Candidates Forum Planned at Beaufort County Community College | Eastern North Carolina Now

   Publisher's update, April 12, 2012: All of the supposed candidates listed below as declining to attend, or no reply, did not attend the event. Whether they were in full cowering mode, or just too busy, we may never know.

    What we do know: the two candidates running for the North Carolina General Assembly, both life-long-liberal-Democrats (with a record as such)-recently-turned-conservative-Republicans: Arthur Williams, candidate for NC House, District 6, and Jerry Evans, candidate for NC Senate, District 1, did not show up for both this lone candidate forum in Beaufort County before the May 8 primary, and the Beaufort County Republican Convention.

   For these two men a pattern has emerged about just showing up ... or it could just be that cowering thing.

   A candidates forum, for all candidates actually interested in getting elected, is planned to be held at the Beaufort County Community College, Tuesday, April, 3, 2012.

   Remarkably, some candidates have declined to participate, or have a conflict that night, which is almost the same as declining to openly express why it is people should vote for them. Additionally, other supposed candidates have not returned those calls of the organizer, the Beaufort (County) Patriot Tea Party, who has made the effort to provide these candidates of that aforementioned opportunity to meet the public, and express their better idea of how best to serve the public.

   My advice, from someone who has been elected 5 times in local elections: Never miss an opportunity to express yourself to that public, of whom you wish to serve. Otherwise, it may be rightfully deemed that you may not possess the "right stuff" to govern in today's society, with the complex problems that now must be dealt with.

   Truly, I profess to you candidates, whom wish to govern this public of Beaufort County: Do not cower when you have an opportunity to show that you have real backbone, real grit, better ideas. If you sincerely desire the respect of your future constituency, you will need to do your best to inform that public of the absolute truth, as you know it. That is all that is expected of you. Remember, these are the people that vote, and they deserve your audience on any night there exists a candidates' forum.

Here below are all the particulars necessary for the public to attend:

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( March 29th, 2012 @ 9:41 am )
A well functioning Republic begins with a smarter electorate.

Accordingly, candidates forums and town halls are a necessary function of helping the electorate to achieve this higher level of democratic wisdom.

The candidates who avail themselves to this process show that they are interested in helping the public to meet that democratic mark.

For the ones that don't show, you have to ask yourself: Why are they seeking to serve, when they will not avail themselves to that truthful process.

One must simply ask themselves, and the community: Which candidates have the "stones" to serve?

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