Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister May in Joint Press Conference | Eastern North Carolina Now

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister May in Joint Press Conference

Press Release:

No. 10 Downing Street  •  London, United Kingdom  •  June 4  •  2:07 P.M. BST

    PRIME MINISTER MAY: This week, we commemorate the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of those who gave their lives for our liberty on D-Day, 75 years ago. As leaders prepare to gather here from across the world, it is fitting that we begin with a celebration of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, enduring partners who stood side-by-side on that historic day and every day since.

    For generations, at the heart of the transatlantic alliance has been our shared democratic values, our common interests, and our commitment to justice. It is that unity of purpose that will preserve the deep-rooted ties between our people and underpin our nation's security and prosperity for the next 75 years and beyond.

    So, I am very pleased to welcome the President of the United States of America on this State Visit to the United Kingdom.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much, Theresa.

    PRIME MINISTER MAY: For the past two and half years, the President and I have had the duty and privilege of being the latest guardians of this precious and profound friendship between our countries. As with our predecessors, when we have faced threats to the security of our citizens and our allies, we have stood together and acted together.

    When Russia used a deadly nerve agent on the streets of our country, alongside the UK's expulsions, the President expelled 60 Russian intelligence officers - the largest contribution towards an unprecedented global response. And, in Syria, when innocent men, women, and children were victims of a barbaric chemical weapons attack, Britain and America, along with France, carried out targeted strikes against the regime.

    Since we spoke about NATO during my first visit to the White House, we have maintained our support for this crucial alliance. Thanks in part to your clear message on burden sharing, Donald, we have seen members pledge another $100 billion, increasing their contributions to our shared security.

    And I'm pleased to announce that NATO will soon be able to call on the UK's Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers and F-35 fighter jets to help tackle threats around the world.


    Today, we've discussed again the new and evolving challenges to our security, our values, and our way of life. We share the same view about their origin and our objectives in meeting them.

    But like prime ministers and presidents before us, and no doubt those that will come after, we can also differ sometimes on how to confront the challenges we face.

    I've always talked openly with you, Donald, when we have taken a different approach and you've done the same with me. I've always believed that cooperation and compromise are the basis of strong alliances, and nowhere is this more true than in the special relationship.

    Today, we've discussed again the importance of our two nations working together to address Iran's destabilizing activity in the region and to ensure Tehran cannot acquire a nuclear weapon.

    Although we differ on the means of achieving that - as I've said before, the UK continues to stand by the nuclear deal - it is clear that we both want to reach the same goal. It is important that Iran meets its obligations and we do everything to avoid escalation, which is in no one's interest.

    Recognizing our nations are safer and more prosperous when we work together on the biggest challenges of our time, I also set out the UK's approach to tackling climate change and our continued support for the Paris Agreement.

    And we also spoke about China, recognizing its economic significance and that we cannot ignore action that threatens our shared interests or values.

    As we've deepened our cooperation on security, including our joint military operations and our unparalleled intelligence sharing, so our economies, too, are ever more tightly bound together.

    Every morning, one million Americans get up and go to work for British companies in America, and one million Britons do the same for American companies here.

    Our trading relationship is worth over £190 billion a year and we're the largest investors in each other's economies, with mutual investments valued at as much as $1 trillion.

    Mr. President, you and I agreed the first time we met that we should aim for an ambitious free trade agreement when the UK leaves the EU. And from our positive discussions today, I know that we both remain committed to this.


    I'm also sure that our economic relationship will only grow broader and deeper, building on the conversations we had and the ideas we heard from UK and U.S. businesses when we met them earlier today.

    Tomorrow, we will sit down in Portsmouth with our fellow leaders to reaffirm the enduring importance of the Western alliance and the shared values that underpin it.

    And as we look to the future, in the years and in the generations ahead, we will continue to work together to preserve the alliance that is the bedrock of our shared prosperity and security, just as it was on the beaches of Normandy, 75 years ago.

    Mr. President.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you, Prime Minister May. Melania and I are honored to return to London as our nations commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day in World War Two. We want to thank Her Majesty the Queen, who I had a lovely dinner with last night - a fantastic person, fantastic woman - for so graciously inviting us to this State Visit. It was very, very special.

    Our thanks as well to Prime Minister and Mr. May for the warm welcome they've given the First Lady and me, as we remember the heroes who laid down their lives to rescue civilization itself.

    On June 6th, 1944, tens of thousands of young warriors left these shores by the sea and air to begin the invasion of Normandy and the liberation of Europe and the brutal Nazi occupation. It was a liberation like few people have seen before. Among them were more than 130,000 American and British brothers-in-arms. Through their valor and sacrifice, they secured our homelands and saved freedom for the world.

    Tomorrow, Prime Minister May and I will attend a commemoration ceremony in Portsmouth - one of the key embarkation points for the invasion. More than one and a half million American service members were stationed right here in England in advance of the landings that summer. The bonds of friendship forged here and sealed in blood on those hallowed beaches will endure forever.

    Our special relationship is grounded in common history, values, customs, culture, language, and laws. Our people believe in freedom and independence as a sacred birthright and cherished inheritance worth defending at any cost.


    As the Prime Minister and I discussed in our meetings today and yesterday, the United States and the United Kingdom share many goals and priorities around the world.

    I want to thank the people of the United Kingdom for their service and partnership in our campaign to defeat ISIS. As we announced a few months ago, ISIS's territorial caliphate in Syria and Iraq has been completely obliterated - defeated.

    The United Kingdom is also a key partner in NATO. The Prime Minister and I agree that our NATO Allies must increase their defense spending. We've both been working very hard toward that end. And we are very current, and some of them are not. We can't allow that to happen. But I appreciate everything you've done in that regard.

    We expect a growing number of nations to meet the minimum 2 percent of GDP requirement. To address today's challenges, all members of the Alliance must fulfill their obligations. They have no choice. They must fulfill their obligation.

    Among the pressing threats facing our nations is the development and spread of nuclear weapons. Perhaps that's our greatest threat. The United States and the United Kingdom are determined to ensure that Iran never develops nuclear weapons, and stops supporting and engaging in terrorism. And I believe that will happen.

    In protecting our nations, we also know that the border security is national security.

    Today, the Prime Minister and I discussed our thriving economic relationship - both countries are doing very well - and participated in a roundtable with industry and business leaders - I can say, probably, the biggest business leaders anywhere in the world. Our nations have more than $1 trillion invested in each other's economics.
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