Kamala Harris Suggested Kavanaugh Spoke To Trump's Law Firm About Mueller. She Was Lying, Of Course. | Eastern North Carolina Now

    Publisher's note: This informational nugget was sent to me by Ben Shapiro, who represents the Daily Wire, and since this is one of the most topical news events, it should be published on BCN.

    On Wednesday, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) attempted to grab the 2020 Democratic presidential limelight by launching into an attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's latest pick for the Supreme Court. She essentially accused Kavanaugh of stonewalling on whether he had spoken with President Trump's law firm about the Robert Mueller investigation. Kavanaugh correctly said he didn't know what she was talking about, and also said he didn't know every lawyer at Kasowitz Benson Torres - a law firm with nearly 300 attorneys. That didn't stop Harris, who grandstanded for nearly 10 minutes, to the wild applause of the media. The video has been viewed tens of millions of times on Twitter.

    There's only one problem: Harris had no evidence whatsoever that Kavanaugh had spoken with anyone at Kasowitz. And, in fact, Kasowitz stated today that Kavanaugh had not spoken with anyone at his law firm about Mueller.

    So, what was Harris' response to all of this?

    Manu Raju of CNN reports:

    Manu Raju    @mkraju

    Just asked Kamala Harris about Kasowitz denial that no one at firm talked to Kavanaugh about Mueller probe.

    "They're not under oath," she told me.

    So she doesn't believe them?

    "The question was asked under oath" and he didn't answer, she says as elevator doors close

    2:32 PM - Sep 6, 2018

    So no, she has no evidence. But that didn't stop her from leveling the accusation, to the celebration of the press. This makes Harris one of two major liars in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing - the other being Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) who claimed he had released classified documents at peril of life and limb (he didn't) and that those documents contained bombshells (they didn't).

    But when you're angling for the 2020 nomination, clownish behavior is the baseline expectation, apparently.
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