Arthur Williams Sinks to a New Low: Now as a Democrat-switched-to-Republican Candidate for NC House | Eastern North Carolina Now

Arthur Williams is continuing to practice his brand of disingenuous politics, just so he can get himself elected to a seat that he is proving every day he is unqualified to hold - not as a Republican.

   Publisher's note: This loathsome mailer / hit-piece, now in question, has given rise to a new category, "Hit Piece," in Beaufort County Now, that will exist within the realm of the "Bloodless Warfare: Politics" parent category.

   Within this sphere of interest, we will examine every political editorial and campaign material that is baseless and without merit, and please be aware of this one truth: Our determinable reaction will be somewhat less than kind, but unlike the loathsome "Hit Piece," it will be based on facts.

Just Who is Arthur Williams?

    Arthur Williams is continuing to practice his brand of disingenuous politics, just so he can get himself elected to a seat (NC House) that he is proving every day he is unqualified to hold - not as a Republican. What may have worked for Arthur before, as a life long Democrat, will not hold up since he has switched to run for elected office as a Republican.


    Republicans hold their candidates to a higher standard: Chief among them, personal integrity, where one does not lie to gain political advantage. Also, we, Republicans, strive to elect representatives who can think on their own, and act as honorable men and women, not as self-serving slaves to a special interest master. Now ask yourself: Can Arthur debate the merits of any issue?

    In Arthur's political past, as an elected Democrat, he did often engage in his corrosive brand of telling "falsehoods" to benefit his political ambitions, but now that he has switched parties to run again as a Republican (in name only), I will not refrain from calling him out. On this occasion, in the matter of his most recent mailer/hit piece on Mattie Lawson, he claimed Mrs. Lawson's "chief political consultant and GOP activist," without naming him, made disparaging remarks about her, and what he insisted was said, about Mattie, was a total fabrication. That is cheap, and furthers Arthur's usual method of manufacturing quotes to achieve some nefarious agenda to gain a political advantage.

    In regards to Arthur's questionable conduct, where he accused Mattie Lawson of instability (see images below of the mailer in question) by quoting his 'unnamed source': "She won't be able to handle the pressure in Raleigh. She is cracking already," is unconscionable. Arthur accomplishes his politically slanderous allegation by ascribing this comment to some still unidentified person, which leads one to question: What other devious political rumors has he already started, and to what crass level will he sink just to get elected?

    In Arthur's aforementioned mailer/hit piece, he also intimates, "Who is my real opponent?" Well, many of us would just love to know: Who are you Arthur? All I know is a 45 year liberal Democrat who claims he has always been a Republican. Arthur thinks he has lived his long political life as a Republican trapped in the body of a liberal Democrat. Now, who is unstable here?

    Obviously, Arthur is just this desperate to win, and accordingly because of his unscrupulous behavior, he is not qualified to serve the people in this area - not as a Republican.

   Publishers note: These images, here below, represent the two sides of a mailer sent by Arthur Williams to likely voters in the Republican primary runoff now underway. While we, at BCN, would never support this brand of campaign advertisement, due to its libelous nature, we do feel called to show it as an exhibit to support Contributor Hood Richardson's argument that this type of a campaign has no place on our political stage.

   The images below were scanned in to a digital format, but still well represent the quality of the product received.

    Also, the icon used is from a picture of Arthur from this infamous mailer. I usually take own photos; however, since Arthur did not attend any public events, or debates during the primary campaign, I was unable to do so.

Front of infamous mailer attacking Mattie Lawson from Arthur Williams: Above. Rear of the infamous mailer attacking Mattie Lawson from Arthur Williams, which includes the libelous comments (at the botton of this second image) of his unnamed source, and is the centerpiece of Contributor Hood Richardson's commentary: Below.

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( July 1st, 2012 @ 5:36 am )
Personal attacks like this one attacking Lawson for being married several times tend to backfire. For example, this one is likely to offend anyone who has been through a divorce or widowhood. The unattributed manufactured quote at the end is also the mark of desperation. Most voters are savvy enough to know that unattributed quotes are almost always made up.

There is also a saying thta ''those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones''. Being married more than once is nothing compared to some of the skeletons rattling around in the closet of Williams' personal life, and some of those are surprisingly well known around town. Voters - especially women voters - ought to ask around and find out what Williams really is. Then decide if you want that sort of person representing you in Raleigh.

It is said that ''turn about is fair play'' but I suspect that Lawson has too much class to put out a mailer on Williams personal shananigans. It would be poetic justice, however, if someone put together an independent PAC just to do that!
( June 30th, 2012 @ 9:31 am )
I do appreciate how you do state the obvious; however, may well be forgotten by good, decent people.

Years before Jim Black was sent to federal prison, Arthur stated at a local fundraiser, "I'm Jim Black's Man."

Obviously, back then, Arthur rather enjoyed being a Democrat.
( June 30th, 2012 @ 9:24 am )
The only constituents Arthur Williams was known to serve when he was in Raleigh as a lieutenant in the corrupt organization of former Democrat Speaker, and convicted felon (federal court, corruption), Jim Black were big special interests like the Committee of 100 and Rev. David Moore's various projects. His blather about such things only shows that he would not represent conservative principals. But since Williams supported Obama for president in 2008, we already knew that.

SB 447: Making it Harder to Start Your Own Landscaping Business Hit Piece, Op-Ed & Politics, Bloodless Warfare: Politics More Than You Pay For


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