Obama’s White House Doctor: Biden ‘Won’t Make It To The End Of This Term,’ Democrats ‘Will Remove Him’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who served in the role under the past two administrations, said during a Fox News interview this week that he believes that Democrats will start to make President Joe Biden’s alleged “cognitive issues” a problem.

    Publisher's Note: This older, but yet to be published post is finally being presented now as an archivable history of the current events of these days that will become the real history of tomorrow.

Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daily Wire News.

    Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who served in the role under the past two administrations, said during a Fox News interview this week that he believes that Democrats will start to make President Joe Biden's alleged "cognitive issues" a problem in an effort to make Vice President Kamala Harris the next president.

    Jackson, who is also a Republican congressman from Texas, made the remarks during an interview with host Laura Ingraham earlier this week following a recently released report on Biden's health.

    Jackson said that he believes that Biden did not even have a cognitive exam done because he claims that Biden's medical team knows that "Biden would not do well on this test."

    "And that's why they ran away from this and they will not do it because they know he'll fail miserably," he said. "You know, he will validate what the public thinks about him right now, that he's not fit to be our commander in chief."

    When asked about Biden running for re-election in 2024, Jackson said "there's absolutely no way" that happens.

    "He will not run for president for a second term. He'll be 82-years-old," Jackson said. "And I really, I'm going to stick to what I've been saying all along since he was candidate Biden. He won't make it to the end of this term. They will remove him at some point after the 2022 midterms. They're going to have to address his cognitive issues. It won't be Ronny Jackson talking about it anymore. It's going to be the Democrats and they're going to have to explain what's going on with him. And make no mistake about it, there's a certain number of people in the White House right now."

    "You know, Kamala Harris walks past that office every day and looks in there," he concluded. "She thinks I'm going to be president pretty soon and she might be right. She probably is right. And that's the only way she's ever going to become president because she's not going to get elected. So there's gonna be a big incentive to get him out of there."




    LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, he also served as the White House physician under President Obama and Trump. All right, Congressman, so, the current White House physician, says Biden is fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency, as long as Ron Klain makes all the decisions. No, I'm joking. So, how would we know that without a cognitive test? Is that important in your estimation?

    RONNY JACKSON, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PHYSICIAN: Well, it's absolutely important, Laura, especially in this particular situation, the man's 79-years-old. 50% of the United States population does not believe that he's mentally fit and cognitively fit to lead this country as our commander in chief and our head of state. And so, Dr. O'Connor spent six pages talking about useless stuff that no one cares about, and did not address the elephant in the room, which is, is this man cognitively fit to be our president? Whenever President Trump had his physical done, I did a cognitive test on him. President Trump was the first president to ever have one done. And that was because the far-left and the liberal media demanded, they were relentless in their pursuit of me, in getting his physical done and including a cognitive test as part of that. We did that. And I did it because I was 100% Sure, that President, that there wasn't one single thing wrong with President Trump and he said, 'Let's do it, Ronny, I got nothing to hide.' But they are just as sure right now that Biden would not do well in this test. And that's why they ran away from this and they will not do it because they know he'll fail miserably. You know, he will validate what the what the public thinks about him right now, that he's not fit to be our commander in chief.

    INGRAHAM: No, they went on and on about Trump's cognitive tests. It was the most ridiculous thing. Anyone who's spent anytime with President Trump, there's no issue with his cognitive abilities, that's for sure. ... But dentistry what? Why do we care about whether, you know, [Biden] needs a root canal or not? This makes no sense.

    JACKSON: He was literally just trying to fill the report, just trying to fill six pages of the report and then get it as a written release. He should have got up there. Dr. O'Connor, who I don't know, personally, he used to work for me. I don't really have a lot of respect for the man to be honest with you. I don't think he's a man of integrity. Anyways, but he should have got up there, he should have stood before the press. You know, whenever I did President Trump's physical exam, and I did his cognitive test, I stood in the press briefing room for an hour and 15 minutes and answered every single question they could come up with regarding his physical exam. And what do we have here? We have a written report, nothing but a written report and a useless written report at that.

    INGRAHAM: Yeah, the White House by the way, Congressman, did make a big announcement today, watch.


    REPORTER: There were reports that President Biden was telling allies that he's gonna run for re-election 2024. Can you confirm, is he going to run in 2024 or is he telling staff that?

    JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Yes. That's his intention.

    [END CLIP]

    INGRAHAM: Jen Psaki didn't even seem to believe that when she said it, 'that's his intention.' So, a little bit of a hedge there. Congressman, what is Biden look like in 2024? Maybe they'll come out with that cognitive test in 2023.

    JACKSON: Yeah, there's no way, Laura, there's absolutely no way. You mark my word. He will not run for president for a second term. He'll be 82-years-old. And I really, I'm going to stick to what I've been saying all along since he was candidate Biden. He won't make it to the end of this term. They will remove him at some point after the 2022 midterms. They're going to have to address his cognitive issues. It won't be Ronny Jackson talking about it anymore. It's going to be the Democrats and they're going to have to explain what's going on with him. And make no mistake about it, there's a certain number of people in the White House right now. You know, Kamala Harris walks past that office every day and looks in there. She thinks I'm going to be president pretty soon and she might be right. She probably is right. And that's the only way she's ever going to become president because she's not going to get elected. So there's gonna be a big incentive to get him out of there.

    INGRAHAM: Congressman, perish the thought because Kamala is even worse than the other one. Congressman, good to see you tonight.

Inarguably, the policies of the Democrats in congress and Joe Biden as the Executive is plunging the United States into a recession, if we are not already there; a recession that was completely avoidable. Will abrupt changes in policies occur in time?
  Yes, the Democrats have a bold plan, yet to be revealed, to save us.
  No, there will have to be a complete undoing of the damage done by these Democrats.
  I can't do simple math, so how am I to understand the concept of basic economics.
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