Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure | Eastern North Carolina Now

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

Press Release:

White House South Lawn  •  Washington D.C.  •  June 11  •  12:35 P.M. EDT

    THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. This group gets bigger and bigger. This is a big group by any standard. This is like the Academy Awards used to be before they went political. Now nobody cares.

    But a great honor to be with you. We're doing very well. Mexico is doing a great job at the border, really helping us. We want the Democrats to help us as much as Mexico. And we'll have absolutely no problem at the border. We'll clean it up very quickly.

    But the agreement with Mexico has been great. They've been working very hard. We're doing very well together. A good relationship.


    Q   Mr. President, in his speech today, Joe Biden will say that your policies represent an existential threat to this nation. What do you say to Joe Biden?

    THE PRESIDENT: Well, I heard Biden, who's a loser - I mean, look, Joe never got more than 1 percent, except Obama took him off the trash heap, and now it looks like he's failing. It looks like his friends from the left are going to overtake him pretty soon.

    But I heard he - you know, his whole campaign is to hit Trump. If you look at what the Obama administration did in terms of the military, in terms of security, in terms of other nations, in terms of almost everything, much of it now, fortunately for everybody here, has been overturned.

    But, look, when a man has to mention my name 76 times in his speech, that means he's in trouble. Now, I have to tell you, he's a different guy. He looks different than he used to. He acts different than he used to. He's even slower than he used to be. So, I don't know. But when he mentions my name that many times, I guess they should be complimented.

    Q   Did you ask staff to lie about your poll numbers?


    Q   Did you ask members of your team to lie about your poll numbers?


    THE PRESIDENT: I never do. My poll numbers are great. By the way, we've gotten fantastic numbers. I guess Rasmussen just came out with a 50 percent. And the amazing thing is all I do is get hit by this phony witch hunt, although they don't mention Russia anymore because there was no collusion. So now they want to try and say, "Well, did he obstruct a no-collusion?" So there was no crime. The crime was by the Democrats, folks. They've committed, in my opinion, many crimes. And time will tell what happens there. But the crime was by the Democrats.

    My poll numbers have been very, very good. We're starting, really, next week. It's going to be something, I think, very special. We're starting in Orlando, Florida.

    Q   Mr. President, are you elevating Joe Biden by continually attacking him?

    THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me?

    Q   Are you elevating Joe Biden by continually attacking him?

    THE PRESIDENT: No, I'd rather run against, I think, Biden than anybody. I think he's the weakest, mentally. And I like running against people that are weak, mentally. I think Joe is the weakest up here. The other ones have much more energy. I don't agree with their policies, but I think Joe is a man who is - I call him "One Percent Joe," because until Obama came along, he didn't do very well.

    But I - look. Look, but I don't bring him up.

    Q   He says your tariffs are going to hurt Iowa farmers.

    THE PRESIDENT: The best thing that ever happened to the farmers is me. We gave $16 billion to the farmers to make up for the deficit with China. We gave them $16 billion. We don't give them; they earn it, because they're patriots. We gave them ethanol at 15, which nobody was ever going to do; which Biden didn't do in eight years as, you know, Vice President. The farmers are my best friend. Nobody has treated the farmers better than Donald Trump.

    Q   Mr. President, on Mexico. Do you have an agreement with Mexico to become a safe third country for asylum seekers?

    THE PRESIDENT: (Displays a document.) That's the agreement that everybody says I don't have.

    Q   Can you tell us?


    THE PRESIDENT: So, no, because I'm going to let Mexico do the announcement at the right time. For Mexico, they want to go through it. But here's the agreement. It's a very simple agreement. This is one page. This is one page of a very long and very good agreement for both Mexico and the United States.

    Without the tariffs, we would have had nothing. We had nothing two weeks ago. Mexico told us "absolutely." I don't know where the Times got the story, but - I think they got it probably from somebody that worked here and said, oh, how well they were doing. Well, for a long time - for many years - people tried to get what we got in a period of a couple of days. And they couldn't get it. That's the difference: They couldn't get it.

    So, Mexico, we're getting along with them great. Marcelo and the President and all of them, we're getting along great. They've started a very strong action. They're moving, right now, 6,000 soldiers to their southern border. Who ever heard of that? You think we had that two weeks ago?

    Two weeks ago, I'll tell you what we had: We had nothing. And the reason we had nothing is because Mexico felt they didn't have to give us anything. I don't blame them. But this is actually, ultimately, going to be good for Mexico, too. And it's good for the relationship of Mexico with us.

    So here's your thing. You know, they all say, "Oh, he doesn't..." I just give you my word inside here. And I would love to do it. But you will freeze-action it. You will stop it. You will analyze it. Every single letter you'll see. But in here is the agreement.

    Q   Mr. President, Speaker Pelosi said today that every time you attack her, her stock goes up. Are you helping her politically?

    THE PRESIDENT: Now, look, Nancy is a mess. The Democratic Party is a mess. They're doing everything they can to win the election in 2020.

    They are guilty of many crimes. Many, many crimes - what they've done. They're guilty of many, many crimes. And hopefully, in a short period of time, that'll be seen. They should never have done what they've done. And all they do is waste time on these investigations where there's no obstruction, no collusion, no nothing.

    And in the meantime, they can't get a border deal done. They can't do anything. We need - in addition to the great deal with Mexico, we need them to work on illegal immigration, on lower drug prices, on infrastructure. And they're not doing anything. They are - they've come to a halt.


    Q   On that specific question, if I could: Did Mexico agree -

    THE PRESIDENT: Say it?

    Q   Did Mexico agree in the negotiations last week to become a safe third country for asylum seekers?

    THE PRESIDENT: I don't want to say, but you can just figure it out yourself. And the reason is Mexico wants to handle. That would have to go through their legislative body.

    Q   But I heard that they agreed to that on Friday.

    THE PRESIDENT: A lot of people heard they agreed to it. A lot of people are saying that. Good luck. Okay? I'm not going to say one way or the other. But I will tell you, right here is the story. You know, I don't like it when newspapers write fake news, or when reporters, like you, do fake news. I don't like that. So right here is the agreement. It's very simple. It's right here. And in here is everything you want to talk about. Done. It's done. It's done. It's all done.


    Q   On Joe Biden, he's reportedly going to change his rhetoric about China to say, "We need to get tough. They are our competition."

    THE PRESIDENT: Joe Biden thought that China was not a competitor of ours. Joe Biden is a dummy. Joe Biden thought China was not a competitor. China made $500 billion, over a short period of time, against Obama, Biden - and for many, many years, in all fairness to them.

    China is a major competitor and right now China wants to make a deal very badly. It's me, right now, that's holding up the deal. And we're going to either do a great deal with China or we're not doing a deal at all.

    Right now, China is paying us billions and billions of dollars. They never gave us 10 cents. And China ate our country alive during Obama and Biden. They ate us alive. And then, Biden has some kind of relationship financially, or his son, with China? Tell me about that? Because China ate the United States alive economically, and it's a shame.
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