Liberalism Unmasked: Part Two | Eastern North Carolina Now

Four out of ten voters call themselves Liberal. The actual percentage is 21%. However, this small percentage controls fully the Democratic Party.

   Publisher's note: This second instalment of a multi-part series by Marvin Sparks reveals a interesting perspective into the world of the functioning Liberal.

   The first instalment of this multi-part series appeared here.

    Four out of ten voters call themselves Liberal. The actual percentage is 21%. However, this small percentage controls fully the Democratic Party. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is the Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee. She is pro-choice and an active member of Planned Parenthood, so she is critical of any limits on tax-payer funded abortions. She is also pro-gun control and pro-gay rights. She said, "You have Republicans who want to literally to drag us all back to Jim Crow and literally-and very transparently-block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates than Republican candidates." She failed to remember that the Jim Crow laws were Democratic restrictions-not Republican.

    Liberals speak often of tolerance, but they only tolerate Liberals and Liberal ideas. Liberals hate Christianity and conservative Bible believing Christians are persona non grate in any gathering of Liberals, and this was displayed for the world to see at the DNC. Liberals are intolerant of Christianity because of its insistence upon personal responsibility and moral absolutes. Liberals know that a society without moral absolutes and a society without strong emphasis upon personal responsibility will fall, because self reliance and rugged individualism are traits that are only found amongst moral peoples who come from strong families.
The right to assemble to protest is a First Amendment right that one would believe that the Liberal could actually grasp; however, the 1st Amendment right to protected free speech extends to all Americans, which immediately clouds the understanding of this one amendment the Liberal almost understood. Sometimes it's just not fair to be the Liberal: Above.

    The Liberal seeks to criminalize any speech that promotes morality or individualism as "hate speech." We see Liberal Judges and Liberal Courts outlawing the Bible and gutting free speech provisions of the First Amendment of the Constitution. Liberal Judges are now declaring that the Bible's proscription against homosexuality is illegal "hate speech" and scripture is now in the process of being outlawed from any public discourse. The Liberal Courts are now saying that such speech amounts to intimidation of minorities and is prohibited by law.

    Environmentalists have a false god, also. For the Liberal, their god is the state, but for the environmental extremist it is the 'creation' rather than the "Creator." Therefore, they become anti-human. They elevate the rights of animals above those of mankind. Christianity instructs men that they are to be kind to animals, but they are not to elevate anything above the value of human life. The Bible teaches that "Man was created in the image of God." Thus human life is profoundly sacred and highly valued far above that of any animal or wilderness or wetland. Christians who hold to a Biblical world view will know that private property rights trump the claims of the EPA to regulate how a farmer may use his private property. The EPA is staffed by "watermelon environmentalists" who are green on the outside (claim to care about the environment), but are red on the inside (communist red). They only care about consolidating their power and advancing the cause of Socialism.

    The Liberal's only method of debate is to appeal to the emotions of the mis-educated and illogical persons. Liberals seek to insult and discredit anyone who dares to disagree with them, especially in the college class rooms, because the facts of logic and history do not support the agenda they are seeking to advance.

    Liberals despise all innocence, especially the innocence of a child. Hollywood Liberals seek to steal the innocence of our children as early as possible, and the public schools assist them. Liberals seek to sexualize our children, eliminate the age of consent laws and promote the normalization of pedophilia, all in the pursuit of sexual freedom. Liberals control public schools, and they want to force all children into them in order to promote promiscuity and instill Liberal ideas into the minds and hearts of children. The Liberal expresses concern for children, but invariably they are using children to expand their power and enlarge their personal income at the expense of the taxpayer.

    Liberals are not obsessed with sex, but with promiscuity. Promoting promiscuity among the masses is the primary mission of the Liberals who control Hollywood, Television and print media. Liberals know that the twin pillars that support conservatism are family values and faith in God. By promoting promiscuity Liberals know that they are simultaneously attacking both of the main support pillars of rugged individualism. Liberals know that a man of sterling character and discipline who is a moral, God fearing family man has no need of state support in the form of welfare programs. Liberals know that such a man is a dedicated and formidable enemy of those who are determined to foist socialism upon the nations of the world.

   Liberals say that they despise marriage and family because they are "patriarchal institutions" that oppress women and children, but the real reason they despise family values is because marriage oppose, disapprove and limit promiscuity thus undermining one of the principal supports of Liberalism. Liberals believe that passing religious values on to your children is a form of child abuse.

    The Liberal typically chooses a career in a field that produces nothing of value. A Liberal will seek employment in public education or an employee with a local, state or federal government, "a community organizer," a lawyer or any field that will advance Liberal goals. The Liberal will use the government to extract wealth from others by the power of taxation. Liberal do-good programs enrich Liberals and do little to actually help the poor.

   The Liberal despises masculinity because it is a symbol of individual power.

    Liberals hate the suburbs because they view it as a manifestation of individual prosperity, private property ownership, and the independent family.

    Feminists groups are about lesbianism, socialism, and hatred of men. They care nothing about the equal rights of women. Do you doubt it? Then name me one single feminist who came to the defense of Sarah Palin when she was being vilified by the Liberal media. You can't because there wasn't one. Well, so much for equal rights for women, if you aren't in the right group.

    Liberals are perfectly willing to destroy you financially, remove your children, and imprison you for what you believe. They are viciously intolerant of any divergence from the dogma of left-wing ideology. The "modern inquisitors," the justices in black robes, will use the full powers of the government, the police, and the state to enforce their decrees.

    Liberals are obsessed with demonstrating their "moral superiority." They live their lives without actually helping anyone. The political activism they engage in is dedicated to convincing themselves that they are truly good people. Liberals are driven by the need to validate the unspoken assertion that "I care more than you do," which is ironic since none of the government programs Liberals have designed can be shown to have an overall positive influence in our society.

    Liberals believe that anyone who makes money must be stealing it from someone else. Liberals do not understand the free market where wealth is created and is constantly expanding. Liberals do not understand that the free market lifts the economic conditions of all men, and they do not understand that is the creativity, ingenuity and hard work of self made millionaires who create better products or a better service and thus a better life for all mankind.

    Other diseases kill many millions more people, but Liberals are obsessed with Aids because it is a moral consequence of promiscuity. Liberals howl if a homosexual, transvestite or convicted felon is even slightly offended, but they openly bash Christians. Liberals have enormous compassion for criminal predators, but little for the victims.

    Liberals claim to be against violence, but they make excuses for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro who have murdered and tortured millions of political dissidents. A Liberal's claim against violence sounds hallow when they seek to disarm individuals and render then powerless before the thugs, thieves, and murderers who rule the inner city. Liberals only oppose violence when it fits their agenda, but they are perfectly willing to use violence to advance their agenda.

    I am indebted to Ludwig Von Mises and his Ebook entitled, "Liberalism."

    Liberalism Unmasked will continue with Part Three
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