Remarks by President Trump at Hispanic Heritage Month Reception | Eastern North Carolina Now

Remarks by President Trump at Hispanic Heritage Month Reception

Press Release:

White House East Room  •  Washington D.C.  •  September 27  •  7:04 P.M. EDT

    THE PRESIDENT: That's very nice. Thank you.

    AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!

    THE PRESIDENT: A lot of spirit. (Applause.) A lot of spirit. How are you?

    Well, thank you all for being here today. And I'm delighted to once again celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with you at the White House. Right? (Applause.)

    This evening, we come together to honor the devotion, and the drive, and the faith, and genius, and exceptional achievements of our incredible Hispanic American community, right? (Applause.)

    Everybody here - Hispanic and/or Hispanic American - who isn't? (Applause.) Do we have anybody? Do we have anybody who isn't? I don't think so. How are you? Great man of faith. Great.

    Hispanic Americans have been a big part of our national story from the very, very beginning of our country. You work hard. You raise your strong and beautiful families. You care for your neighbors. (Applause.) You start businesses, you create jobs, and you teach your children to love our country and to cherish our God-given freedom. Right? (Applause.)

    Hispanic Americans enrich America in countless ways, and we will always honor this solemn commitment to you. I will always be with you, and I think you know that maybe better than anybody knows it. (Applause.) All of our citizens - every single day, we're fighting for you. We're putting your needs, your families, and your futures first. We're putting America first. We're putting the people in this room - we're putting you first. All right?

    And we're delighted to be joined for this special occasion by Vice President Mike Pence, who is doing a fantastic job. (Applause.) Say a couple of words, Mike. Say a couple of words. Come on.

    THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Mr. President. And it is wonderful to be here just a few short days before we kick off Hispanic Heritage Month. The Americans gathered in this room, and all you represent stand for everything that's great about this country and everything that this President and this administration fight for every day: faith and family and freedom. Thank you for being here at the White House, and God bless you. (Applause.)

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mike.


    We have some very powerful, important people that have been doing a fantastic job on the Cabinet. Administrator Andrew Wheeler - where's Andrew? Where is Andrew? (Applause.) Thank you. Whoa, Andrew. I thought you were taller than that. I thought you were taller than that, Andrew. (Laughter.)

    Deputy Secretary Patrick Pizzella. Patrick. Thank you. Thank you, Patrick. (Applause.) Good job, Patrick.

    U.S. Treasurer - who everybody know - Jovita Carranza. (Inaudible.) (Applause.) Thank you, Jovita.

    A great football player at Ohio State - fantastic. He went into the NFL and he was tough as can be. A lot of people don't know that. He's a tough cookie and he's a friend of mine: Representative Anthony Gonzalez. Thank you. (Applause.)

    Along with a lot of other political people, and state and local leaders, and a lot of diplomats. All the diplomats, thank you very much. We always love diplomats in the White House because we can use diplomats sometimes. (Laughter.)

    I also want to thank Christine D'Clario for her beautiful rendition of our National Anthem. Thank you, Christine! Great job.

    Last week, I had the privilege of awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to another phenomenal member of the Hispanic American community: the legendary pitcher for the New York Yankees - I think one of the great pitchers of all time; certainly, the greatest reliever of all time - Mariano Rivera. (Applause.)

    He was something. Boy, his record - you know, he was up - and he's been a friend of mine for a long time, and - as a Yankee fan. But there's never been any human being that broke more bats. I said, "What do you do?" He threw a heavy ball. I said, "Mariano, how do you do that?" He said, "I don't know. God just gave me this ability." (Applause.)

    But you'd have people up there, and those bats were breaking left and right. It was a heavy ball, and his record was incredible.

    He - his earned run average in all of the playoffs - and I think he has a record for games played. But his record was - his earned run average was less than one run a game. And they won many, many World Series, and many games. So he's a special person and a really nice person, too.

    Mariano is one of millions of the outstanding men and women of Hispanic heritage who has excelled in every dimension of American society, and helped to build our community into the greatest nation the world has ever seen. (Applause.)


    Today, thanks to our pro-American economic policies - you all know this - Hispanic Americans are thriving like they have never thrived before. (Applause.)

    We've created more than 6 million new jobs since my election. More than 1 million Latinas have entered the workforce. (Applause.) And, as you probably heard me say on occasion, Hispanic American unemployment right now is at the lowest level in the history of our country. (Applause.) How do they beat us in a debate? When they say, "We're going to get Hispanic vote..." And I say, "Really?" The lowest level in the history - I mean, it's the lowest in the history of our country. So that's something special. (Applause.)

    Since 2016, Hispanic American median household income has risen by $1,500, and is now the highest level in the history of our country. (Applause.) How about that? Not doing bad, right?

    Half a million more Hispanic Americans now own a home, and we've never seen these kind of numbers before. So I'm very proud to report that more Latinas own small businesses than ever before. (Applause.) And - you know, great business people. When I was out on that business market, I hated competing with you. (Laughter.) Smart and tough and vicious, but I won't say that tonight. (Laughter.)

    We have one of these amazing entrepreneurs with us tonight. Maria Rios is the President and CEO of Nation Waste, Inc. And she's got an incredible story to tell. Maria, please come forward. Please. (Applause.)

    MS. RIOS: Thank you, Mr. President.

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, darling.

    MS. RIOS: What an honor, my goodness.

    THE PRESIDENT: It's my honor.

    MS. RIOS: My honor. Thank you very much.

    THE PRESIDENT: My honor. Thank you.

    MS. RIOS: Thank you.

    THE PRESIDENT: Please.

    MS. RIOS: Wow. What an opportunity this is. Thank you so much for this opportunity. My name is Maria Rios, and I'm the president and CEO for Nation Waste.


    Read the full transcript HERE.

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