It's all here in Beaufort County Now - even your comments.
So ... I guess that would make us Socialist propagandists as well. Right? |
Stan, do you want praise for working 70 hours/wk? You're not gonna get it from me as I've been doing the same for 20 years and don't expect any special recognition for it. "You don't have the time to understand"? That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? You don't even pretend to try to understand views which aren't exactly in line with yours. If articles which coincide with your views are the only ones you're willing to include on your site, you're a propagandist. Articles you publish aren't honest journalistic pieces. They're conservative propaganda.
And this socialism thing again? Stan, what are you talking about? Read the Wall Street Journal article about how Obama has significantly DECREASED federal spending. How does that happen with a "socialist" president? How does Romney represent this "idea" you support? And you're saying Obama's the wrong man for the job because he's NOT "uncool"? Show your readers some facts which support your "ideas" and cite at least a few reliable sources. I've yet to see you cite one. |
As someone who works over 70 hours a week, I absolutely do not have the time to try to understand, let alone celebrate, the whole Occupy Wall Street, "we're the 99%, you're the 1%," YEAH socialism! mentality.
Sorry. Maybe that is why I so ably see through the whole "Cool Concept" as a reason to support an idea, an individual. |
I'm not sure why anyone would value the work of a venture capitalist over the work of a community organizer. Obama also taught constitutional law. And there's his time in the Senate. But for some reason these aren't considered "jobs" by Stan Deatherage because their salaries come, in varying degrees, from the taxes we pay. Stan, is that your argument? A job is only a "real job" when its salary comes entirely from the private sector? What about fire departments? Police? The military? Are you saying all employees at state universities are mooches? Interesting. And indefensible. But you go ahead and stick to your guns.
Also interesting..Mr. Romney seems awfully anxious to get that government job. That is, he's awfully anxious to be the top executive in an organization he's continually saying should be stripped of much of its authority to collect revenue in the form of taxes and serve the people from whom they're collected. And you're voting for him? Very sad indeed. He's spent his entire life making the rich richer. Do you have any doubts that he'll continue to do the same in the White House? He's never shown a bit of interest in helping the "middle class." But you think the super-rich got super-rich through hard work, don't you Stan? The executive making $10 million/year while his average employee makes $25k/yr deserves his castles because he's recognized all of the ways to legally exploit as many people as possible and had no moral qualms along the way. Fantastic. |
Mitt Romney has had quite a few real jobs unlike Candidate Obama, who has only lied his way through life.
And you voted for him. Very sad. |
The "mindless masses" didn't put Obama into the White House. The Electoral College did. Obama received 365 votes while the "war hero" received 173. This is called a landslide, Stan. And while electors are "pledged" to vote for the candidate of the party that chose them, nothing in the Constitution requires them to do so.
You seem to think that "coolness" and stupidity are mutually inclusive. Here's your line of thought: "Kim Kardashian has pop culture appeal. Kim Kardashian is not presidential material. Obama has pop culture appeal. Therefore, Obama is not presidential material." Another famous Deatherage line of thought: "Cuba has universal healthcare. Cuba is socialist. Obama supports universal healthcare. Therefore, Obama is a socialist." Awesome, Stan. Just awesome! You find one hopelessly stupid Obama supporter and then leap to the conclusion that all Obama supporters are hopelessly stupid. Life ain't that cut and dry, Stan. And you know that. You criticize Obama for launching "false" attacks against Romney rather than highlighting his own strengths and policies. Enlighten us, Stan. What are Romney's strengths? One final Deatherage line of thought: "Romney knows how to create wealth for himself. Therefore, Romney will be able to create wealth for our entire nation." More absurd logic. The guy was a venture capitalist. He never produced a single thing aside from his personal fortune. He's not Henry Ford and he sure as heck isn't Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. And we're all beginning to realize that he made his fortune through outsourcing, manipulation, dishonest accounting, and greed. Not through hard work. |
It's All About Incentives | WWLD (What Would Liberals Do?), Editorials, Somebody's Laughing, Op-Ed & Politics, The Arts | The Barefoot Movement Returns to the Region |
The overwhelmingly conservative tone on this site is certainly due more to the political climate of Beaufort than any intent to ignore those with liberal viewpoints. Your point is well-taken. I can only hope that your readers can differentiate between opinion-based editorials and investigative reporting. I'd love to see an editorial here concerning the significance of Bain Capitals primary source of funding at its inception. I'm sure it's just around the corner.