Why Do Core Democrats Conflate all Issues? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Having American Talk Show Hosts, all core Democrats, who were captivated by the Obamas; fawning over their every action, explaining their corruption to the rest of us as normal, so we could understand its New Age relevance to a Liberals' moral code, now call for President Donald Trump's removal.


Or the wiser question to ask may well be: Does there exist any real patriots among core Democrats, or are they just keeping their heads down, carving out a niche for a future position?

    Publisher's note: This concluding, larger piece of a two part issue is explained here regarding the Charlottesville ugliness. The first part of this short series can be found here.

After a full couple of weeks of the Charlottesville hysteria, and the Snowflake fake outrage, culminating into the ever present, but ramped up Trump Derangement Syndrome, American Talk Show Hosts are calling for the President's removal from office.

    American Talk Show Hosts, all core Democrats, who were captivated by the Obamas; fawning over their every action, and explaining their corruption to the rest of us as normal, so we could understand its New Age relevance to a Liberals' moral code, now call for President Donald Trump's removal from office as a badge of their honor. And, why are these "brilliant" spokespeople for an unlearned, intellectually incurious collection of the Oft-offended taken so seriously?

    Quite simply in this anology, they are not taken seriously; not by serious people's standards, those who enjoy wisdom and humor in equal measure. The only audience that remains for these politically charged Liberals, posing as hip comedians, whoring any remnants of their principles, wisdom and even last shreds of humor to the prized demographic of the indoctrinated, politically correct Snowflakes of that generation. Wow! ... now that is an edgy crowd of wise provocateurs ... Right?

    I stopped watching these bland, unimaginative band of Late Show irritants years ago, shortly after Jay Leno was no longer relevant to the young, hip and ignorant of a this new generation. Let's face it: Any generation that can not build on the musical triumphs of the past, and cannot simply create memorable melodies, of a commercial nature (Have you heard the uninspired drivel from the commercial genres of music?), may well exhibit a poor taste for reality. This is just one example of both a profound dearth of creativity from an entire generation - the Facebook generation. This social media obsessed generation is comprised of far too many Snowflakes: far too over stimulated, far too easily offended, far too unknowledgeable on so many issues, especially history - American and World; and often, even their brighter lights are either not altogether centered in a root knowledge, or are too afraid that they may also offend this PC herd by spouting a good bit of obvious wisdom; perceptive knowledge that could possibly anger the oblivious among them.

    Oblivious? Basically, that is how I see it, know it, and watched it happen right before my very eyes, and was helpless to do anything about it, other than try to influence those closest to me, even at the risk of becoming an anathema in the liberal community where I raised my children. It was difficult, and, I am still not sure that I was successful, maybe in some small measure; but, as an optimist, I hold out hope. Hope that all of my children will become far more wise than their generation that holds them back, and, it is my sincere wish that they turn a cold shoulder to the continuance of the negative, pathetically ignorant, wrong-headed influences that far too often become conventional wisdom for this Snowflake generation. A poor conventional wisdom that stresses that the nuances of real history are invalid, and that the Liberals' cause célèbre of the moment is paramount.

    It is a whirlwind of stupidity that led to a lawless, incompetent, corrupt president, celebrated by American Talk Show Hosts, who gave our society the perfect blend of moral and intellectual decay to give us: 1) Gay Marriage; 2) Surrender from a war in Iraq that was won, allowing the genesis of ISIS /ISIL; 3) the treating the Obama Stimulus package as a slush fund for Democrats (Democrat owned Solyndra was just one and the corrupt Obama DOJ did nothing; 4) (while we are on the subject) the most corrupt DOJ in modern times, while under AG Eric Holder and AG Lorretta Lynch; 5) Transgenders in the military (U.S. government paying for their sex changes); 6) Releasing scores of hardcore terrorists to the battlefield to close Gitmo, which never closed; 7) Socialized medicine (while lying to the American people 26 recorded times) to begin the turning of our USA into a Socialist nation; ObamaCare is bankrupt; 8) negotiated a one sided (for the enemy) "Iran Nuclear Deal", which will eventually allow Iran nuclear weapons, while that nation continues on an aggressive missile delivery system; 9) a corrupt IRS management which was beholden and codependent upon core Democrat politics; 10) effected an Open Border policy for Illegal Immigrants to change the social demographics of the Republic; 11) the Benghazi Cover-up Sacandal; 12) The V.A. (Veterans's Administration) Fraud and Neglect Scandal ... I could go on and on here ...

    And, remarkably, the Obama enthusiasts of stage, screen and the marginally real World have deep problems with this new President because: he does not speak the way they want him to speak; and that he does not ascribe to revisionist history as they do ... Oh, and their hyped: "Russia Collusion" (a scandal searching for the real evidence of a crime)/ "Obstruction of Justice" for firing an incompetent /politically motivated FBI Director. Surreal right? We may agree on that truth, but, this unprincipled core Democrat behavior becomes all too real since they own the unprincipled Democrat Media. The unprincipled Democrat Media is still enough of an impetus to reward these ignorant core Democrats ("brilliant" people from all generations), because there is still enough ignorant Americans to elect them to our representative government, probably because they buy into the "Fake News" dictums, which is a disgusting, but very real and destructive paradigm.
Whitehouse photo: President Trump flanked by Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas (left), and Senator David Perdue of Georgia (right) as they unveil a very wise package to deal with Illegal Immigration: Above.    Click image to expand.

    However, with all that is at stake in America today, the resolve of the unprincipled Democrat Media, with their Snowflake / Leftist Socialist sycophant coalition, is to whine about Charlottesville, and how President Trump did not use the right words at the right time. Honestly, for all Liberals that are not ideologically owned at this point: Would it have mattered what he said at any of those press conferences?

    No, it would not have mattered, not one bit, and that is the crazy "Hell of it". There is a great group of core Democrats with their Democrat Media, and they want their minions, their sycophants intellectually vapid. Keeping these sychophants intellectually pliable is just their way of keeping them in firm control, and has been a success for at least a generation, which is largely why we have wound up with the dumbed-down Snowflake Generation.

    The Snowflakes have become what Vladimir Lenin would have described as the "Useful Idiots" of our time, which portends that this hysterical group of politically correct "Cupcakes" can be wielded to the will of a greater intellect, provided that the one cause is that one that they can believe in, one they can easily understand. Ergo, the Leftist elements within the Education Industry provide the bulk of the Indoctrination to ready these Snowflakes for their "Useful Idiot" status by keeping their heads not too full of any real knowledge, but open, and pliable as is necessary. When you hear college administrators pledge that their college /university will expose these young minds to challenging ideas and ideals, they may be foretelling of the indoctrination that you will be footing the bill for.

    What brings me to this grand point of the measured, but persistent sanitization of American History is the grand scheme of this synchronized of Leftist Socialists, including those within the compliant portions of the Education Industry. The modus operandi of their grand design is to keep competing ideas out of their young minds of our American youth, and one would know that by listening to our individual youths, or within a collective group. Knowledge of history, American or otherwise, is not their strong intellectual suit. That is why I am confounded by the righteous indignation by these activists, the Democrat media, and core Democrats, all basically ignorant of the reality of the past. Essentially, they just do not have enough real knowledge of these past events to be so hysterically incredulous about Southern Civil War Memorials, and their removal; either by public ordinance or by anarchy, as we saw in Durham, NC; which, I hear may have been led by foreign Communists.

    Regardless of these anarchists, and their collective disregard for the past deeds of those lowly foot soldiers of the Confederacy, who believed in a misguided cause. Lowly citizens of the land, who fought so well, for so long, and sacrificed so much to repel the Northern invaders; these are my Southern forefathers. Furthermore, these statues, as memorials, are here to stay as long as the respective states and local communities, where they stand, wish to keep them there. Anarchists, like those misguided "Useful idiots" in Durham, could and should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    If lawlessness is allowed to persist to the point of Snowflake /Liberal celebration, as the lawless Left did in Durham, one must ask: Where does this perpetuating lawlessness end? Do we tear up our Declaration of Independence because Thomas Jefferson owned Slaves? Do we turn a blind eye to the desecration of the Lincoln memorial, because President Lincoln did not strike war against the South to end slavery, but "to preserve the Union" at all costs, plus Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president? Do we change the name of Washington, DC to something else ... maybe ... Lenin on the Potomac ... just because George Washington, the Father of our Country, owned slaves, or: do we tear up the Constitution of the United States, our very guidepost of principles to our past and our future as a Nation of Laws, just because fellow Virginian James Madison also owned slaves.

    Where would it end; this sanitation of our nation's past, and the destruction of our Republic's future? How far will the insane behavior of the Left be permitted to promulgate this charade of deceit, this reforming of America's future by rewriting its past?

In regards to the Russia Election Tampering matter: Is President Trump being treated fairly by core Democrats and the Mainstream Media?
  Yes, the new president is guilty until proven innocent.
  No, President Trump's treatment is dictated by the usual Democrat double standard.
  Don't care; there are more important issues facing America.
117 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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Legislative Committee sets Wednesday Hearing to Investigate GenX Discharge Clarion Call, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics Sanitizing American History and Taking Down this President


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