Political Conventions Perfectly Defined Their Parties | Eastern North Carolina Now

Then the candidate himself, President Barack Obama gave his speech and spoke of the many plans he has for improving this country's problems and one wonders why he didn't do anything about it when he had a Democrat Congress.

   Publisher's note: This excellent article on left-wing media bias was originally published in The Irish Examiner.

    It has always amazed
Then the candidate himself, President Barack Obama gave his speech and spoke of the many plans he has for improving this country's problems and one wonders why he didn't do anything about it when he had a Democrat Congress. - Alicia Colon
me whenever I hear people say that there is no difference between our two political parties. Perhaps most politicians on either side of the aisle are equally corrupt but when it comes to the party's principles, there has never been a wider divide between the Republican and Democratic Parties and this was very evident at their conventions in the past two weeks.

    I watched both conventions on C-span.org on my computer because networks tend to put their partisan spin on the events particularly when it comes to minority speakers at the GOP convention.

    The GOP convention was a well organized event that came off well despite the threat of the upcoming hurricane Isaac. The general themes of the convention were downsizing the government, creating jobs, support of traditional marriage, freedom of religion, the military, strong national security; border security, reducing the national debt and respect for the unborn. Many of the speeches before Romney was introduced revealed his little known personal kindnesses experienced by friends. A video with heart warming home movies of his family life over the years was very effective in humanizing the candidate.

    The language from the GOP delegates was more mocking than vicious against the president and the address by movie star Clint Eastwood speaking to an empty chair representing Obama was a smash. I confess that I did not get it at first because I watched him on the computer and at first thought he was showing his 82 years.

    However after actually reading the speech's transcript and then watching it on television, I had to agree that it was a great performance act and all one had to realize that was to look at his hair. Eastwood was in the character of a doddering old uncle who always speaks the truth no matter how politically incorrect it is. That one act has spawned hundreds of parodies and hilarious videos of "the empty chair."

    The mainstream media immediately tried to debunk all the speeches but many of those fact-checkers were in fact wrong. Obama sycophants like Bill Maher ranted about the lies in Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's speeches without specifying how they were in fact lies.

    Overall, despite the harsh criticism by the media lapdogs disguising themselves as independent fact-checkers, a close examination of the GOP speeches found them to be accurate.

    of the criticisms by the Dem machine were downright nasty and tweets by celeb Dems were lewd and vile against the wives of Romney and Ryan. Of course, there was the usual race baiting. LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa ranted that the GOP can't "just trot out a brown face" to solve their problems with Hispanic voters. Considering the fact that the networks pulled away from these speakers I'm surprised he even noticed.

    It is only fair to point out that while the GOP has a white majority at present, those black and Hispanic speakers are genuine elected representatives and were not merely tokens at the convention. They included Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval; Sher Valenzuela, the GOP candidate for lieutenant governor of Delaware; Ted Cruz, candidate for the U.S. Senate in Texas and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno. Condoleezza Rice, the first black female Secretary of State gave a stirring speech which reminded the audience that she grew up in the segregated South but that in America one can overcome any obstacles. One would think that the Democrats would appreciate that message.

    However, the first day of the Democratic convention demonstrated how far apart the two parties are in values. All the leftwing special interest groups were in charge of the agenda. Social issues, not the economy, dominated the proceedings with abortion rights, gay marriage, class envy and racism attacks against the GOP. One of the speakers even included an illegal, oops I mean, undocumented immigrant.

    In addition, we were told that the Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe vs. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions about her pregnancy "regardless of ability to pay." Hmmm. I guess that mean taxpayers will be forced to pay for all forms of birth control, including abortions.

    The mantra of the GOP's War on Women was repeated often even though delegates were buying buttons that read, "Sluts Vote." Code Pink anti-war protesters dressed up as pink vaginas outside the convention hall. We were warned that the Republicans would have women dying in ER rooms because they were against birth control. The tone was hysterical, fear-mongering and totally bereft of truth.

    What I found so astounding about this message is the fact that Democrats still hold up Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton as icons to be lauded when they should be condemned for their twin misogynistic histories. Perhaps they have erased the memory of Chappaquiddick and Mary Jo Kopechne, the young woman Kennedy abandoned to die at the bottom of the tidal channel while he swam to safety and didn't report the accident for nine hours. His punishment - two months suspended sentence for leaving the scene of an accident. It's nice to be a Kennedy, isn't it?
As for horn dog Bill Clinton, who defiled the Oval office with a young intern Monica Lewinsky; who as governor of Arkansas allegedly raped Juanita Broaddrick and molested Paula Jones, he's idolized as an elder statesman even though he took campaign funds from the People's Republic of China.

    Then the candidate himself, President Barack Obama gave his speech and spoke of the many plans he has for improving this country's problems and one wonders why he didn't do anything about it when he had a Democrat Congress. At least this time he didn't blame Bush for the problems he inherited like the previous speakers at the convention.

    Perhaps it's because what he inherited from Bush compares poorly to his own record: Then - AAA credit rating (since Obama AA); 7.8 unemployment (now 8.3); gas price $1.83 (now $3.85+); two wars (now three wars); 26 weeks unemployment (now 99 weeks); annual budget (now no budget); national debt $10 trillion (now $16 trillion). Six trillion run up by Obama in just one term thanks to his deliberately wasteful socialist policies designed to create a nation of dependent Americans is a disastrous record.

    There were so many misleading remarks by speakers that even the media noted the discrepancies but what really defined the party's agenda was the removal of the words God and Jerusalem in the Democrat platform. Both words are included in the Republican one and the resultant criticism forced the DNC to reinsert them. The delegates booed and hollered at this and their anger was caught on video and outraged the nation.

    Although many conservatives believed that this confirmed the anti-religious secular bent of the party, I felt that it was more indicative of the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel sentiment and the influence of the Muslims community on the Democrats.

    Conclusion: The Republicans are squarely pro-Israel and the Democrats not so much.

   The Republicans revere the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Democrats believe that the Constitution is fluid and should be expanded to include civil rights for alternative lifestyles and want strict gun control legislation.

    Republicans want a smaller government and more personal freedom. The DNC showed a video that said: "The Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To."

    Republicans respect women and their intelligence in making choices. Democrats only acknowledge women who agree with their radical agenda and dismiss the misogyny of their political leaders.

    The Republican convention included speakers like Clint Eastwood who are not social conservatives. Social conservatives were banned from speaking by the DNC.

    Finally Democrats are embarrassed by the mention of God in the government venue while Republicans adhere to the sentiment expressed by their first president, Abraham Lincoln who said: "I turn, then, and look to the American people and to that God who has never forsaken them."

    Your choice, America - a very clear one in 2012.

    Publisher's note: Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at aliciav.colon@gmail.com and at www.aliciacolon.com. Alicia would dearly love to hear from you.

Are you angered by the extent that the "media stooges" at NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, the New York Times, etc., etc., etc. are working for Candidate Obama's re-election, as their life's work, at this time when the economy, the candidate's foreign policy and campaign rhetoric are in the tank (toilet)?
65.38%   Yes, they are smitten by his aura - in the tank with him
19.23%   No, Obama is so cool and above their scrutiny
15.38%   What is media?
26 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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Who's tending to the County Store? Alicia Unleashed, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics, Bloodless Warfare: Politics Liberalism Unmasked: Part Three


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