NCACC Weekly Update — July 1 | Eastern North Carolina Now

NCACC Weekly Update — July 1

Press Release:

Legislative Brief

Notable Activity

    With the Senate approving its 2021–22 state budget proposal last week, the House more formally began its budget process this week by reviewing the Senate budget in detail in appropriations subcommittees organized by policy subject areas. It is expected the House will take several weeks to draft, release, and approve its 2021-2022 spending plan before the House and Senate negotiate a final budget to send to Governor Cooper for his consideration.

    The General Assembly is expected to be quiet next week as both chambers will take a "summer break" and conduct no public business until the week of July 12th.

State Updates

    While the state eviction moratorium was not extended in North Carolina, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extended, for the final time, its eviction moratorium through July 31, 2021. Visit the HOPE Program for more information about rental and utility assistance available to renters experiencing financial hardship.

    In the latest NC DHHS COVID-19 County Alert report, viral spread continues to decrease. There is one red county, indicating critical spread.

    COVID-19 vaccines are now available to individuals 12 and older across the state, and 53% of adults are fully vaccinated. 43% of the state's population is fully vaccinated.

    July 1 marks the transition to Medicaid managed care in North Carolina. NC DHHS notes almost 1.6 million beneficiaries will receive services through health plans.

Federal Updates

    Fiscal Recovery Funds and American Rescue Plan Updates
    State and local stakeholders held American Rescue Plan Information Sessions for Local Governments this week to review information and answer questions about Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds. A recording of the webinar will be available and the slides are posted HERE. For more information and resources, visit:

    How is your county making plans for FRF?
    NCACC is tracking county activities and investments on its American Rescue Plan page to share information about how counties are planning and preparing to invest Fiscal Recovery Funds. Please email with examples of how your county is making plans for FRF.