Sit-Rep Negative - Break Squelch Twice | Eastern North Carolina Now

The recent hurricane Irma reminded me of one of the now primitive techniques we used during 1968-1969 in Vietnam.


   As the 50 years anniversary since I was in Vietnam, approaches next year, I find my mind wandering back to those days. I spent about 35 of the last 50 years never thinking about the experience and the last 15 years trying to reconcile myself  with that idealistic young man.  A new Vietnam documentary started broadcast on PBS, and I have set the TIVO to record it but I don't know if I care to watch the show.  For me the war was not a political consideration or a national security issue.  I was just doing what young men raised in the 1950's did; answer the call to serve and do my 364 and a wake up and come home. I have shared some of the memories here on BCN before and have a few others in the Hell Hole Folder for my kids to review if they so wish. Here is one that was not too far a stretch as it may seem. Old veterans don't need much talk to check up on each other. Bobby Tony Sep 2017



Sit-Rep Negative- Break Squelch Twice

   The recent hurricane Irma reminded me of one of the now primitive techniques we used during 1968-1969 in Vietnam.  Every night when we set up our defensive perimeter in the boonies we also sent several groups of two and three men teams outside the perimeter to act as Listening Post (LP).  The purpose was have an advance warning if the enemy tried to move in during the night. It was also understood that it was better to lose a couple of guys at the LP than have the enemy surprise the premier in the middle of the night and lose a bunch more.

   The LP's were set up about 20-30 meters outside the perimeter. Their location was based on a compass heading so the night positions on the perimeter had some idea where the LPs were located. Each LP would have a PRC25 Radio. (In true grunt fashion, it was referred to as the Prick25)  During the night, the Command Post (CP) would call each LP and ask for a Situation Report (SIT-REP). The procedure was simple. The CP would call each LP by the code name and announce.

"Bravo 2-4 to LP4 if SIT-REP is negative break squelch twice."

 Any noise was a no-no as it would give away your position. The LP volume would be set very low and the RTO would have the handset next to his ear continuously. The LP would push the button on the PRC25 Handset twice to indicate that the Situation was Negative. It made no noise at the LP but the CP would hear two distinct clicks on their end. No words were exchanged.  If the LP had fallen asleep and did not respond the CP had to assume that either they fell asleep or had been killed by the VC. (as in DEAD SILENCE)

   Some would ask how in the hell you could fall asleep in the boonies when you may be surrounded by enemy. Well, after slogging through the rice paddies and jungle for most of the day carrying a heavy load, it was not to difficult to doze off and catch a few zzz's.  That is why the LP had two or three men who were supposed to all stay awake and alternate listening for the SIT-REP check.    The code was simple and effective but probably not the most secure way to insure safety. 

   When the Irma Hurricane came through Florida, I was reminded of the long ago security check. I have two old comrades from Nam living in Florida, One in Crystal River and one in Gainesville.  I posted a Facebook poke to both.

"If SIT-REP negative break squelch twice."

    Both responded with Click-Click and I knew they had survived the storm. Sometimes the simplest thing is still the best.

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( September 24th, 2017 @ 5:59 pm )
Got it. A squelch and click are the same. Situation negative means OK.
( September 24th, 2017 @ 1:11 pm )
I could not find a suitable clip on YouTube so I created this sample. The sending unit hears no sound the receiving end hears this at whatever volume they have the receiver set.
( September 24th, 2017 @ 11:58 am )
Sometimes the forest is not visible for the trees. I have re-read the post several times and don't see my error. Military language often puts the adjective after the noun (SITUATION REPORT, NEGATIVE)to prevent confusion (except for civilians) Radio transmissions are designed to be minimalist transmissions. I may be missing my error in the post. Help me out.

The query "Bravo 2-4 to LP4 if SIT-REP is negative break squelch twice." Is used to ask the question "If you are in no danger (negative danger) and everything is okay break squelch (click) twice."

Most often it was reduced to just "SIT-REP NEGATIVE?" as an implied question asking for a two click response if everything was okay.

In extreme circumstances where any excess noise was really dangerous, the whole exchange was reduced to 'CP one click (squelch) to LP, LP two squelch (click) back if negative enemy contact'. Click and break squelch are both the same. The sending unit is a click on microphone the receiving end hears a static squelch on their end.

One Click followed by answer Click, Click indicates that nothing is wrong. It was recreated in the movie Longest Day with the clickers used during D Day. Urban legend also says it was used by Paul Revere in the Revolutionary war. One if by land two if by sea. The confusion was illustrated by Abbott and Costello in the "Who's on first" routine. The use of code words has always been a bit disjointed when the other side does not know the lingo. Kinda of like Snowflake or Nazi is used in today's jungle.

If something is wrong, there is no clicking just a loud voice transmission. "Oh sh!t we are under attack!"
( September 24th, 2017 @ 10:53 am )
Confused? Click Twice if OK. Squelch Twice if not OK. What is the difference in a Click and Squelch.
( September 21st, 2017 @ 12:02 pm )
Well, of course.

The Email debacle broke so many laws, and broke many more to it cover up, I believe that it will be the next Watergate, and many in the insipid Democrat Media know it too, but dare not admit it.

After all of her bad behavior post election, Trump and other Conservatives will not let her off the hook, not now. This cannot continue: Two sets of laws for all Americans.
( September 21st, 2017 @ 11:44 am )
Deep in the weeds observation by one of the far right pundits: the whole Russian investigation is a cover to deflect views from Hillary Email debacle and Obama Admistration abuses.
( September 21st, 2017 @ 11:36 am )
Interesting. So, the time to deal with a compliant Ho was in the late 40s, early 50s, and the Deep State screwed us again.

I watch Clapper and Comey and Brennan, and I see their web of exposed lies, and I can not fathom how the Liberals /Socialists are still rallying around them as if they are the last holdovers of those "great Obama years".

Even I am stuck on stupid, or they are. There is no inbetween.
( September 21st, 2017 @ 11:07 am )
I just finished reading a couple of Truman biographies. He was considered an Illegitimate president by many of the Deep State.

North Vietnam also had its Deep State. By 1960 Ho was largely a figurehead having been replaced by Lę Duẩn. Ho was the poster boy for the North and was a true patriot of the Vietnamese people but had little power after his selection of Le Duan.
( September 21st, 2017 @ 10:47 am )
I swear B.T. You are so true about the "rules were quite clear back then".

Do you remember that being a real man meant something? It meant that you were on the team, part of the tribe; a tribe of patriots-in-training.

The opacity of the Deep State that I refer to is that we could have had Ho Chi Minh eating out of our hand. Ho loved America, and was our staunch ally in WWII.

The Deep State kept cables from Ho to President Truman secret from the President. They probably did that because they knew that they could not control him.

What if Ho, who was a national hero in 1946, became our natural ally again. All America would have had to have done was ease France out of Viet Nam.

( September 21st, 2017 @ 10:09 am )
I am reading several biographies of Benjamin Franklin and it appears that many of the colonist thought he was a member of the Deep British state. He was a British loyalist who finally lost his fascination with the trappings of acceptance by the English to be a true supporter of the revolution.

I don't remember many political discussions on why the US was in Vietnam but I do remember quite a few among us grunts as to why we were there as individuals. In my case it was a lack of study in college resulting in being drafted. The rules were quite clear back then.
( September 21st, 2017 @ 9:37 am )
B.T., I have watched the first two installments of Ken Burn's Vietnam War documentary, and your detail oriented first hand account of this FUBAR period of American /World history segues beautifully with the knowledge that I am gaining courtesy of Burns / B.T.

Thanks again.

On a side note, the Deep State existed in the early 50s, as it does know against Mr. Trump.

If the Deep State of the OSS /CIA had been a bit more transparent with President Truman, there may not have been a Vietnam War. I fully appreciate the CIA for the great work they do to keep us safe, but, I also cringe everytime I hear some Liberal /Socialist expouse how they are beyond reproach, and there is no Deep State in today's America.

When Socialists start aligning with the Deep State, we should all be very watchful; or, an Orwellian future lays not to far in the distance.

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