Confronting reality - Taking Inventory First | Eastern North Carolina Now

Perhaps our biggest challenge as a country is to come to some agreement on our current situation in the world and formulate a plan to deal with the realities of the current environment rather than re-fight a war long since lost or won depending on your heritage.

    Perhaps our biggest challenge as a country is to come to some agreement on our current situation in the world and formulate a plan to deal with the realities of the current environment rather than re-fight a war long since lost or won depending on your heritage. Below are some of the challenges that I see facing our country. Some would ask why are they so many negative assertions? Well, positives things done't need much change and there are still plenty of positive things about our great country.

  1. We have strong opposition on the world stage.
  2. We have a piss-ant communist country trying to assert itself on the world stage with provocative and bravado actions and pronouncements. That country is also within 35 miles of 30 Million South Koreans in Metro-Seoul who would certainly pay the price for any offensive action on our part.---For those Super Armchair Hawks among us Move to Seoul Quickly-They will need your help when the fighting starts..(North Korea)
  3. We have a dedicated leader of a failed communist country also trying to recover its former dominance on a portion of the globe. Its leader is willing to do anything that will disrupt the influence of the free countries of the world.(Russia)
  4. We have a series of countries driven by a religious ideology that does not even recognize our or other's right to exist or any deviation from their own view of Allah's wishes.(Arab states)
  5. We have a guilt-ridden populace that is convinced we became the most dominant country on the face of the earth by abusing the poor and minorities within our population without acknowledging that every society has had the same abuses. It is a shameful facet of human nature that is not limited to United States citizens. (Far Left Progressives)
  6. We have a whole segment of our population born after World War II who never thought they would need to plan for retirement and are now reaching the age of retirement without benefit of any reservoir of savings or investments. (Baby Boomers)
  7. We have an elected leadership whose sole purpose is to get re-elected regardless of the means or lies that they must tell the voting populace. (Congress -Rep and Dem)
  8. We have conditioned ourselves to buy the cheapest possible product without regard to the country of manufacture or the conditions under which it is manufactured, while at the same time hamstringing our own manufacturing capability with high taxes and admirable environmental and safety goals.(Most Consumers)
  9. We have a whole generation of young people who cannot find a job either due to improper education, lack of skills need in the work place, or a sense of entitlement on what they are owed by society.(Millennials)
  10. Our manufacturing base which used to be the main stay of a middle class income has greatly deteriorated over the years as companies transferred production overseas. (Over taxed and over-regulated by government)
  11. We have a conservative class more intent on increasing their personal wealth than allowing our former capitalist system to function normally and thus raising the standard of living for all citizens.(Crony Capitalist)
  12. We have a conditioned welfare class of people who believe they cannot survive without government assistance perpetrated by class envy and political rhetoric. (Don't jump to the conclusion that this is a race based observation. Welfare recipient does not equal Race recipient)
  13. We claim to be a country that believes in the Rule of Law except when it refers to immigrants who broke out antiquated immigration laws when they entered this country illegally.(Selective Obedience)
  14. We have an giant communist country that we have subsidized because of our quest for cheaper goods. It is a problem of our own making and we are surprised that is supporting number two on this list. We act as though they are the same as our democratically elected allies of Germany, France and England. They are not. Communism has not changed its goal. Khrushchev may have been correct in his " We will bury you and you " remark.(China)

Khrushchev - We will Bury You-1956

   As I said in the first paragraph to this post, our biggest challenge is to debate all the points listed above (feel free to add others to your list) and come to an agreement on a path forward. This will require that we as a people get our head out of our own self-interested arse and put every effort into rebuilding an optimistic citizenship that understands (to use the flood metaphor) that we are all under water when the flood hits.

    Our basic character as a country is usually evident in our reaction to a natural disaster either here or abroad. We seem to be able to find the cooperation needed to help those who are affected by natures assertion of its power regardless of political or personal differences. It may be time for us to address the current man-made disasters with that same resolution. Our man-made disaster rest on overburdened debt, false economies, finger pointing at the other fellow, general envy of anyone better off than we are and allowing our elected officials to remain in office when it is clear they are not following our founding principles. Nero Fiddled

See Page two for answers

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( September 8th, 2017 @ 8:37 am )
It will certainly be a weird, wild ride if nothing else.

If nothing else, the man has reduced core Democrats to sniveling idiots. And, slowly, very slowly, the man is draining the swamp of some corruption - DOJ (big problems there), FBI (who would have thought this?) EPA, V.A. (this is really starting into the right direction).
( September 8th, 2017 @ 6:50 am )
Trump is very transparent in his comments and actions. He clearly stated what he wants which I guess is unique in the world of Washington duplicity.

I often refer back to his book "Art of the Deal" which he still follows.

He is not an ideologue which both sides seem to miss. He is action oriented doer.
It has been a long time since the Republicans have had a "Ends justifies the means" president. I tend to disagree with that approach, but at lest he states his wishes clearly and will make a deal to accomplish his goals.

People tend to forget that Trump, Clinton, Schumer, Giuliani are all within his social sphere prior to running for President. It was in his interest to maintain relationships with these people in order to get his real estate and entertainment goals accomplished.

Joe and Mika (MSNBC), Jeff Zucker (CNN) and Geraldo Rivera (Fox) have all been part of his circle in the social scene of NY. All of these people are operating in their own best interest.

I will give Trump an "E-ticket" pass for his choice of friends on the Disneyland ride that is politics today. He plays all ends to the center for his own benefit. Certainly he did not need the job of President for any reason other than ego, ambition and perhaps just a smidgen of "Making America Great Again." We have tried everything else along the way so his sojourn into politics may be what the populace needed to get engaged; Which they are now.
( September 7th, 2017 @ 6:46 pm )
Beautiful anecdote.

Have you ever noticed that when Liberals use the word anecdotal, its meaning is just the opposite, as if what you said was a vagary?

I've always been a good Conservative more than a Republican; therefore, I see the vast problems within the Republican party. Governing is a conundrum, and sometimes one must think outside the box. Rightly or wrongly, Trump sees things in an unconventional light.

I still dig that ... even if I do no agree with his methods or its outcome.
( September 7th, 2017 @ 2:19 pm )
The boy and the bull story

There was a boy walking home from school one day and he decided to cross the farmer's pasture instead of walking around the long winding road. He jumped the fence and started walking toward his home.

Just then, he heard the pounding of hoofs behind him. When he looked around, he saw the farmer's big Brahma Bull running toward him. He knew there was no way he could outrun the bull to the far fence. Then he noticed a tree in the middle of the pasture with a limb about 15 or 20 feet off the ground. He did not think he could jump up to grab the limb but the bull was getting closer and it as his only chance to save himself.

He gave it all he had and leaped for the limb.

The next day at school, he was telling the story and one of his classmates asked him.

"Well I guess you reached the limb since you are at school today."

The boy answered " Not quite, I missed it, but I caught it on the way down."

Sometimes it just takes motivation to reach our goals.

Maybe Paul and Mitch will get some motivation from the pounding hoofs.
( September 7th, 2017 @ 1:04 pm )
Trump needs to go far in messing up before I not recognize that he is by far the best president that we have had in 12 years.

As a patient Republican, I fully recognize their problems in getting the real work done.
( September 7th, 2017 @ 11:49 am )
Trump the Deal Maker
There are many partisans who will b!t˘h and complain about President Trump cutting a deal with Chuck Schumer and the democrats but I see this as just a shot across the bow of the never Trumpers among the Republican party. Ryan and McConnell have tried their very best to untrack Trump's agenda and I suspect he has made a calculated decision to align himself with the democrats on an issue that he is in agreement with them.

All the bluster and bust is nothing more than political posturing on both sides. Trump is finally in the Deal Making mode that made him very rich. It is based on working with various sides toward his goal. Only a narrow-elitist-minded-purist-idiot-partisan (NEM-PIP) would complain just because there accomplished something by working with the other side.

That may be unusual these days in Washington but it is part of The Art of The Deal.

It will be interesting to watch.
( September 7th, 2017 @ 11:43 am )
Great Post Bobby Tony.

We now live in a world that Snowflakes and Snowflake coddlers cannot understand.

When Trump is the Russia problem, then those Liberals /Socialists do not understand Russia, the World, or the history of the United States.

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