Dear Friends: Part I | Eastern North Carolina Now

This begins the exposition of an extended communication effort proffered by the N.C. Democrat Machine to my person. I am exposing it now because of how wierd it has all become in ObamaLand.

     Don’t you just hate getting letters from politicians or their political hacks that begin Dear Friend, Dear Friends or just Friend …

    Well, I’ve been a very conservative Republican county commissioner for nearly 14 years. I have angered so many liberals; many of whom have rarely experienced a rational thought, and certainly if they did, on that very rare off chance occasion, they, more often than not, cannot discuss / debate the issues that put them into their tizzies, without cussing, condescension or slander. This is why it is so remarkably odd that I must tell you: Since the 2008 General Election season, I have received a continuous stream of Democrat communiqués as if I were a member of their inner circle.

    This case of their mistaken identity, of who I really am, began in the early days of the Beverly Perdue primary in early 2008. During that winter of my discontent, I received a call from Ron Aycock; the just retired Executive Director of the NCACC (North Carolina Association of County Commissioners).

    Ron Aycock: “Stan, I need your help Down East in electing Beverly Perdue to the
       Democrat nomination for governor and then to the state’s highest elected office.”
    Me: “Ron, I’m pledged to support Fred Smith for the Republican nomination for
      governor and then, hopefully, to the state’s ‘highest elected office.’”
    Ron Aycock: “They have you listed as a Democrat, an elite Democrat Down East.”
    Me: “Ron, You’ve known me for a while, right?”
    Ron Aycock: “Yeah.”
    Me: “Have I ever appeared to you as someone who would be a Democrat - even a so-
      called conservative Democrat?”
    Ron Aycock: “Now that you mention it: No.”
    Me: “So you’ll understand why I will not be able to support the ‘Wicked Witch from
      the East?’”

    Now, with apologies to Ron, and the Honorable Wicked Governor from the East, and all other Democrats that would make this a socialist nation that will not defend her borders, or fight her wars, I do believe; now that it is really getting weird, I will, beginning now, expose to you all the communiqués of some consequence that they send to me from now until they figure this misapplication of their not-so-valuable resourses.

    I reiterate; I have regularly received these messages of hope and hate from the Democrat party since that 2008 election season. If it will help to put these communiques into context, I will showcase my response, which I have routinely been sending intermittantly to these committed liberals, as they evolve into extra-committed socialists. Consequently, what better initial expose of such unprincipled, philosophical admissission of the obvious than with this communiqué from Speaker Pelosi, as was sent to me from DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) Executive Director Jon Vogel.

    I begin with the initial communiqué from Jon Vogel on March 18, 2010.

Stan --

In this final fight for health insurance reform, Republicans have turned to none other than Karl Rove to try and stop us. Just days after Rove admitted to still working in politics "under the radar", special interest groups spent a mind-boggling $5 million on ads attacking pro-health care Democrats in just one week!

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has already committed $50 million to defeat Democrats that support health care. And now former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie is going to raise nearly $60 million for a new swift-boat group rumored to be receiving help from none other than Karl Rove.

Rove even had the gall to say that if health insurance reform passes, Republicans will take back the House. It's up to us to prove that the American people are united behind reform but we need your grassroots support to stand up to Rove and his special interest funded swift-boat style attacks.

Show Karl Rove that his special interest funded attacks are no match for the power of grassroots Democrats who support health insurance reform. Contribute $5, $10 or more to our Million Dollar Match and your support will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Read Speaker Pelosi's important message about health insurance reform and show the world that our grassroots momentum to win this fight is unstoppable.

Jon Vogel
DCCC Executive Director

     Hey, I continue with the communiqué from Speaker Pelosi. Notice the presumptive quality of her referring to me as friend.

Friend --

    After nearly a century of false starts, more than a year of debate, and countless stories of struggle from hardworking Americans, it all comes down to this.

The Republicans have embarked on a desperate last-ditch effort to kill health insurance reform by shouting as loud as they can and spending as much as they can in this final push. Their misleading attacks cannot be the last word as the House prepares to vote.

March 31st marks the first FEC quarterly deadline since we began our final health care push and the nation is closely watching to see which side is willing to fight harder. Democrats have set a $1 Million Goal to fight back against their attacks and demonstrate just how determined we are to get this done for the American people.

With the world watching, please contribute $5, $10 or more to our Million Dollar Match. Contribute before March 31st and a group of committed Democrats will match your generosity dollar-for-dollar.

The closer we get to taking the final historic vote, the harder our opponents are fighting and the more misleading their attacks become. Thousands of you have already helped to knock down their falsehoods by adding your real health care stories at I cannot thank you enough.

However, our work is not done yet. We need to make a powerful show of momentum and determination to win this fight that only grassroots support can provide.

With the world watching, please contribute $5, $10 or more to our Million Dollar Match. Contribute before March 31st and a group of committed Democrats will match your generosity dollar-for-dollar.

As President Obama said this week, we need 'courage' to win this battle. Let us show our courage to stand up to the worst insurance company practices and the worst Republican attacks in this final critical push and win this fight for America's families.

Thank you,

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House

P.S. As the first FEC quarterly deadline of our final health care push quickly approaches, the world is closely watching to see which side is willing to fight harder for health insurance reform. Contribute to our Million Dollar Match before March 31st and a group of committed Democrats will match your generosity dollar-for-dollar.

    And now, I refer you to my somewhat terse note to Jon. One has to wonder if Jon or his associates read their e-mails. If he, or they did, I can’t imagine that they would still be sending me these communiqués.


    Thank-you for your e-mail of the Democrat Party's message of socialism for all within our nation, who feel the community owes them a living. It is your tried and true game plan.

    John F. Kennedy once stated, at a time not too dissimilar from now, "Ask not what your
country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

    Today's Democrat Party asks, "Please let us ask what the country can do for you. All,
you just have to do is stay nonproductive, accept what we say at face value, and just
keep voting Socialist, Uh, I mean Democrat."

    Yes, it is a great game plan when all you want to do is stay in office. You go Democrats, and
"to Hell with America" ... right?

    Just keep voting Democrat.

    Stan Deatherage

    Hunter S. Thompson once said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” I do believe I will keep revealing these communiqués until they get the message. Weird, Huh?

    And the next communiqué, on March 20th, was from Jon's good friend Representative Chris Van Hollen, DCCC (Democratic Conressional Campaign Committee). If these Democrats are this serious about taking our nation socialist, the least I can do is respond, as I did here below. After all, it is my nature to share:

Stan --

This is our moment.

Tomorrow, with the world watching, we fight to create a health care system that works better for the American people than it does for the big health insurance companies.

Contribute $5, $10 or more to our Million Dollar Match today and your contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a group of generous Democrats.

We've heard the countless stories of heartbreak and struggle - children being denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, seniors unable to afford prescription drugs because of the donut hole in Medicare, hardworking families and small businesses being priced out of health care in the name of insurance company profits.

This is the status quo that Republicans and their special interest attack groups are trying to protect that our reforms will end.

Let's show the world that their fear-and-smear tactics are no match for our grassroots momentum. Let's go make history.

Thank you,

Rep. Chris Van Hollen
DCCC Chairman

    And my response.


    Yeah, those darn Republicans are at it again.

    Why won't they just get their special interest attack groups - like those "tea-baggers" - out of our way, so we can take this nation socialist.

    This administration and this congress is doing such a good job killing capitalism, while feigning some measured respect for this squalid institution, that we may soon be successful in pushing our socialist agenda straight into the teeth of those nut-jobs, who are too pathetically proud that they work so hard to pay their own way.

    Yes sir. We'll tax them till they scream, and soon they will be more responsive to "the State" taking over.


     Tomorrow, March 21, 2010, is the big day here in ObamaLand.
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