incumbent this close to the election.
( October 5th, 2012 @ 7:59 pm )
Stan, have you ever participated in a debate? Telling lies convincingly and with force doesn't typically win points. Unfortunately, these aren't debates. They're grandstanding opportunities and participants on both sides can lie with abandon. Viewers lack the intellectual curiosity to investigate the truthfulness of statements made and will simply call the candidate with the most bluster the winner. It's amazing that Shakespeare was able to describe Romney's platform so accurately hundreds of years in advance: "it is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing."
( October 4th, 2012 @ 10:58 pm )
It's official: The Cry-baby-in-Chief, not to be confused with the Debater-in-Chief, is blaming Moderator Jim Lehrer for his miserable performance in the first Presidential debate, 100312.
( October 4th, 2012 @ 3:03 pm )
Yes it was a thing of beauty to see Governor Romney able to answer questions, and not have them manipulated by the obvious "media stooges," who are still influential, but not with us who know the real world and the wiser path forward.

Considering the time limits, it might have been wise for "the Candidate" to keep his exposure as low as possible, by not fighting for the broadcast air, since his intellect, at least this night, seemed a bit flaccid.
( October 4th, 2012 @ 9:53 am )
For once, Stan, I agree. Obama was trounced. Did someone slip the guy a Quaalude before the debate or something? That being said, Romney disregarded every rule of debate, repeatedly interrupted the moderator and his opponent, and ignored time limits. He acted like a petulant child with an outrageous sense of entitlement. And that's exactly what he is.

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