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All conservatives got a surprise when several self certified conservative Republicans suddenly flipped to the liberal side

   All conservatives got a surprise when several self certified conservative Republicans suddenly flipped to the liberal side. Ashley Woolard and Bill Tarpenning, announced they are actively working as paid political managers for the liberal Arthur Williams who demanded a run off with Mattie Lawson, the conservative Republican. Lawson beat both Williams and Jeremy Adams but did not get enough of the vote to avoid a run off. Jeremy Adams, after representing himself as a Ron Paul conservative endorsed Williams. Politically,Williams is as far the left as you can get and a Ron Paul conservative is as far the right as you can get. It all looks like sour grapes, if Adams is what he said he is? Rumors have been around for some time that Woolard, Tarpenning and Greg Dority recruited Williams.

    Williams has not hesitated in the past to hire and donate money to those who he thought could deliver votes. Williams has paid money to the Reverend David Moore for political consulting and endorsements in the past. During his past several campaigns Williams has paid Moore, over $5,000. During other North Carolina House campaigns Williams has made donations and payments to Moore and his Church.

    Williams made sure his campaign spread money to the boys in his like-minded club. Gregg Dority got $500 for his campaign to become State Auditor and Gary Brinn got $200 for his Beaufort County Commissioner race. Dority lost in the primary election and Gary Brinn is running this fall, he came in fourth in the commissioners primary. Gary Brinn's campaign is also managed by Ashley Woolard and Bill Tarpennig. Brinn claims to be a conservative Republican but Woolard and Tarpenning are not behaving like conservatives. Could it be that Woolard and Tarpenning are breaking into the hazardous world of handling candidates and campaign management? Seems to me that they should have won at least one election before trying this. Could it be Arthur Williams is that desperate or is he just trying to buy a block votes the same way as he has in the past?

    Williams did show his loyalty to Thom Tillis, Speaker of the House, by donating $1,000 to his campaign. With Williams demonstrated ability to kiss up to past Speakers, Tillis will reward Williams with plenty of campaign money if Williams can just survive the run off with conservative Republican Mattie Lawson. Tillis did not take any chances with Arthur, when he cancelled his commitment to be the keynote speaker at the local Republican convention held at the Beaufort County Community College last month. Tillis cancelled at the very last minute and Williams was a no show too. This event was held before the primary election and Tillis did not want to face the supporters of conservative Mattie Lawson and opportunist Jeremy Adams in public after he took Arthur Williams money. Williams says he was blessed by the big boy Republicans in Raleigh, so I guess that would be Tillis.

    We are seeing more and more evidence the Republican Party leadership in Raleigh along with their hacks are trying to hand pick puppets from Eastern North Carolina. Republicans and Unaffiliated voters in the Republican primary defeated this effort when Michael Speciale, Norm Sanderson, and Bill Cook beat their Raleigh blessed opponents in the primaries. If conservative voters who dislike party boss politics will come out for the Lawson/Williams election and defeat Williams, a clear message will land in Raleigh. We do not like party bosses. We have had enough of party controlled politics. The Basnight system will no longer work in Eastern North Carolina. If we will return to our founding fathers' roots. Party boss politics will not work any where in these United States. Corruption and socialism need to be gone for good.

    Early voting begins on June 28 at the Board of Elections with all precincts open on July 17. Registered Republicans and unaffiliated voters may vote in the House 6 runoff, regardless of whether you voted in the May 6 Primary or not. If you are registered Democrat it is too late to change your affiliation for this election but not for the November election.
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