3168 Arrests or H.R. 3168: Which one will save more lives? | Eastern North Carolina Now

One of these numbers represents smoke and mirrors and a false sense of security; the other represents transparency in crime reporting, and an opportunity to regain control of our nation's immigration law enforcement mechanisms.


    One of these numbers represents smoke and mirrors and a false sense of security; the other represents transparency in crime reporting, and an opportunity to regain control of our nation's immigration law enforcement mechanisms.

    ABC News reports "ICE Arrests 3,168 Criminal Aliens in Sweep." What a fascinating story, but it's nothing to get excited about. If ICE arrested 3,168 illegal aliens every week of the year, it would take nearly 73 years to deport the laughably-low estimate of 12 million illegal aliens. Apply more realistic numbers of 25-30 million into that equation and the time rises to over 150 years, and that is at a rate of 3,168 arrests every week. Still excited?

    Let's look at another 3168: H.R. 3168, "The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011," introduced at our request by Congressman Walter Jones. Currently, the FBI doesn't track illegal alien crime, and their reason is arguably valid: Congress hasn't told them to. "The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011" would require law enforcement agencies to add "nationality" and "legal status" to the crime reporting data they are already required to send to the FBI, and would require the FBI to report it to the public.

    The American People are not fools. They know we don't have to deport every illegal alien. They know that if we remove the incentives that draw them here, and stop rewarding criminal behavior with government handouts, and amnesties, and actually enforce the immigration laws on the books, most will choose to stay in their home countries.

    The United States is in the middle of the "largest invasion in world history." That is a fact. President Obama attacked the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, accusing it of "judicial activism" by a group of people who weren't even elected, yet his own Department of Homeland Security Secretary has offered up what is no less than "Executive Branch Amnesty" for illegal alien invaders, using the dishonest and deceptive language of "provisional unlawful presence waiver."

    The "Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act" was introduced twice during the reign of Speaker "We have to pass it to find out what's in it" Pelosi, but never got a hearing or a vote.

    "The first step to be taken in problem solving is to properly and completely identify the problem to be solved. The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act represents an important tool to aid our law enforcement efforts to combat crime by identifying the magnitude of the problem that the citizens of our nation should have every right to expect will be solved by law enforcement agencies on the local, state and federal level." - Michael W. Cutler, Senior Special Agent, INS (Ret.)

    The Republican-led Immigration Reform Caucus assured FIRE Coalition leadership that if they regained control of the House, we'd have hearings and a vote. Last fall, Congressman Walter Jones (NC) introduced (yet again) H.R. 3168, "The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011."

   Speaker Boehner has farmed H.R. 3168 out to two committees: Homeland Security, chaired by Republican Rep. Peter King (NY), and Judiciary, chaired by Republican Lamar Smith (TX). According to sources on Capitol Hill, the bill was sent to these committees to die.

   Instead of holding hearings on a simple bill that would track illegal alien crime and stop rewarding sanctuary cities with tax dollars that refuse to submit the data to the FBI, Congressman Peter King has introduced legislation (H.R. 495, "The See Something, Say Something Act") that would grant immunity from prosecution, (even civil litigation) to radical left-wing groups that target Christians, conservatives, and Constitutionalists. (Read: "If You See Something un-Constitutional, Say Something!")

    Nov. 3, 2011 FIRE Coalition press conference in support of "National Day of Remembrance" of victims of illegal alien crime, and H.R. 3168, "The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011. From left: Rep. Walter Jones, sponsor of H.R. 3168, Jeff Lewis, FIRE Coalition National Director, Rep. Steve King, sponsor of H.Res. 461. Videos of speeches at: http://operationbodycount.com

    "I fully support the reintroduction and ultimate passage of the Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011 authored by Congressman Walter Jones," said State Legislators for Legal Immigration Founder and Pennsylvania State Representative Daryl Metcalfe. "Americans have a right to be protected by their government from illegal alien invaders. This legislation will expose the negligent policies that have placed Americans in harm's way as illegal aliens have committed crime after crime against our people." - Pennsylvania Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, Founder, State Legislators for Legal Immigration

    Above to the left: Ray Tranchant, who lost his daughter to a drunk-driving illegal alien. Center: John Stahl, founder Tea Party Immigration Coalition. To the right: Jamiel Shaw, Sr., who's son was gunned down in front of their home in Los Angeles by an illegal alien while Jamiel Shaw, Jr's mother, Army Sgt. Anita Shaw was serving in Iraq. Videos of above speeches at: http://operationbodycount.com

    From the Nov. 1, 2011 "National Day of Remembrance" press release:

    "This is the most important bill introduced since the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001 to address criminal activity on American soil by foreign nationals, most of them here illegally" said FIRE Coalition National Director Jeff Lewis.

    "A 2010 FIRE Coalition investigation into a foiled attempt by illegal aliens using stolen or fraudulent identification to gain access to Shaw Air Force Base, home of the Air Force and (new) Army Central Command Headquarters, revealed an alarming statistic," warned Mr. Lewis.

    "What we discovered in our investigation is that over the past five years, no fewer than 727 illegal aliens attempted to gain access to U.S. military, nuclear power, and other sensitive national security installations on U.S. soil. FIRE Coalition has been calling for Congressional hearings into how these critical national security breaches are being handled by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS,." concluded Mr. Lewis. (Shaw Air Force Base Incident Report)

    Why Is the Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011 Necessary?

    Nearly 100,000 Americans have been killed by illegal aliens on American soil since the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. Read the transcript of Rep. Steve King's explanation of his 2005 GAO Study at FIRE Coalition's 2007 Constitution Week press conference on Capitol Hill.

    "Open borders and mass illegal immigration were central to Osama bin Laden's plans to invade the U.S. and commit mass murder. These same open borders and continued mass illegal immigration have set the stage for continued crimes committed by criminal illegal aliens against the American public.

    It is therefore obvious, as the 9/11 Commission stated, that open borders, [and] unrestricted illegal immigration are among the greatest dangers Americans face." - 9/11 Families for a Secure America

    To put this in perspective, more Americans have been killed on American soil by foreign national insurgents in the past 10 years than we lost in the Vietnam War, Grenada, Bosnia, Somalia, Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 9/11/2001, and every other foreign and domestic terrorist attack in the past 30 years, COMBINED! Congressman Walter Jones believes we must close this gaping hole in our national security. Read the bill, and then encourage your Congressman to co-sponsor H.R. 3168, "The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011."

    For God & Country,

    Jeff Lewis
      National Director, Patriot Coalition
      National Director, FIRE Coalition

      Email: Jeff@PatriotCoalition.com
      Phone: (252) 876-9489

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