Remarks by President Trump at Turning Point USA’s Teen Student Action Summit 2019 | Eastern North Carolina Now

Remarks by President Trump at Turning Point USA’s Teen Student Action Summit 2019

Press Release:

Marriott Marquis Washington  •  Washington, D.C.  •  July 23  •  11:34 A.M. EDT

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.


    THE PRESIDENT: So, let's have a good time, right? (Applause.) Let's have a good time.

    I'm excited to be here today with thousands of proud, young American patriots. You're great people. You're great people. (Applause.) You're the future. You're the future.

    On behalf of my entire administration, thank you to everyone at Turning Point USA's Teen Student Action Summit. What a group. (Applause.) What a group. They don't realize there's more of you than there is of them. They just haven't figured that out yet. (Applause.) They'll understand. They'll figure it out someday. They're still trying to figure out what the hell happened. What happened? (Applause.) How did this happen?

    You've come to our nation's capital from cities and towns across America. You've given up a big part of your summer, which many young people are not willing to do, and we understand that too. But what you're doing is fun and it's important. So important.

    You've paid and paved your own way to get here. And, in some cases, it wasn't easy. And you've done it for all of us. You've done it for one simple reason: You are loyal to our nation, you are devoted to your fellow citizens, and you will always put America first. (Applause.)

    I want to thank my great friend - and he's a young friend; he's a pretty young guy - Charlie Kirk. (Applause.) I said, "How old are you, Charlie?" He's a young one. He gave me a number; I won't say. But he's younger than he even looks. But I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job. He's done something that is just incredible for somebody, really, of his age. You need tremendous talent to do what he's done, building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. And I want to thank you, really, Charlie. Incredible job. (Applause.)

    The young leaders here today are part of a movement unlike anything in the history of our nation. There's never been anything like this. And the fake news doesn't even talk about it because -

    AUDIENCE: Booo -

    THE PRESIDENT: No, but when I say it, they don't correct me. They don't say, "Oh, he gets a Pinocchio." They can't because it's true. It's true. You know, they can find fault with anything, but they never - they never talk about that because we won. You know, there have been some pretty good movements. And they won New Hampshire, or they won a state someplace. (Laughter.) But they didn't win the whole ballgame.


    And you saw what we won, and you could see it; we could feel it. We knew it was going to happen because it's a movement about reclaiming your future, rebuilding your country, and restoring your destiny, and renewing the values that are the true source of American greatness. We lost those values, and we're getting them back rapidly. We're getting them back rapidly.

    Just backstage, a gentleman - very rich gentleman, in this case - came up, sitting in one these rows, I assume. Yeah. There he is. He said, "Sir, thank you for saving our country." (Applause.) I said, "Thank you very much." And, you know, I said, "Thank you very much." And I looked at Charlie and I said, "Charlie do you have any idea how many people say that?"

    I gave the commencement address at the Air Force Academy recently, and at Annapolis the year before. (Applause.) And they said, "Sir, would you like to shake the hands of all the cadets?" I said, "How many are there?" "One thousand one hundred." I said, "Yeah, that sounds okay." (Applause.) I say, "Do other Presidents do it?" "Yes, they do." "Do all of them?" "Yeah, they do."

    What they didn't say is they start and then they peter out and they go back. Because it's - it's tough. It was really hot. That sun was beaming down. And I'm just one hand. And some of these guys are great athletes. And some of the women - they had some women in the class that were - their hands were very strong, okay? (Laughter.) And they're all shaking. And, you know, they're a little nervous, maybe; they're meeting the President. They're shaking strongly and - "Sir." But, you know, with shaking 1,100 hands and saluting. We're saluting, shaking, turning, spinning. They're coming at all different directions. (Laughter.) I felt like a great fighter pilot. (Laughter.)

    But I stood up there for the whole thing. I said, "There's no way that other Presidents have done that." He said, "No, no, they do it but they leave after about 50 or 60 people." I said, "Why didn't you tell me that?" But I'm glad I did it. (Laughter.) But I did the same thing - I did the same thing at Annapolis the year before. Great place. Just great. (Applause.) And I shook the hands of, I think, 1,011 at Annapolis. And it's really something great.

    But so many of these young, incredible people - they're like you - so many of these young, incredible people, they come, "Sir, thank you for saving America." "Sir, thank you for saving America." "Sir, thank you for saving our country." So many of them - it's not rehearsed; it's just - that's what they feel.

    And you know what? Somebody had to do what I did. It's not pleasant. We have a deep state. We have bad people. We have sick people.

    I watched, just this morning, this Tlaib - Tlaib.


    AUDIENCE: Booo -

    THE PRESIDENT: From Michigan, right? It's a great state. We won Michigan. There is no way she stands for the values of the people of Michigan.

    But I watched her this morning; she vicious. She's like a crazed lunatic. She's screaming. This is before she got into Congress. Who elected her? She's screaming like a total lunatic at one of our rallies. It's like I'm giving a little rally, and she starts screaming. And this was - this is not a sane person, folks, when you look at that. (Laughter.) And this is what we're up against. You have some of that.

    Now, the Democrats, I guess, are forced to embrace her. And I called it "AOC Plus 3." Okay? AOC - "AOC Plus 3." (Applause.) Not that AOC is a bargain, because she's not. I mean, she's no bargain. Look, I mean, I - we'll go into it at some point. I'll tell you all about AOC. I got more on AOC. (Applause.) AOC. AOC.

    But it's - you know, what's going on with that Party having to embrace them. And your other friend from an incredible state, right? A state that I'm going to win: Minnesota. You know that one, right? (Applause.) And you know why I'm going to win the state? Because of her. I almost won it last time. We came within just about a point. That's a very - because Minnesota is a very hard one for a Republican to win. And when we almost won it - one more night - I wanted to go there one more time. I said, "I'm telling you, "We're going to win Minnesota."

    You know who thought I was going to win Minnesota? You know who thought I was going to win Michigan and Wisconsin and North Carolina? Bill Clinton. He was telling everybody, "You better be careful." He told people - from what I hear, he said, "The one you don't want to run against is Trump." And they would say, "Why? Oh, no, that's good. We want to run against..." "No, no, you don't." You know, I actually knew him pretty well. We got along very well until I decided to run for office. (Laughter.) We actually got along.

    But they didn't want to listen to him. But he was the only one with the instinct the rest didn't have. So he came back and he said, "You know he's doing very well in Michigan. You could have a problem." They said, "No, don't worry about Michigan. We haven't lost Michigan in decades." And he came back, he said, "You know..." - he was in Wisconsin or something - but he said he hears that I'm doing well in Wisconsin. They say, "Forget it. A Republican can't win Wisconsin." And then we won Wisconsin. Then he came back - (applause) - he came back.

    And I say this with a certain old-time affection because I had a very good relationship with him before doing this. You know, now it's a little harder for him to have a good relationship. But he said, "You don't want to run against Trump. Don't run against Trump." And they were saying, "No, no, that's okay. We like that."

    Remember, President Obama, "He will not win. He will not win."


    Read the full transcript HERE.

END  •  12:53 P.M. EDT

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