Peace in Our Time | Eastern North Carolina Now

Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, was closely associated with the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in 1938. After ceding part of the Czech motherland to Adolf Hitler, he returned to England and loudly proclaimed, "We have peace. We have peace in our time."

    Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, was closely associated with the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in 1938. After ceding part of the Czech motherland to Adolf Hitler, he returned to England and loudly proclaimed, "We have peace. We have peace in our time." In March 1939, Hitler annexed the rest of the Czech Republic, and then came Poland.
Adolf Hitler and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain shake hands on Sept. 30, 1938 -- the day they signed the Munich Agreement, sealing the fate of Czechoslovakia: Above. Neville Chamberlain, who staves off war for a very short time by his agreement with Hitler, announces "Peace in our time" upon his return to Great Britain: Below.

    Now we have another world leader, who is blinded to reality, and who sees the world through the prism of his narcissism. Obama's new vision of foreign police is that the war against terrorism is over, and we have won. "We have killed most of al Qaida," a white house source said, "now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism." In this view there are no enemies, everyone is a friend. Islamism is just fine, so long as it does not openly support terrorism.

    Obama has created the brave new Middle East - a Middle East that assumes that every human heart has the desire to vote, but not to be truly free; a Middle East that oppresses women, gays, and minorities, but pretends to be moderate; a Middle East that despises America but hides that hate behind a façade of multiculturalism, even as it disposes of its internal dissenters.

    In truth, Obama isn't declaring an end to the war on terror, since terrorism will continue unabated each day in Egypt, Palestine, and dozens of other hot spots around the world. Obama is declaring an end on the war on Islamism. He has made his peace; he has surrendered. In doing so, he has condemned America to a defensive position. There is no proactive America shaping the world to its own ends. We now live in a world that is like a series of billiard balls, in which America waits to be struck before bouncing back.

    To Obama, the war on Islamism may be over. For Islamists, the war on America is far from over.

    Thanks to Barack Hussein Obama, we have radical Muslims in the highest levels of the American government, since Obama has bowed to the demands of organizations like CARE and the Muslim Brotherhood. To appease Islamic groups, our government is sanitizing government literature by scrubbing the term terrorist and terrorism as related Islam. Today, the politically correct term regarding terrorism is-Countering Violent Extremism.

   Obama's purging policy was initiated when 50 Muslim organizations demanded the United States purge all references to jihad, radical Islam, radical Muslim terrorism, and other such terms relating to the Islamic Muslim religion. Within 5 days of that demand, the Obama administration had the FBI, Defense Department, State Department, Homeland Security, and a host of other government agencies purging any negative references to radical Islam and Muslim terrorism.

    The purging of literature of all government agencies, including books in the Library of Congress, of any derogatory references to radical Islamic terrorism, is an offensive act which rises to the level of censorship and perhaps impeachable offense. The Obama Administration is even going so far as to the firing or reassigning experts who teach how to defend against radical Islamic terrorism.

    Obama kicked off his presidential campaign while in the living room of a convicted domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. The President has also been negotiating a peace with the terrorist leaders within the Taliban in Afghanistan. The United States government is seeking criminal convictions of our frontline soldiers involved in killing a terrorist suspect who attacked a soldier.

    An example of this insidious rewriting of history was seen in the FBI and Defense Department reports on the terrorist case involving the Islamic terrorist, Army Major Nidal Hasan, who murdered 13 fellow soldiers in a Jihadist attack at Ft. Hood, Texas. The investigation determined that Hasan's crime was not an act of terrorism, but rather a workplace violence incident. That is like saying that a soldier killed by a terrorist's IED was killed in a workplace violence incident.

    The federal government, led by Obama, is sanitizing radical Islam and their terroristic agenda to eradicate Christianity as well as all nonbelievers in Islam. Obama welcomed with open arms the new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who was the President of the Islamic group-the Muslim Brotherhood. Morsi believes in Sharia Law. Egypt is the largest country in the Middle East and also has the largest number of Christians, who are now in danger. Morsi has declared that Israel is an enemy.

    One of the first things that Morsi demanded of Obama was the release of the convicted terrorist known as the "Blind Sheik." The radical Islamic fundamentalist was convicted in connection in the 1993 terrorist led bombing of the World Trade Center. In a speech on June 25, 2012, Morsi said, "Jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal." This is a direct threat to the security of the United States and Israel. In another speech, Morsi declared, "That our capital shall be Jerusalem, Allah willing." This is a declaration of war on Israel. And I think we can now understand why Jerusalem was taken out of the Democratic Platform.

    The Obama Administration will give Egypt $1.2 billion dollars in aid this year. This is money we don't have given to a country that doesn't deserve it.

    Obama must, now know, how Neville Chamberlain felt 74 years ago when his dream of Peace in Our Time exploded when Hitler broke his agreement and allowed his army to march towards World War II. We are dangerously close to World War III, and Obama spends time on fund raisers and the Letterman show. 20 countries are in flames, and we do nothing.

    The terrorists attack on the embassies of the United States in 20 different countries should be considered an act of war, but it isn't. In fact, I haven't heard any outrage from Obama at all. And as usual, it isn't his fault. It was the fault of the stupid video. If the administration hadn't emasculated the CIA, they might have foreseen these attacks coming. But even lacking information wouldn't common sense dictate that security be beefed up in hostile areas on the anniversary of 9/11. After the attack on the embassy at Benghazi, Hilary Clinton said they were well protected by host government security forces. Well pardon the hell out of me Madam Secretary, they weren't much help to Ambassador Stevens and the others in the compound who were tortured and killed. You are partially to blame for the deaths and destruction of the embassy, but the real blame can be placed directly on President Obama's door step.

    At a speech at the UN on September 24, 2009, Moammar Kadafi praised President Obama and said he should be president for life. But in October, 2011 Obama proudly took credit for Kadafi's death. Hilary Clinton stated while on a fact finding trip in Libya during the war that she wanted Kadafi killed. Yes, of course, Kadafi was a bad person who terrorized his country for years, but he wasn't bothering the United States. In fact, he was a stabilizing force in the region. We didn't buy oil from them, so what was our interest? One doesn't wake up one day and say I want to attack a certain country. There has to be a reason. When one looks at the government formed after Kadafi was killed, you have to wonder if Obama had Kadafi killed to pave the way for the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the country of Libya.

    On September 11, 2012, the United States Embassy in Benghazi was attacked and Ambassador Stevens and 3 others were killed. The attack on the embassy was led by Sufyan Ben Qumu. He was captured on the battle field and sent to GITMO. He had ties with the financial backers of the 9/11 hijackers, and his Department of Defense rap sheet reads like a nightmare waiting to happen, which in this case it did. He was released thanks to the efforts of Center of Constitutional Rights, a radical law group, and sent to Libya on the condition that he is kept in prison. Kadafi released him in 2010.

    Terrorist Sufyan Ben Qumu is listed as an "ally of sorts" by Obama. In April of 2011, Obama labeled former GITMO prisoner and U.S. Consulate terrorist Sufyan Ben Qumu as an "ally of sorts." According to the New York Times, the Obama administration labeled him an ally despite the fact that of 2005; he was known as a medium to high risk, and likely to pose a threat to the US, its interest and allies."

    What made Qumu an ally? According to the Times, that status change was due to the Obama administration's shifting of American policies rather than any change with Qumu. As a leader of the Libyan rebels, Qumu received support from NATO. Unnamed western observers felt that Qumu wasn't a real threat. They were worried about the al Qaeda infiltration from outside than the indigenous ones. They were never more wrong. The weapons used in the attack on our embassy in Benghazi could have been provided by US taxpayers.

    The entire Obama administration has had a close relationship with terrorists. Eric Holder, as a senior partner, with the radical law firm Covington and Burling represented GITMO detainees. And you may recall that the attorney general wanted to have the detainees tried in a civil court within sight the ruins of the world trade towers with all the rights and privileges of a US citizen.

    Eric Holder has always had championed terrorists. As assistant attorney general under President Clinton he pressured his subordinates to drop their opposition to the clemency of 16 members of two violent Puerto Rican nationalist organizations. When President Clinton commuted the sentences there was an immediate uproar, and Eric Holder was called before Congress to answer questions from angry lawmakers to explain why the justice department had sided against the FBI, federal prosecutors, and other law enforcement officers who vehemently opposed to the release. Holder refused to answer their questions.

    The 16 members of the FALN that Holder released had been convicted in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Hartford for bank robbery, possession of explosives, and participating in a seditious conspiracy. They were convicted of 130 bombings, several armed robberies, 6 murders, and hundreds of injuries.

    Do you sleep well at night knowing that Obama and Holder are on the job and protecting us from harm? Unfortunately, I don't. They are my worst nightmares.

Is Candidate Obama, by virtue of his inability to literally address Terrorism, America's version of Neville Chamberlain?
51.85%   Yes, He cannot grasp the concept of total war
29.63%   No, He killed Bin Laden
18.52%   Who's Neville Chamberlain?
27 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( September 27th, 2012 @ 4:43 pm )
This may be one of the great lessons of our time.

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, was a Conservative and a very able prime minister, who did not wish to go to war. No wise leader wants to invite war on their people, or on their conscience.

So Neville Chamberlain seized on the first opportunity to delay war for Great Britain, if not for eastern Europe at the Munich Accords.

Candidate Obama has a similar back ground in that wishes not to go to war. He is no Conservative, he is a Liberal, but rather than not delving into war because of humanitarian reasons, he does not consider war because of his core constituency and his roots growing up, at least in part, Muslim.

There is one thing that he did do before he diminished our presence in the Middle East, as he has surely done. Candidate Obama used the infrastructure built, in the Middle East, by the George W. Bush Administration to give the order for Seal Team 6 to kill Osama Bin Laden. After the demise of America's #1 target, Candidate Obama left the informant doctor to rot in a prison in Pakistan, and then "spiked the Football" that he killed Osama Bin Laden, went on a "I killed Osama" tour to taunt this as his sole Middle East foreign policy initiative and accomplishment, and then distilled this event information into terms that even Liberals could understand, so he wouldn't have to run on his miserable economic record - a record of just giving stuff away to likely voters.

Now that the Middle East is blowing up, he is proving powerless to effect anything positive; however, the Candidate still stands a good chance of getting re-elected because he gives away a lot of free stuff to likely voters, that others pay for, or face imprisonment for tax evasion.

Maybe this Frenchman said it best:

"A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it" - Alexis de Tocqueville, 19th century

Did I leave anything out here?

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